MineMod.org | Premium FTB Server

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Where you heard about the server:FTB forums
Why you would like to play on the server:To play FTB with other people, as single player gets boring after a while
If you have any bans on record:I have never been banned before
What can you bring to the community:As i have been using most of the mods in FTB before, i can help people who are less knowledgeable about the mods.
IGN: xXPecuniamXx
Where you heard about the server: FTB forums
Why you would like to play on the server: I would love to have great small-medium style community to have fun with and also to help me if i dont know what to do because im quite bad at this stuff and im pretty new to FTB.
If you have any bans on record: Unfornutely I have due to the fact that im being honest and that ive been on the minecraft community for so long.
What can you bring to the community: Well Im a fun player and am very active and love building. I would love to help people build there house or factory :D
IGN: Meepalord
Where you heard about the server: http://ftbservers.com/
Why you would like to play on the server: I looked at the other servers on the website and yours looked the best and I need a server to play on.
If you have any bans on record: I have no bans
What can you bring to the community:I am pretty advanced in feed the beast and i am nice and will help others
IGN: adwhitenc
Where you heard about the server: http://ftbservers.com/
Why you would like to play on the server: Because mods are best enjoyed with other people as a community.
If you have any bans on record: Nope.
What can you bring to the community:I have been using tekkit since it came out and switched to FTB when it was released. I have extensive knowledge of every mod in FTB(except for maybe factorization and MFFS but those are the two I'm focusing on right now). I am more than happy to help out anyone and share my knowledge as well as program anything that anyone needs in ComputerCraft.
IGN: morse31
Where you heard about the server? On this forum.
Why you would like to play on the server? I love minecraft. I love to work with other people and help them out. I love building things. I'm a very good builder, and I am extremely cooperative.
Any bans on record? No, I try my best to NOT get in trouble.
What can you bring to the community? A trustworthy Friend.
IGN: 123pker123
Where you heard about the server: FTB forums
Why you would like to play on the server: Getting tired of single player and want to interact with others
If you have any bans on record: nope
What can you bring to the community: My slavery to mining :D
IGN: VertexIon
Where you heard about the server: ftbservers
Why you would like to play on the server: Looking for a good FTB SMP experience
If you have any bans on record: Clean. ;)
What can you bring to the community: Not exceptionally good at mods, but i guess i can contribute to the community by staying on the good side. :p
IGN: Monthu
Where you heard about the server: A friend.
Why you would like to play on the server: My friends are already on here and I'd like to join.
If you have any bans on record: No.
What can you bring to the community: I'm good at using redstone, and if I have the opportunity to help others I will
IGN: MatthewPaliotti
Where i heard about the server: on a feed the beast server list.
Why do i want to play on this server: well i have been watching people play ftb on the tube.... and looks like all kinds of fun, and i know better than to join a non-whitelist server. whitelist is the way to go!
was also reading some of the posts in the forums, and the looks like a tight community, and that was a good selling feature.
Do i have any bans on record: i believe i have one for xray, from like 3 years ago or something was a long time ago, i do not xray. what happened was my brother was like hey check out this mod, and the first time i used it, a mod found me playing around with the no torch feature and well..... have never xray'd since! learned my lesson.
What can i bring to the community: well im not bringing any ftb knowledge, at all. for the community i like to think im someone everyone can get along with, and help out where i can. i also like to think i bring some above average redstone knowledge, im not really a builder as i usually find myself building in caves, but i make the cave look nice!

Thankyou for taking the time reading my post, hopefully will be playing with you all soon!
IGN: Poarses
Where you heard about the server: FTB forums.
Why would you like to play on the server: Just looking for a stable server with a good community :) I eventually want to be able to combine complex machinery into aesthetically appealing builds.
If you have any bans on record: Unfairly banned from 2 servers with abusive admins.
What can you bring to the community: I'm more than happy to help anyone out with the main mods (redpower, industrialcraft) etc. I get along easily with people and I'm sure I can help with big builds, group projects etc.
Where you heard about the server:On the forum of feed the beast
Why you would like to play on the server:i want to play on ftb online and this server sounds good
If you have any bans on record:no
What can you bring to the community: new designes and mutch fun
Please improve the grammar on your app and post again.[DOUBLEPOST=1354536010][/DOUBLEPOST]
Where you heard about the server?
I found it through MCF.
Why you would like to play on the server?
The previous server I was on went way overboard with banning items. I want to have a fun time exploring all the mods that this pack has to offer.
Do you have any bans on record?
I have been banned before, though it was over 8 months ago and I cant remember server names/reasons. I haven't done anything ban-worthy after that, and will neither.
What can you bring to the community?
I enjoy building big (sometimes rather pointless) structues, like factories and processing stations. My knowledge on the mods is somewhere around medium, except for twilight forest, which I dont really like.
Anything else you want to say?
I am a mature player, and used to playing on whitelisted private servers with a strong community, though mostly vanilla. I really hope I can add this server to my list of most favourite .
IGN: sjele (All lower case)​
Where you heard about the server: Feed the beast forums​
Why you would like to play on the server: I have played some FTB ssp, and i played tekkit so i know some, but there is so much new things i have yet to understand fully how to use in FTB. So it is sort of so i can get help, help others with ic2 stuff. I allso find it booring to play ssp, as there is noone around me, and i have noone to talk to there.​
If you have any bans on record: None​
What can you bring to the community: I can help with ic2 stuff. I can allso help with computercraft, as i am fairly good with it.​
IGN trixes
Where you heard about this server: My freind :)
I wanna play with you guys and play togheter, I dont like to play by my self. And im really good builder
Hope i see you in game!:)
if you have any bans on record: no
WHat can you bring to community: I can help and chare items or trade/ so yeah
“IGN: wemja
Where you heard about the server: I found this server on FTBservers.com
Why you would like to play on the server: I like semi small servers with a good comunity and the ftb modpack
If you have any bans on record: yes , the first server i ever played on banned me and one of my friends for not speaking english (we spoke dutch in chat) after 20 min and didnt even gave a warning.
What can you bring to the community: a lot of knowledge about the mods& redstone , a lot of humor, like to help people out + random minigame ideas to entertain other players
IGN: MegaVoimaa
Where you heard about the server: FTB forums
Why you would like to play on the server: I just want to build things and have a fun!
If you have any bans on record: I don't think i have!
What can you bring to the community: Nice buildings, awesome machines and i can help other people too.
All accepted!
IGN: SirGriffin
Where you heard about the server: Feed the beast forums
Why you would like to play on the server: Because I had a server but some guy came on and killed me and took my stuff so I'm looking for a new server
If you have any bans on record: No
What can you bring to the community: I am very helpful and I can build well. I don't like to dirty up the landscape alot so my buildings look very natural
IGN: Waffelzz
Where you heard about the server:Feed The Beast Fourms
Why you would like to play on the server: I Would Like To Experience FTB in multiplayer instead doing it alone
If you have any bans on record: No Bans
What can you bring to the community: Cool designs, nice buildings, and some fun
IGN: coderedkiller15
Where you heard about the server: FTB forums
Why you mmunity: Im pretty decent with redstone and with automated systems. I also love to lend a helping hand to people with their projects
IGN: asuro007
Where you heard about the server: ftbservers.com
Why you would like to play on the server: Want to play on a ftb server with a friendly community
If you have any bans on record: Did not get banned on any servers
What can you bring to the community: Friendly and active player,I like to cooperate with others to build something great ;)
Where you heard about the server: I was looking at a FTB server list and saw this so I thmmunity: I'm very friendly and love to help others.​

IGN: rafi1357 and Eyesome1234
Where you heard about the server: FTB Forums and FTB Server list
list me its okay but I really hope you can whitelist both of us.
IGN: AceGuy13
Where you hear hardest not to
What can you bring to the community:At the momment i dont know as i said im new to ftb
IGN: Cnx4mia123
Where you heard about the server: Mony
Why you would like to play on the server: This server looks very popular and secure since it is whitelisted.
If you have any bans on record: I'm sure as I lost control of my account before, but I got it back, and it's 100% secure.
What can you bring to the community: I can build, and I love to help people and have a great time. It's my greatest quest to see everyone having fun like I am.
Where you heard about the server:On FTBservers
Why you would like to play on the server: because it looks like a nice server and whitelisted servers have less griefers
If you have any bans on record: i dont have any bans
What can you bring to the community:I am pretty experienced so i can help people who arent experienced
IGN: Daylesmithy95
Where you heard about the server: i saw this server from ftbservers.com :p
on record: I have no ban records.
What can you bring to the community: again i can work in a team, help others, i am mature person so i won't act like a child over little things and ill try and sort any other peoples problems.
IGN: Sannitybuild
Where you heard about the server:FTB Servers.com
Whyto the supported world that is FTB. What i will use the most is IC2 though, becuase i love the machines

-Thanks for reading,
IGN: ChiefStorm
Where you heard about the server: ftbservers.com
Why you would like to play on the server: I'd like to join a smallish community where I can not only learn to use mods effectively but also with other people.
If you have any bans on record: None that I know of.
What can you bring to the community: Crazy experiments and a friendly scientist. (F.Y.I. I'm not a scientist)
IGN: rapidzturtle
I found the server at: http://ftbservers.com/server/6/view/smp1-minemod-org
I would like to play on the server because i enjoy the ftb modpack and i find i boring playi also have allot of experience
IGN: Feenrus
Where you heard about the server: FTB Forums
Why you would like to play on the server: Really miss playing multiplayer
If you have any bans on record: No, never :D
What can you bring to the community: Friendship and the elements of harmony, and some good laughts :D
IGN: carver01
Where you heard about the server: Docm77 and the mindcrackers.
Why you would like to play on the server: I have played a long time vinila but now I want something new.
If you have any bans on record: No I haven't.
What can you bring to the community: I like to play with other people and help them. I have played tekkit a long time so I know a lot of those mods. I Am also a good builder.
IGN: Juniperr
Where you heard about the server: FTB Server Promotion Sub-Forum
Why you would like to play on the server: I like multiplayer...I like FTB...this server seems fun :)
If you have any bans on record: Yup
What can you bring to the community: Not much, really. Since I just want to play this on my free time. So you can say some activity to the server, builds and a new player. I'll try to help if possible tho.
IGN: Flatbutter
Where you heard about the server: Feed The Beast Forum
Why you would like to play on the server: Because, I like FTB, Minecraft, and im searching for active server.
If you have any bans on record:
What can you bring to the community: Redpower, Forestry knowledge, also LUA programming.
IGN: MCstevie3
Where you heard about the server: ftb forum
Why you would like to play on the server: want to play on a server and help/see others builds
If you have any bans on record: nope
What can you bring to the community:Help can build cool structure's and give advice to new players
IGN: Bubling
Where you heard about the server: a friend (HalfHype)
Why you would like to play on the server: I want to share my creations and to play with others
If you have any bans on record: no
What can you bring to the community: I can build quite well, I know most things about all the mods and I want to show people cool designs for machines
IGN: Sk1llsPro
Where you heard about the server: FTB forum
Why you would like to play on the server: It lookeed like a really fun server, and im getting bored of single player :)
If you have any bans on record: Never
What can you bring to the community: Knowledge and a helping hand to whoever needs it
IGN: Insert0Name0Here
Where you heard about the server: FTB server list
Why you would like to play on the server: I would like to play on this server because I have really enjoyed playing in singleplayer and I want to try playing on a multiplayer
IGN: Gaktan
Where you heard about the server: From this forum
Why you would like to play on the server: I would like to play on a cool server with nice and mature people. I hope this server will fit my expectations :) .
If you have any bans on record: No
What can you bring to the community: I don't know. Maybe a little help and fun of course !
ning and can make some, in my opinion, good graphics. I also have a background in server developing.
Where you heard about the server: The Website
Why you would like to play on the server: FTB is awesome!
If you have any bans on record: No
What can you bring to the community: Fun
lay on the server:want a nice community and whitelist
If you have any bans on record:no
What can you bring to the community:exitment laughter and freindship
IGN: wisdoms
Where you heard about the server: FTB Forums
What can you bring to the community: I am good with most mods, one being IC-ple with their mods and how it works- being a source of information.
where you heard about this server: FTB Servers
Why would you like to play on this server: I wanna check out the mods side of minecraft, with alot less lag.
If you have any bans on records: Nope
What can you bring to the community: I like to do my own thing, but I am fairly good at redstone, I like helping others.
IGN: RedDragonGecko
Where you heard about the server: Well, right here actually.
Why you would like to play on the server: Tired of playing by myself on my own empty server :(
If you have any bans on record: Nope, Never.
What can you bring to the community: Well, I like to share my resources with others, along with my knowledge.
IGN: ringo54
Where you heard about the server: Websurfing and found the server on FTB server list.
Why you would like to play on the server: Yours will be my first block-modded e my cup of tea.
IGN: Vadistech
Where you heard about the server: I googled Feed the Beast servers, and picked this one.
Why you would like to play on the server:1. Its a FTB server, 2. Its whitelisted so you atleast have to apply. 3. Hosted in the US. Where i play. 4. "run by mature helpfull staff " attracted me!
If you have any bans on record: No
What can you bring to the community: I bring maturity to the community. Im good at building and using redstone. I like to help others and get people involved in projects.
IGN: DodgePro
Where you heard about the server:Right here in these forums
Why you would like to play on the server: Looking for a good running server to play on with a good community
If you have any bans on record: I do not
What can you bring to the community: Easy to talk to, know most of the mods, willing to help and work with people
Where you heard about the server: FTB forums
Why you would like to play on the server: ive been looking for a good FTB server since its come out and i think might be a really good server to play on
If you have any bans on record: i have not been banned from any over servers
What can you bring to the community: ii like helping people and making stuff with the mods and i would like to show people them .

Thanks for reading LOADING_UK
IGN: wolfe02 & hellboy30
Where you heard about the server: This forums
Why you would like to play on the server: Me and my friend are looking for servers with little lo play Feed the beast.
If you have any bans on record: no
What can you bring to the community: will i am good at building and friendly and helpful
IGN: MinerDwarf01
Where you heard about the server: FTB server website
Why you would like to play on the server: I really like FTB and want to play it with other people.
If you have any bans on record: No, I do not.
What can you bring to the community: I can help people and am a pretty good builder.
IGN: Prodigy39
Wcord: None
What can you bring to the community: I can bring help and a lot of fun to the community :)
IGN: DethJerry
Where you heard about the server: FTB Forums
Why you would like to play on the server: want to play on a server with no lag and a nice community
If you have any bans on record: None
What can you bring to the community: Fairly good builder and i am familiar with the newer FTB mods so can help the newbies
IGN: Darknum1649
Where you heard about the server: This Forum
Why you would like to play on the server: I wanna play on a no lag community server with the mods I like.
If you have any bans on record: once
1) Account was hacked when I went back on the server they said I had been greifing (it was the hacker) and i got banned :(
What can you bring to the community: Know about a fair amount of the mods willing to help others and good with redstone :)
IGN: Spontaneo
Where you heard about the server: This forum
Why you would like to play on the server: Looking for a community to stick with and a steady place to build also this server has mumble. (tired of migrating from server to server)
If you have any bans on record: None that I know of.
What can you bring to the community: I am a rather decent builder medium - large scale building projects. I also have some experience building with some of the newer mods FTB has to offer.
IGN: necap7
Where you heard about the server: On a feed the beast server list.
Why ecord: No, not at all.
What can you bring to the community: Experience and being able to help the newer players.
n if im really pro at it I will help other people that needs help :D
All accepted!
IGN: Poarses
Where you heard about the server: FTB forums.
Why would you like to play on the server: Just looking for a stable server with a good community :) I eventually want to be able to combine complex machinery into aesthetically appealing builds.
If you have any bans on record: Unfairly banned from 2 servers with abusive admins.
What can you bring to the community: I'm more than happy to help anyone out with the main mods (redpower, industrialcraft) etc. I get along easily with people and I'm sure I can help with big builds, group projects etc.
IGN: MatthewPaliotti
Where i heard about the server: on a feed the beast server list.
Why do i want to play on this server: well i have been watching people play ftb on the tube.... and looks like all kinds of fun, and i know better than to join a non-whitelist server. whitelist is the way to go!
was also reading some of the posts in the forums, and the looks like a tight community, and that was a good selling feature.
Do i have any bans on record: i believe i have one for xray, from like 3 years ago or something was a long time ago, i do not xray. what happened was my brother was like hey check out this mod, and the first time i used it, a mod found me playing around with the no torch feature and well..... have never xray'd since! learned my lesson.
What can i bring to the community: well im not bringing any ftb knowledge, at all. for the community i like to think im someone everyone can get along with, and help out where i can. i also like to think i bring some above average redstone knowledge, im not really a builder as i usually find myself building in caves, but i make the cave look nice!

Thankyou for taking the time reading my post, hopefully will be playing with you all soon!
IGN: Monthu
Where you heard about the server: A friend.
Why you would like to play on the server: My friends are already on here and I'd like to join.
If you have any bans on record: No.
What can you bring to the community: I'm good at using redstone, and if I have the opportunity to help others I will
IGN: VertexIon
Where you heard about the server: ftbservers
Why you would like to play on the server: Looking for a good FTB SMP experience
If you have any bans on record: Clean. ;)
What can you bring to the community: Not exceptionally good at mods, but i guess i can contribute to the community by staying on the good side. :p
IGN: 123pker123
Where you heard about the server: FTB forums
Why you would like to play on the server: Getting tired of single player and want to interact with others
If you have any bans on record: nope
What can you bring to the community: My slavery to mining :D
IGN: morse31
Where you heard about the server? On this forum.
Why you would like to play on the server? I love minecraft. I love to work with other people and help them out. I love building things. I'm a very good builder, and I am extremely cooperative.
Any bans on record? No, I try my best to NOT get in trouble.
What can you bring to the community? A trustworthy Friend.
IGN: adwhitenc
Where you heard about the server: http://ftbservers.com/
Why you would like to play on the server: Because mods are best enjoyed with other people as a community.
If you have any bans on record: Nope.
What can you bring to the community:I have been using tekkit since it came out and switched to FTB when it was released. I have extensive knowledge of every mod in FTB(except for maybe factorization and MFFS but those are the two I'm focusing on right now). I am more than happy to help out anyone and share my knowledge as well as program anything that anyone needs in ComputerCraft.
IGN: Meepalord
Where you heard about the server: http://ftbservers.com/
Why you would like to play on the server: I looked at the other servers on the website and yours looked the best and I need a server to play on.
If you have any bans on record: I have no bans
What can you bring to the community:I am pretty advanced in feed the beast and i am nice and will help others
IGN: xXPecuniamXx
Where you heard about the server: FTB forums
Why you would like to play on the server: I would love to have great small-medium style community to have fun with and also to help me if i dont know what to do because im quite bad at this stuff and im pretty new to FTB.
If you have any bans on record: Unfornutely I have due to the fact that im being honest and that ive been on the minecraft community for so long.
What can you bring to the community: Well Im a fun player and am very active and love building. I would love to help people build there house or factory :D
Where you heard about the server:FTB forums
Why you would like to play on the server:To play FTB with other people, as single player gets boring after a while
If you have any bans on record:I have never been banned before
What can you bring to the community:As i have been using most of the mods in FTB before, i can help people who are less knowledgeable about the mods.
IGN: Farfel
Where you heard about the server: The FTB Server Promotion Forum
Why you would like to play on the server: I am really interested in trying the FTB modpack with all the amazing features that it has
If you have any bans on record: Not that I know of.
What can you bring to the community: I am just learning the newer mods, and I want to try to make some server wide farms and stuff.
Hear of the server from: okmn20
Why i want to join:To play the server and because no greifing also its because i am great at most of the packs and a good builder of designs so its a shame not to show people
Ban Record:None that i know about
What can u bring to the community:i can bring a lot of stuff to the community essepcially my building skills, also my knollage of this pack, kind heart,respect to the rules, and want to teach people of this mod pack
All accepted![DOUBLEPOST=1354537997][/DOUBLEPOST]Alright That was way too many apps. You guys are awesome glad to see the servers so popular!
IGN: HGC_Psyko
Where you heard about the server: FTB forums
Why you would like to play on the server: I want to learn about the different parts of the modpack from users who "specialize" themselves in the different mods
If you have any bans on record: No
What can you bring to the community: I can help if someone's stuck with a recipe or something like that. I'm also good at the IndustrialCraft mod
Where you heard about the server: Here on the forum
Why you would like to play on the server:I want to play FTB online Whit out Grefing
If you have any bans on record: no
What can you bring to the community:Lots of fun and new designes
IGN: Mosse163

Where you heard about the server:
on Miinemod

Why you would like to play on the server:
i think this is a good server and i wanna play on it.

If you have any bans on record:
Yes, two times one on my freinds server cuz he was mad on me and one on a tekkit PVP server without a reason.

What can you bring to the community:
i am good at building and IC2 and buildcraft.
SRY for my english...