Minecraft Noobs|1.4.2|Whitelist|

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Whitelist Application
IGN: Resselah
Age: 16
Why you would like to play on this server?: i want to experience FTB fully by playing multiplayer.
If you have ever been banned, and why?: Never been banned.
What skills do you have?: Im decent at computer works (getting better every day) and iv played Minecraft since infdev so i got alot of skills in reg. mc aswell. dont forget my skillness in redstone C:
How long have you been playing minecraft, then tekkit/FTB?: about a week now.
Do you have Skype?: yes, Resselah.
Do you like waffles?: WAIT WTF... Do i like waffles is not a question, one does not simply not like waffles...
Whitelist Application
IGN: Resselah
Age: 16
Why you would like to play on this server?: i want to experience FTB fully by playing multiplayer.
If you have ever been banned, and why?: Never been banned.
What skills do you have?: Im decent at computer works (getting better every day) and iv played Minecraft since infdev so i got alot of skills in reg. mc aswell. dont forget my skillness in redstone C:
How long have you been playing minecraft, then tekkit/FTB?: about a week now.
Do you have Skype?: yes, Resselah.
Do you like waffles?: WAIT WTF... Do i like waffles is not a question, one does not simply not like waffles...
Why you would like to play on this server?:because Im beeing lookin for server and Im graaazy
If you have ever been banned, and why?:just rageguits
What skills do you have?:well Im enough good to make complikate things
How long have you been playing minecraft, then tekkit/FTB?:about 1.8
Do you have Skype?:Off course but I only have private account
Do you like waffles?:Ho doesnt
Why you would like to play on this server?:no real reason just looking for some fun and with others and maybe helping a few people
If you have ever been banned, and why?:short answer, nope
What skills do you have?:with the mods? a lot, otherwise im a jack of all trades, master of none lol
How long have you been playing minecraft, then tekkit/FTB?:minecraft for comming on a year now, tekkit/ftb idk a little while, but i know the mobs pretty well
Do you have Skype?:yap
Do you like waffles?: umm sure but if it was life or death i'd take pancakes first :D
IGN: Pinjaandrew
Age: 25
Why i would like to play on this server?: Looking for good fun building with other people and doing the whole community thing.
Have I ever been banned?: nope never, in fact i moderated once before but the owner decided to it wasn't in his budget anymore.
What skills do i have?: I am a very prolific miner, as well as creating complex automation for mostly power and storage. ( i share all machines i make as well) I really enjoy forestry. I more often then not use my first diamonds on a logger/cactus farmer. I enjoy making a Biofuel / Oil depot for people.
how long have i been playing minecraft /tekkit/ftb?: I have been playing minecraft for two years and tekkit for one. granted its not 24/7 really the big thing for me has been working together with someone to accomplish a much larger infrastructure.
Do I have skype?: of course... it would be madness not to.
Do you like waffles?: yeah ... waffles are great ... however I enjoy lots of things for breakfast ... like a monte cristo sandwich.
Why you would like to play on this server?:because Im beeing lookin for server and Im graaazy
If you have ever been banned, and why?:just rageguits
What skills do you have?:well Im enough good to make complikate things
How long have you been playing minecraft, then tekkit/FTB?:about 1.8
Do you have Skype?:Off course but I only have private account
Do you like waffles?:Ho doesnt
Why you would like to play on this server?:no real reason just looking for some fun and with others and maybe helping a few people
If you have ever been banned, and why?:short answer, nope
What skills do you have?:with the mods? a lot, otherwise im a jack of all trades, master of none lol
How long have you been playing minecraft, then tekkit/FTB?:minecraft for comming on a year now, tekkit/ftb idk a little while, but i know the mobs pretty well
Do you have Skype?:yap
Do you like waffles?: umm sure but if it was life or death i'd take pancakes first :D
IGN: Pinjaandrew
Age: 25
Why i would like to play on this server?: Looking for good fun building with other people and doing the whole community thing.
Have I ever been banned?: nope never, in fact i moderated once before but the owner decided to it wasn't in his budget anymore.
What skills do i have?: I am a very prolific miner, as well as creating complex automation for mostly power and storage. ( i share all machines i make as well) I really enjoy forestry. I more often then not use my first diamonds on a logger/cactus farmer. I enjoy making a Biofuel / Oil depot for people.
how long have i been playing minecraft /tekkit/ftb?: I have been playing minecraft for two years and tekkit for one. granted its not 24/7 really the big thing for me has been working together with someone to accomplish a much larger infrastructure.
Do I have skype?: of course... it would be madness not to.
Do you like waffles?: yeah ... waffles are great ... however I enjoy lots of things for breakfast ... like a monte cristo sandwich.
IGN: Suicodude
Age: 24
Why you would like to play on this server?: Looking for some nice players, who also want to do some group projects.
If you have ever been banned, and why?: Not that I know of.
What skills do you have?: I'm very creative, I think ... . I like building, not so much into the whole "automated sorting machines' though.
How long have you been playing minecraft, then tekkit/FTB?: mc, since 1.2 beta, tekkit since the yogscast first started releasing videos, and ftb, for about 3 weeks now.
Do you have Skype?: yes
Do you like waffles?: I live in Belgium ... ofcourse I like waffles
Whitelist Application
IGN: ChaseNetwork
Age: 20
Why you would like to play on this server?: Somewhere to hang out and learn FTB with other people. Looking for fun.
If you have ever been banned, and why?: Yes; I quit being an OP for the server due to stress; de-oped myself, but admin thought I was gonna start griefing.
What skills do you have?: redstone, understanding of vanilla mechanics
How long have you been playing minecraft, then tekkit/FTB?: 4 months vanilla, 3 days FTB
Do you have Skype?: Yes
Do you like waffles?: The ones made at street vendors in Seoul are particularly delicious.
IGN: Orcius
Why you would like to play on this server?: Cause i want to learn all about FTB, although I know a little from Etho/genericb/Bdoubleo100
If you have ever been banned, and why?:Never
What skills do you have?:I quickly notice if something isn't right in a biuld and why that is
How long have you been playing minecraft, then tekkit/FTB?: minecraft 2 yrs, FTB/Tekkit 1/2year
Do you have Skype?:I can make it
Do you like waffles?: I prefer pancakes[DOUBLEPOST=1355496708][/DOUBLEPOST]
IGN: Suicodude
Age: 24
Why you would like to play on this server?: Looking for some nice players, who also want to do some group projects.
If you have ever been banned, and why?: Not that I know of.
What skills do you have?: I'm very creative, I think ... . I like building, not so much into the whole "automated sorting machines' though.
How long have you been playing minecraft, then tekkit/FTB?: mc, since 1.2 beta, tekkit since the yogscast first started releasing videos, and ftb, for about 3 weeks now.
Do you have Skype?: yes
Do you like waffles?: I live in Belgium ... ofcourse I like waffles
I'm from Belgium too!
IGN: Xolkin
Age: 12 (13 in Feb.)
Why do you want to play on this server? I was playing on open servers, got griefed and stolen from, and the industrial centrifuges didn't work so I want a more reliable server.
If you have ever been banned, and why? Never
What skills do you have? I'm a decent builder, I can make good color combos, and I'm ok with the machines
How long have you been playing MC, then tekkit / FTB? MC since 1.6.6 , and I've been watching tekkit/FTB videos since 1.8
Do you have skype? I don't really use it, just for my friends really, but yes
Do you like waffles? YES (with the fake maple syrup ;) )
IGN: DarstOmega
Age: 18
Why you would like to play on this server?: Because I want to explore the mod in a SMP environment
If you have ever been banned, and why?: Nope
What skills do you have?: Survival, Efficiency, Creativity, Organization, Helping, and a Fast Learning.
How long have you been playing minecraft, then tekkit/FTB?: Sine Early Beta/When it came out.
Do you have Skype?: Yeppers
Do you like waffles?: Ya I like waffles, Do you like Pancakes???

[EDIT] Spell Checking
Why you would like to play on this server?:friend suggested i might enjoy it
If you have ever been banned, and why?: no
What skills do you have? indy 2 buildcraft2 and redpower
How long have you been playing minecraft, then tekkit/FTB?: 1 year
Do you have Skype?:yes
Do you like waffles?: depends on the waffel
Why you would like to play on this server?:single player got a little boring and im looking for a small community server to enjoy ftb and hang out with people and chat.
If you have ever been banned, and why?:i have never been banned
What skills do you have?:i played tekkit before and im not saying that im a pro but i know a lot of stuff with the mods
How long have you been playing minecraft, then tekkit/FTB?:i started playing minecraft since 1.2 and tekkit when it came out ..same with ftb
Do you have Skype?:i do ..but i dont know to give it out there :)
Do you like waffles?: not my favorite but sure waffles are fine :P
Why you would like to play on this server?: Looks like my future best server :p
If you have ever been banned, and why?: Nope : http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/551ddc02d12abf937638d92abb12af11c4fd1977 Even look there :p
What skills do you have?: Im pretty awesome at vanilla Minecraft and im kinda good with some of the mods
How long have you been playing minecraft, then tekkit/FTB?: Minecraft since 1.7.3 Beta , tekkit since i bought the game (1.1 ish) and FTB since exactly last month :p ( 15/11/2012 )
Do you have Skype?: Nope... only if u talk hebrew :p cant prenounce some of the words in english :p
Do you like waffles?: YES i love em!!! but if u REALY ask me i like minecraft more :p (not to eat , to play Cx) P.S: Dont judge me for my age im like age 16 mature :P
Why is the server offline?
im pretty sure the server was offline is because FTB updated to v1.1.5[DOUBLEPOST=1355594575][DOUBLEPOST=1355594613][/DOUBLEPOST]also can someone tell me why FTB keeps telling me "incorrect username or password" i was playing before and i didnt change anything and it just tell me that. :/[DOUBLEPOST=1355594643][/DOUBLEPOST]also can someone tell me why FTB keeps telling me "incorrect username or password" i was playing before and i didnt change anything and it just tell me that. :/[DOUBLEPOST=1355594673][/DOUBLEPOST]also can someone tell me why FTB keeps telling me "incorrect username or password" i was playing before and i didnt change anything and it just tell me that. :/
sadface shea if you need any help skype call me

it did stop assoon new update aired

ALthought if if it did many questions should be asked
IGN: TheFoxGoesMoo
Age: 15
Why you would like to play on this server?: The FTB server I was on got reset and I rage quit, This one seems like a good replacement
If you have ever been banned, and why?: Nope
What skills do you have?: I can code in ComputerCraft a bit
How long have you been playing minecraft, then tekkit/FTB?: Been playing Minecraft since Beta 1.3, Tekkit for a few months, and FTB for a few weeks.
Do you have Skype?: Indeed.
Do you like waffles?: Yes, yes I do. I had them for breakfast this morning.