I am working on a tweak for crafting wood where I use tools to craft said wood. My problem is I have no idea if it's possible to make it so the tool used is not consumed and instead simply damaged.
So, is it possible?
I think it should be possible, though I have no idea on how to do it.
you could have it so the recipe will return you a tool with an added damage value
Yes, but then how do I give a wood plank in addition if the output is also a tool?
recipes.addShaped(<2003:0>, [[null, item.thermalexpansion.material.powerCoilSilver, null], [oreDict.gearCopper, item.railcraft.part.plate.steel, oreDict.gearCopper], [oreDict.ingotCopper, item.redstone, oreDict.ingotCopper]]);
Speaking of Minetweaker, can anyone see what I've done wrong with this one little recipe
All it should be doing is adding a steel plate from railcraft in a dynamo recipe