MineTweaker/ModTweaker - A help and suggestions thread.

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I'm trying to add a very simple crafting recipe, just to make one torch from one stick and one IC2 sticky resin. I'm running into 2 problems with it. I can't get it to change the output from 4 torches to 1 torch, and the recipe itself doesn't show in NEI. It works along with all of the other existing torch recipes, just won't show up even after I've restarted the pack. Does anyone have suggestions?

I'm using 1.7.10 and the code in question is

recipes.addShaped(<minecraft:torch> * 1,[[<IC2:itemHarz>],[<minecraft:stick>]]);
I'm trying to add a very simple crafting recipe, just to make one torch from one stick and one IC2 sticky resin. I'm running into 2 problems with it. I can't get it to change the output from 4 torches to 1 torch, and the recipe itself doesn't show in NEI. It works along with all of the other existing torch recipes, just won't show up even after I've restarted the pack. Does anyone have suggestions?

I'm using 1.7.10 and the code in question is

recipes.addShaped(<minecraft:torch> * 1,[[<IC2:itemHarz>],[<minecraft:stick>]]);

recipes.addShapeless(<minecraft:torch> * 4,[<IC2:itemHarz>, <minecraft:stick>]);

That should work
recipes.addShapeless(<minecraft:torch> * 4,[<IC2:itemHarz>, <minecraft:stick>]);

That should work

Thanks for the help! Sadly, it didn't work. However, I did change it back after that and NoMoreRecipeConflicts showed 2 possible recipes with the sticky resin and stick combo, one returns 4 torches and the other returns 1 torch. Still nothing in NEI. So then I removed MineTweaker from the pack entirely, loaded a new world, and discovered that the recipe for torches using sticky resin is actually already implemented by IC2, I checked NEI and didn't see it so I didn't think it existed. So really I just have to remove that one before adding mine.

So, in a roundabout way, your suggestion was really helpful.
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Well, now that I've got that figured out... is there any way to specify that it's only that torch recipe I'm removing? recipes.remove(<minecraft:torch>); seems like it would remove all of them and that's not really what I'm going for. Or will I just have to add the rest back manually?
Well, now that I've got that figured out... is there any way to specify that it's only that torch recipe I'm removing? recipes.remove(<minecraft:torch>); seems like it would remove all of them and that's not really what I'm going for. Or will I just have to add the rest back manually?

Yeah. "recipes.removeShaped" and then put the recipe in that you want removed like you would a normal crafting recipe.
Well, now that I've got that figured out... is there any way to specify that it's only that torch recipe I'm removing? recipes.remove(<minecraft:torch>); seems like it would remove all of them and that's not really what I'm going for. Or will I just have to add the rest back manually?
Yeah. "recipes.removeShaped" and then put the recipe in that you want removed like you would a normal crafting recipe.
Though from my experience it's a bit buggy, and doesn't actually remove it properly.

Either that or I'm being a scrub :p
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So I'm writing a script to change Enderium's Tinker's values back to what they were pre-nerf, and I keep getting this error

ERROR: Error parsing TC.zs:10 -- ) expected

and this is my script

import mods.tconstruct.ToolStats;

ToolStats.setHarvestLevel("Enderium", 8);
ToolStats.setDurability("Enderium", 1100);
ToolStats.setSpeed("Enderium", 23);
ToolStats.setDamage("Enderium", 8);
ToolStats.setHandleModifier("Enderium", 2.0);
ToolStats.setReinforcedLevel("Enderium" , 1);
ToolStats.setBowDrawspeed("Enderium", 6);
ToolStats.setBowFlightSpeed("Enderium", 3.0F);
ToolStats.setArrowStats("Enderium", 9.0F, 20.0F, 100F);
Check line 10 "ToolStats.setBowFlightSpeed("Enderium", 3.0F);"

Something about that is wrong. Can't tell you exactly. Looks like the error is expecting another variable??
Well, this is the sample code from the wiki:

mods.tconstruct.ToolStats.setBowFlightSpeed("Wood", 6.5F);

I have no idea.
Is that your entire script, or just an extract? if it's an extract, look at line 10 of the whole script, see if there's any obvious errors. Otherwise, haven't a clue!

I usually get that sort of message if I miss a ( ) < > ,
That's the whole script. I did download it through the Curse launcher for a custom modpack. Maybe that has something to do with it?
Looking at the line above the errored one:

ToolStats.setBowDrawspeed("Enderium", 6);

Are you sure that isn't supposed to be ToolStats.setBowDrawSpeed() with a capital 'S' in 'speed?' Dunno how the MT parser works with regard to reporting exceptions and such, but misspelling the method could be a source of trouble.
Tried it with a capital S and it still gave me that error. I'll try doing it without that line and see what happens.

EDIT: It turns out that modifying the Arrow stats is what was giving me the error. I've removed all of the arrow stat modifiers and it works.

EDIT2: Is there another import I should be using to modify the arrow stats?
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Does Tinkers' Construct 2 for 1.10 have Minetweaker/Modtweaker support? I tried using this line:

mods.tconstruct.Smeltery.addMelting(<minecraft:porkchop>, <liquid:blood> * 200, 200, <minecraft:cobblestone>);

That's taken from the Minetweaker Wiki, but with TConstruct:MeatBlock replaced with minecraft:cobblestone since meat blocks don't exist in 1.10 yet and mod names need to be lowercase anyway.

Upon adding that to my script, I get the following error:

ERROR: ?:1 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (minetweaker.item.IItemStack, minetweaker.liquid.ILiquidStack, int, minetweaker.item.IItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\naddMelting(§rZenTypeNative, §rZenTypeNative, §rZenTypeInt, §aOptional §rZenTypeNative )
Does Tinkers' Construct 2 for 1.10 have Minetweaker/Modtweaker support? I tried using this line:

mods.tconstruct.Smeltery.addMelting(<minecraft:porkchop>, <liquid:blood> * 200, 200, <minecraft:cobblestone>);

That's taken from the Minetweaker Wiki, but with TConstruct:MeatBlock replaced with minecraft:cobblestone since meat blocks don't exist in 1.10 yet and mod names need to be lowercase anyway.

Upon adding that to my script, I get the following error:

ERROR: ?:1 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (minetweaker.item.IItemStack, minetweaker.liquid.ILiquidStack, int, minetweaker.item.IItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\naddMelting(§rZenTypeNative, §rZenTypeNative, §rZenTypeInt, §aOptional §rZenTypeNative )
If you've actually looked at the 1.10.2 page, you would know the syntax is different
//OutputFluid, InputStack, TemperatureAmount, BlockRender
mods.tconstruct.Smeltery.addMelting(<liquid:blood> * 200, <minecraft:porkchop>, 200, <tconstruct:slime:2>);
Hey, Im currently trying to change the infusion recipe for infused terra seeds, but for some reason, this script spits out the error: ERROR: Error parsing InfinityPackWideChanges.zs:58 -- ; expected.

Here is the script:
#Infused Seeds fix
var terraSeed = <ThaumicTinkerer:infusedSeeds>.withTag({mainAspect: {Aspects: [{amount: 1, key: terra}]},aspectTendencies: {Aspects: []}})

mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("TT_CATEGORY”,<minecraft:wheat_seeds>,[<ore:shardEarth>*4],“messis 32, meto 32”, terraSeed, 5);

I have no idea what the problem is, as far as I can see, my formatting is fine. Perhaps I'm just making a silly mistake and overlooking something?

This is on ftb infinity evolved 2.6.0
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That error means that a ; was expected, note that you don't end the second line in the provided code with one.

Also, just to check, why are you trying to change the recipe? That and your infusion is unlikely to work, not sure how well infusion deals with stacks > 1 in size, if you want to use four the safe and reliable option is just copy paste the item four times.