Minecraft 1.7 pre release - Will be waiting a long time for mods

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Well- Heres my two cents

Given its been almost 2 years since Dinnerbone was hired to build the API- so far there's ... nothing.
Ok ok, 1.3 merged SSP and SMP- yet client and server side mods needed, and server lag+bugs brought into SSP. Promise of API not delivered. Very difficult update for modders.
1.4- Promise of API- nothing API related actually added or mentioned
1.5 New launcher- mod installation gets a lot harder. Everyone must jump through a lot of unnecessary complexity or use a 3rd party programme.
1.6 Not much in the way of API progress here. Have to re-authenticate your account if you play via old launcher or 3rd party launcher (like FTB)
1.7 Not even a HINT of an API in the changelog. Almost every mod seems broken by this update.
So there's nothing usable. No early alpha versions. No Real progress- just seems like a never ending cycle of hassle, false hope and rebuilding mods while everyone waits for the next version.

Which then begs the question- why update?

Why not wait however many versions until when/IF we ever get said API?

If we stick on 1.5 or 1.6
  • More mod dev time dedicated to building mod content
  • Stable/Unchanging code base- making more complex/in depth mods significantly more viable.
    • By extension I'd guess happier mod devs- I don't know anyone who enjoys porting forward.
  • No more waiting for version updates- just new content when it comes
    • By extension no more losing worlds/progress
  • You'll be able to play 'abandoned'/non-updating mods (Redpower, apparentlyThermal Expansion) with 'new' content.
    • Most likely more cross-compatibility- 'a' version of Xmod with 'b' version of Ymod (Eg you don't like GregTech's plates but love Thaumcraft 4.) {ok- hypothetical example but you get the idea.}
So I hear you ask - 'What about the new vanilla content/fixes?'
Why not pull that back onto 1.6?
It sounds a lot easier than pushing everything forward onto 1.7.

Also if the largest MC modded community collectively decides to stick with a version- it'll certainly make a point.
You never know- DB might hear us and actually implement said API.​

Edit- so it seems we're looking at a total of more than 3 years of API conception and development. (5th July 2010), yet nothing solid. Thanks guys.

Ok, first problem with this post, I am almost positive they didn't hire Dinnerbone to work on the api, that's what Grumm is for... They first promised the api in 1.4... 1.5 was actually kind of an easy update I will admit and they didn't add the launcher until 1.6, but I can almost guarantee you they made way for some fancy keybinding sutff later on... 1.6 was pretty much horses and a couple new commands and effects (Except for the new attributes system and resource pack system which were pretty streamlining for mod api and new launcher which also makes modding in the future so much easier and the system in general more secure.). Moving on. The reason all the mods are being broken by 1.7.2 is because of all the changes for the mod api, they streamlined the system a lot and did everything but add the api itself, they rewrote just about every system in MC to an extent and made just about everybody happy. With all the necessary changes it sounded like they were adding the API in 1.7. Also if you think it's so bad you try and make the api yourself. Who are you to criticize mojang until you can make it yourself?! Now please get off your high horse.
Also if you think it's so bad you try and make the api yourself. Who are you to criticize mojang until you can make it yourself?! Now please get off your high horse.

Implying anyone needs to be able to do work equivalent to what they are giving criticism on, to give criticism. Please; hop off the defend Mojang train. No one is degrading the work that Mojang has done just that they are extremely inefficient at it. How long did it take Eloraam, SpaceToad, and FlowerChild(?) to make forge? How long will it take Mojang to reach Forge's level of modding api? How many times more limiting will Mojang's api be? None of this has been addressed and Mojang has made few in-depth statements about their intentions for the modding api and what modders will be capable of with it. So; who are you to tell someone not to criticize Mojang?
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