MineMod.org | Premium FTB Server

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Where you heard about the server:Google
Why you would like to play on the server:I had a great experience with tekkit and i wanna try a private server!
If you have any bans on record:Nope
What can you bring to the community: Redstone contraptions and alot of cool stuff
I have 4 applications. 1 is for me, the other 3 of them are for friends.

My Application:

IGN: Badasspick
Where you heard about the server: FTB Serverlist at http://ftbservers.com
Why you would like to play on the server: Because I am looking for a server to play on with my friends.
If you have any bans on record: Not that I know/remember about
What can you bring to the community: I will help out as much as I can for people needing help with mods I know about. I know about most of the mods in here, and I am a quick learner. I use to play Tekkit so I know most of the mods in Feed The Beast. I am also able to code in Computercraft using Lua, quite well.

Friends applications:

IGN: Zypherking
Where you heard about the server: From Badasspick
Why you would like to play on the server: So I can play with my friends
If you have any bans on record: No
What can you bring to the community: I am quite good in most mods, some are new to me, I will try and help other players if I am able to. I am also a goodish coder in Computercraft

IGN: danger229
Where you heard about the server: From Badasspick
Why you would like to play on the server: So I can play with my friends, and not be seperated, via server being full, etc.
If you have any bans on record: No
What can you bring to the community: I am good in most mods, yet there are a few that I do not know that well, like Computercraft.

IGN: CeRNo_I_cXn
Where you heard about the server: From Badasspick
Why you would like to play on the server: So I am able to play in a friendly communtiy with many other players
If you have any bans on record: No
What can you bring to the community: I am able to help new players, with most of the mods in Tekkit.

We have all played Tekkit. If you are able to accept that would be very helpful, Thank you if you can, in advance.
IGN: "Pach7k0" , and "vicious_kitten"
Where you heard about the server:On the ftb forums
Why you would like to play on the server: Both me and my gf love playing minecraft and have both liked the FTB mod pack, but I cant host a server with my system and all the public servers get too much grief, and this server looks like it could be fun.
If you have any bans on record:No neither of us do.
What can you bring to the community:We can offer friendly help and conversation.

Sorry about this being for both of us but she doesnt have an account on here.
IGN: Wbjpen
Where you heard about the server: ftbservers.com
Why you would like to play on the server: I'd like to join a nice FTB server where I can learn how to play it and make cool inventions.
If you have any bans on record: None
What can you bring to the community: I usually make big towns, ones I just made were a Nordic, snow village, a Dutch-like village, and a Aztec town. I'm pretty good at redstone, I've made quite a few inventions and I wanna see what I can make with FTB.
IGN: okmn20
Where you heard about the server: FTB Forum
Why you would like to play on the server: To have fun playing with FTB, Play a server with no lag, have a good gameing community in-game, and to have no one steal :)
If you have any bans on record: None
What can you bring to the community: I am fun to talk to, I am good to others, never make jokes at the expense of others, will try to be on every other day, I love the twighlight forest and mystcraft :D, I loved tekkit and love ftb more
Where you heard about the server: I heard about the server from ftbservers.com
Why you would like to play on the server:because i am nice and i am friendly and i would like to play multiplayer with out worring about greifers
If you have any bans on record:no records
What can you bring to the community:being helpful friendly and nice as a good citizen
IGN: StickWarsLIt
Where you heard about the server: FTB forums
Why you would like to play on the server: Just would like to join a nice community to play FTB on
If you have any bans on record: Nope
What can you bring to the community: I have had a lot of experience playing with all the mods, been paying with them for about a year now. I am good with all of the logic stuff also, and enjoy helping people out
Where you heard about the server: I saw it on the FTB Forums
Why you would like to play on the server:I like FTB and i want a server that it is less likely that i get griefed
If you have any bans on record:I dont think I have any bans on record and if i do they are from admins i am friends with and they were trying to make me mad
What can you bring to the community:I will help if people need help and i am a good builder
IGN: Dusty68
Where you heard about the server: The FTB Forums
Why you would like to play on the server: This looks like a server that I would enjoy playing on, the community seems nice and I enjoy playing FTB and Minecraft
If you have any bans on record: I don't believe I have ever been banned
What can you bring to the community: I'm a nice guy, I'll help anyone who needs it. I will probably get myself started up first but then I'll probably go around helping people with things, and maybe build a nice, small castle
IGN: iPlayNaked69
Where you heard about the server: Found it while searching on Google.
Why you would like to play on the server: Because I recently found out about the FTB modpack on youtube and have since then been playing it on singleplayer. I think it would be fun to be able to play it with other people though.
If you have any bans on record: None as far as I know.
What can you bring to the community: Help, talk and just have fun. :)
IGN: danieldenham
Where you heard about the server: ftb forums
Why you would like to play on the server: i like ftb but I keep getting griefed on other servers and i think this one sounds great!
If you have any bans on record: I have never been banned from anything.
What can you bring to the community: I will help people out when needed and will follow the rules.
IGN: kinjiru

Where you heard about the server: From these forums directly.

Why you would like to play on the server: I'm new to FTB, had been playing technic. Thought about starting up my own server, but really don't have the extra time to admin it. I'd like some folks to hang out with when playing.

If you have any bans on record: None.

What can you bring to the community: I'm so-so with tekkit/technic, redstone stuff, etc... nothing too fancy, but adept. I played TerraFirma Craft for quite a while, but have moved on to the tech mods. I'm friendly, mature, good sense of humor. I'm more of the gather resources and such type than an elaborate builder, but do really enjoy building. Really into the survival aspect of the game.
IGN: MercilessProphet
Where you heard about the server: Here
Why you would like to play on the server: I love modpacks and SMP, so why not combine them?
If you have any bans on record: I was usually the one doing the banning, so no.
What can you bring to the community: 1337 builds once I get started. I had a huge castle on server I was an admin on, but then the server was sold so I quit and the castle was destroyed. Here's some shots from early on in the construction before most anything was built- http://imgur.com/a/PC9od#0
IGN: Bazgracz
Where you heard about the server: Well, on this sub-forum. I found FTB on Thaumcraft 3 MCF topic page.
Why you would like to play on the server: Few months ago I played on Tekkit server. I stopped because they stopped updating Tekkit. I really liked it and had huge project but somehow I had to go.
If you have any bans on record: No I don't have any bans or I don't remember that someone banned me before. If so it was mostly because Admin/Mod was a Kid that banned me.
What can you bring to the community: I'm quiet and co-operative player that likes to help other players. I like to build massive things but also small and detailed builds. I like all these things because they give a lot of freedom and new possibilities like a micro blocks or new types of blocks.
Where you heard about the server: FTB Forum
Why you would like to play on the server: Ned a good server to play on.
If you have any bans on record: No.
What can you bring to the community: Experience within Minecraft. Have my own Tekkit Server.
Where you heard about the server:Looking Through Server list
Why you would like to play on the server:To Enjoy The Mods and talk to the people on the server
If you have any bans on record:Not That i know of
What can you bring to the community:Helping new Ftb Member with the mods and following all rules
IGN: prometheus7504
Where you heard about the server:FTB forums
Why you would like to play on the server:I am looking for a good server with good people good uptime and minimal lag
If you have any bans on record:no
What can you bring to the community:I have played a few different server types and servers played industrial rage server for years ran a few groups and we built some interesting machines I am also an older person and wont bring drama etc etc
Where you heard about the server: on the ftb forums
Why you would like to play on the server: to join in a friendly Ftb community
If you have any bans on record: none
What can you bring to the community: A positive attitude and a small knowledge of redstone
IGN: Sambug2000
Where you heard about the server: Right. Here. FTB Forums.
Why you would like to play on the server: I am looking for a good server I can join that has a friendly communtity and will let me team up with someone. Every other server I've been on has been cruel and has rejected any offer to team up.
If you have any bans on record: Nope!
What can you bring to the community: I am a carefree person that likes to work together and and be happy all the time, and I love bees.
IGN: Madreden
Where you heard about the server: forums
Why you would like to play on the server: So me and my friends can have a good time
If you have any bans on record: Xraying a long time ago when i first started out on minecraft
What can you bring to the community: Creative ideas and really cool builds and designs and beautiful buildings
“IGN: lorbog​
Where you heard about the server: here​
Why you would like to play on the server: I've wanted to play ftb on multiplayer and have yet to find a server that I like, and this one looks very promising.​
If you have any bans on record: Nope​
What can you bring to the community: I have working knowledge of most of the mods and i also consider myself a pretty good builder and I am fairly proficient in redstone, and I will help with almost anything.​
IGN: kholan
Where you heard about this server:eek:n the FTB forum.
Why you would like to play on this server: I want to have some fun, singleplayer FTB is kind of lonely and i need someone to help me with the mods on here
If you have any bans on record: I once got banned from a greif allowed pvp server for greifing
What can you bring to the community: I will try to help people out however and whenever i can as i beleive it is a benefit for both the helper and the helpee.
IGN: kiio9ul
Where you heard about the server: http://ftbservers.com/list/top-score
Why you would like to play on the server: well the server i currently play on has lost all its players (its jut me and 3 other people that are actual members) and its gotten lonely. plus i wanna join the second top rated FTB server out there too ^_^
If you have any bans on record: yes 2, one for chopping down marked trees (marked had torches on them, i didnt know) and the other was for rlaying the owner on his OWN pvp/griefing/raiding/norules server
What can you bring to the community: my wisdom of IC2, BC2, GT, RC and F
IGN: jrbussard
Where you heard about the server: ftbservers.com
Why you would like to play on the server: because I want to play on a fast server with a cool group of people
If you have any bans on record: yes 2, they were both when i was trying to get someones attention and they thought I was using a spam bot :/
What can you bring to the community: I know the mods in the mod pack. and im a decent builder.
IGN: cocnut20
Where you heard about the server: Found it on the forums, thought it was the best choice for what I was looking for.
Why you would like to play on the server: I tried playing on a non-whitelisted server, and it didn't end well. I'm hoping there won't be a bunch of random idiots.
If you have any bans on record: Nope
What can you bring to the community: I plan on having a good time. I don't know much about the mod pack, but I hope you guys can show me the ropes. Or I could google it :)

You're ALL accepted. Have a great day :)
Where you heard about the server:On the forum of feed the beast
Why you would like to play on the server:i want to play on ftb online and this server sounds good
If you have any bans on record:no
What can you bring to the community: new designes and mutch fun
IGN: MegaVoimaa
Where you heard about the server: FTB forums
Why you would like to play on the server: I just want to build things and have a fun!
If you have any bans on record: I don't think i have!
What can you bring to the community: Nice buildings, awesome machines and i can help other people too.
“IGN: wemja
Where you heard about the server: I found this server on FTBservers.com
Why you would like to play on the server: I like semi small servers with a good comunity and the ftb modpack
If you have any bans on record: yes , the first server i ever played on banned me and one of my friends for not speaking english (we spoke dutch in chat) after 20 min and didnt even gave a warning.
What can you bring to the community: a lot of knowledge about the mods& redstone , a lot of humor, like to help people out + random minigame ideas to entertain other players
IGN trixes
Where you heard about this server: My freind :)
I wanna play with you guys and play togheter, I dont like to play by my self. And im really good builder
Hope i see you in game!:)
if you have any bans on record: no
WHat can you bring to community: I can help and chare items or trade/ so yeah
IGN: sjele (All lower case)
Where you heard about the server: Feed the beast forums
Why you would like to play on the server: I have played some FTB ssp, and i played tekkit so i know some, but there is so much new things i have yet to understand fully how to use in FTB. So it is sort of so i can get help, help others with ic2 stuff. I allso find it booring to play ssp, as there is noone around me, and i have noone to talk to there.
If you have any bans on record: None
What can you bring to the community: I can help with ic2 stuff. I can allso help with computercraft, as i am fairly good with it.​
Where you heard about the server?
I found it through MCF.
Why you would like to play on the server?
The previous server I was on went way overboard with banning items. I want to have a fun time exploring all the mods that this pack has to offer.
Do you have any bans on record?
I have been banned before, though it was over 8 months ago and I cant remember server names/reasons. I haven't done anything ban-worthy after that, and will neither.
What can you bring to the community?
I enjoy building big (sometimes rather pointless) structues, like factories and processing stations. My knowledge on the mods is somewhere around medium, except for twilight forest, which I dont really like.
Anything else you want to say?
I am a mature player, and used to playing on whitelisted private servers with a strong community, though mostly vanilla. I really hope I can add this server to my list of most favourite .
IGN: Bubling
Where you heard about the server: a friend (HalfHype)
Why you would like to play on the server: I want to share my creations and to play with others
If you have any bans on record: no
What can you bring to the community: I can build quite well, I know most things about all the mods and I want to show people cool designs for machines