If you have got trouble joining reinstall your modpack
Read the entire post!
Instructions on how to: Custom Modpack
Download launcher here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...15-easily-install-mods-update-mc-open-source/
-Start launcher
-Press "Install from URL"
- Copy http://potatochipmodpack.webege.com/MODPACK/update.xml
- Click "Paste"
- Enjoy
The modpack is like Unleashed with a few modifications of my own, to make it a bit less buggy and fit better the server.
No banned items!
This is a basic 24/7 Server with 20 slots.
The IP is: server.thegoldenship.com (no port)
The version right now is
This is a user-friendly server designed for everyone to have fun.
NOTE: When joining FIRST TIME, you must do /register <password> <password>
When joining next time, you must do /login <password>
"<password>" Can be anything you like, like "Chocolate9271" but it should be the SAME on every command
For example: /register Chocolate Chocolate ; /login Chocolate
Dificulty Is set on medium.
This server is PvP, with MyTown (guide: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1650110-mytown-aperf-server-protection-and-performance-mods/). For further info, look at our rules section.
Forums: http://thegoldenship.com/
The following rules are made to make clear what is allowed and what is not, this is required for any server. We expect you to read all the rules before playing. It may take a few minutes to read all the rules, but an average ban is a lot longer than that. It’s impossible to cover every single detail with rules, so we expect that you use your common sense and won’t do questionable things. If you are not sure if something is allowed or not, ask an admin to clarify.
Any attempt to evade a temp ban or other disciplinay action will lead to a permanent ban of your account. Ban-Evading includes re-registering or using an already registered account under a non-banned username. Other examples include changing IP addresses, using a new minecraft account or other action that can be taken to evade administrator action to hide your identity as the owner of the sanctioned account.
- Using cheats, hacks or abusing glitches is under zero tolerance and will lead to a permanent ban.
- Do not insult players in chat.
- An admin request ticket (/modreq command) should contain useful information such as the reason you need help. Non-informative, aggressive or caps-locked messages will get you kicked.
- Scamming is not allowed. This includes but it's not limited to: Renaming items on anvils, tricking players with camo blocks, not paying the full price on a trade after both parts agreed...
- Do not steal items which other players have dropped to carry out a transaction.
- If you see someone breaking the rules, try to warn them or contact an admin. Do not take the situation into your own hands.
- Do not post links to other server's website/IP on the chat, this is considered as advertisement.
- You may not build in a public area [Spawn, admin shops] unless an admin gave you permission.
- You may not kill anyone that is near spawn (100-150m), they are newbies and haven't got any stuff, There's no reason to kill them, and killing them will probably make them ragequit.
- You may not Spawn-Kill (Wait for someone to respawn and kill he when he respawns)
- It's not allowed to make traps, constructions that kill people near spawn/other public areas. (Added rule becouse of players landmining spawn)
Do not place blocks during a combat situation. IE: Baricades for defence or offence, new structures.Rule no longer enforced.- Do not PVP-log (When you're about to die killed by another player, Do not disconnect just to prevent losing the items)
- You may not use any additional mod, only those included in the launcher, unless you got permission from owners. (Optifine allowed)
- You are NOT allowed to use x-ray, hacks, cheats, or any mod that gives you an advantage against other players. (Optifine allowed) [PERMABAN] WARNING: This includes ANY cheat, even if minor, like the ability to see invisible players.
- You may not kill or grief the members of your own Faction. Using mod items such as wand of equal trade to bypass protections is okay.
- You can kill anyone "Just for his items" You may not grief spawn, or any city without first setting the city as enemy. You can steal from abandoned/unlocked chests
- You need a good reason to declare war on someone. (Not just "Yo lets warz cuz its fun")
- Do not ask admin/moderators to spawn items. They will only spawn items for you if you lost something and was admin's fault (Ej: Restart without warning). It's not admin's fault if you lose items on restarts. You get warned on restarts.
- Build at least 300 blocks from spawn.
- DO NOT ABUSE WORD ANCHORS! This means that If you have got excesive world anchors they will be removed and you will be temp-banned. "Personal Anchors" are always okay. If you have got too much world anchors you must setup a shutdown system, for example, on a farm. When the chest of the farm is fully filled : Anchor stops working. It's NOT allowed to put a world anchor on a Mob Spawner to farm drops. It may cause heavy lag!
- Always build RP2 frames/Force manipulators with care! Some items, when moved by a RP2 frame may cause a server crash or chunk deletion. If you're unsure if the blocks may cause a crash, ask an admin.
- Please keep chat clean, do not use all caps, do not spam, and chat in clear understandable English. Do not yell "LAGG" every second. Try to find the cause and report it to admin. You can use ONLY English on global chat. (Unless all the persons online speak that idiom)
- Please be responsible and thoughtful with animal farms, machines and such, causes of heavy lag will be
investigated and rectified (which may result in losses) - DO NOT IMPERSONATE OTHER PERSONS, STAFF, DIREWOLF, OR WHATEVER. (Actually happened, twice)
Do not claim the entire "End" dimension for yourself. Other players has got right to use end too. Same applies for all dimensions, excluding mystcraft ones. (Actually, made this rule becouse a player claimed all the end and no one could enter)No longer in action as we switched over to factions. Be clever. Make the faction loss power.- Do not hostage people grabbing them with gravity/portal gun (Again, I made this rule becouse it happened once)
We have a few rules, to avoid the unnecessary conflicts:
1. You may not use any additional mod, only those included in the launcher.
2. You are NOT allowed to use x-ray
3. You may not kill or grief the members of your Town
4. You CAN Steal from CHESTS or STORAGE ITEMS ONLY! (No blowing up houses!) You cannot steal from members of your Town. You can Kill anyone "just for his items". This rule doesen't override rule 3
5. If you find a bug, like a duplication bug, you must REPORT it. If you abuse bugs, you will be perma-banned.
This DOES Include abusing side-effects on certain mods/plugins like using /suicide to avoid eating (That's not a permaban, but It is a short ban)
#6 NEW RULE! DO NOT ABUSE WORD ANCHORS! This means that If you have got excesive world anchors they will be removed and you will be temp-banned. "Personal Anchors" are always okay. If you have got too much world anchors you must setup a shutdown system, for example, on a farm. When the chest of the farm is fully filled : Anchor stops working.
1. You may not use any additional mod, only those included in the launcher.
2. You are NOT allowed to use x-ray
3. You may not kill or grief the members of your Town
4. You CAN Steal from CHESTS or STORAGE ITEMS ONLY! (No blowing up houses!) You cannot steal from members of your Town. You can Kill anyone "just for his items". This rule doesen't override rule 3
5. If you find a bug, like a duplication bug, you must REPORT it. If you abuse bugs, you will be perma-banned.
This DOES Include abusing side-effects on certain mods/plugins like using /suicide to avoid eating (That's not a permaban, but It is a short ban)
#6 NEW RULE! DO NOT ABUSE WORD ANCHORS! This means that If you have got excesive world anchors they will be removed and you will be temp-banned. "Personal Anchors" are always okay. If you have got too much world anchors you must setup a shutdown system, for example, on a farm. When the chest of the farm is fully filled : Anchor stops working.
Bugs present on the server:
-Chickenbones chunk loaders are not working. Problem: Unknown. Fix: Unkown. Workaround: Just use railcraft until FTB gets it fixed.
-MFFS (Calcavia) Defense Station. Problem: Crashes server. Fix: Up to the modders. Workaround: Use the other MFFS, if you don't like it, use it only for the defense station. Yes, that is more expensive, but hey, it's that or nothing.
Oh, and please do not build "lag machines"
The timezone of the owners is GMT +1
We are looking for any kinds of pepole. This is a server designed to have fun without any complex rules. We prefer mature people, people with some experience with FTB, but we like any kinds of people.
Our main plugins are MyTown and Essentials
(Also, sorry for my english, it's bad, I know)
When making this thread, I think i've met all thread-making rules. If I did not, send me a PM and I will fix it.
PD: I have met all the rules on thread making, If I did not, send me a PM:
The server IP -- done
Rules -- done too
Any info for whitelist applications -- no whitelist
Any disabled items/mods -- Done
If your server is in "Beta" -- It's not.
A good description (Play style) -- Well, I dont know about this one, but I think it's OK.
Pictures are always nice! -- Only one picture so far, not many buildings, sadly
A good amount of effort -- I've spent around 2h doing this, so yeah, it's not just another 3-minute-thread
Difficulty level -- Done
Slots / hardware specs -- Slots done, hardware specs, well, my server host does not give me that info... maybe sending a ticket...