IGN: Elfamir
Why you would like to play on this server?: I've been looking for an FTB server, i wanted a server where I could have fun and perhaps make new friends
If you have ever been banned, and why?: no, I haven't although to be fare I havent been on ani survival server, but I'm not the kind of guy that causes trouble or bothers people!
What skills do you have?: Well, this is a hard question, I guess I don't really have any, I'm a funny guy, I'm a fare guy, and I'm Italian! but dont't worry i'm 50% italian and 50% american so I speek natural english
How long have you been playing minecraft, then tekkit/FTB?: I've been playing minecraft for about a year and a half, and I've been trying mods from the beguinning, I played Technic for a few month and have only now started with FTB
Do you have Skype?:yes I do, and I've been needing a reason to use it again!
Do you like waffles?: YESSSSSSS I LOVE WAFFELS!!!!!!!!
Why you would like to play on this server?: I've been looking for an FTB server, i wanted a server where I could have fun and perhaps make new friends
If you have ever been banned, and why?: no, I haven't although to be fare I havent been on ani survival server, but I'm not the kind of guy that causes trouble or bothers people!
What skills do you have?: Well, this is a hard question, I guess I don't really have any, I'm a funny guy, I'm a fare guy, and I'm Italian! but dont't worry i'm 50% italian and 50% american so I speek natural english

How long have you been playing minecraft, then tekkit/FTB?: I've been playing minecraft for about a year and a half, and I've been trying mods from the beguinning, I played Technic for a few month and have only now started with FTB
Do you have Skype?:yes I do, and I've been needing a reason to use it again!
Do you like waffles?: YESSSSSSS I LOVE WAFFELS!!!!!!!!