

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Originally this thread was to ask who you liked watching in UHC (Team or person) but then I though meh may as well make it overall. So who is your current (mine changes a lot, currently pause) favorite mindcracker and why.
Funniest moments so far this season?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I watch sethbling for UHC

he survived two episodes with half a heart in the nether and hes now regaining

is that epic or what?

Is UHC feed the beast? I thought it was vanilla but changed a bit
Was gonna say this should go in general discussion rather than general ftb chat
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Jul 29, 2019
Etho is my favorite Mindcracker. I love his ideas, and i think he's very, very original with what he thinks about doing. I mean, who would think about using flying trains to distribute the products from a Quarry? His Floating Islands too, so epic. Other youtubers i like the style very much are Enigmius1, because the dude knows his shit, and uses good music in his videos. GenerikB is funny, but he's too over the top sometimes for me, but the guy knows his shit, and i like some of his builds a lot. His Minecraft Hermit video series are very, very epic. DW20 for me is the most didactic, but he does mostly technical and not aesthetic builds, and i've watched him for too long so it has become a bit boring.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm following Beef and his team, he seems to be really calm and knows what he's doing.
I usually watch Etho in terms of FTB because he seems really creative, calm, and organized but I don't really like the rest of his team much.
I used to watch the B-team (mostly Generik) but BdoubleO is, like someone else said, just too over the top and hyper. I feel that I don't learn as much by watching him as I do with Etho.

Also didn't they murder the General Chat section in the last maintenance? I mean, it was misused all the time but it'd be nice to see an Off-topic section.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Etho's team in UHC to me are the top contenders. None of them died and they all work together very well, much more so than the other teams in my opinion. Sethbling's team are much more aggressive and they have more stuff done, but they're already down by 1 member. I'm guessing next episode a lot of people are going to die, as the PvP will most likely begin, since Sethbling and his team already have the Eyes of Ender to open up the portal to the end!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
DOOKE, Kurt FTW! he is pretty good at UHC, most of the time he gets to the last 4-2 but his strategies sometimes aren't that great

and been watching since season 3.

oh, and I when I saw the title and the person who wrote it I was thinking about you would ask to do a fusion cablosion impressor rod in UHC mode.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ahh you gave me an idea, maybe i could make a UHC mod for FTB! i probably won't make it but i could if i wanted to


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Etho would be my favourite, I like his asthetic builds and his "think outside the box" mentality.
I also watch Zisteau mainly because I saw his nether hub in an Etho video and wanted to see how it was made... aaaaaand now I'm hooked on him too
And also VintageBeef, who was the first MindCracker that I sub'd too (I subbed to Etho a while ago but unsubbed for a while as I don't like starting to watch LPs halfway through and he was already like 200 episodes in, but I resubbed when he started doing FTB) I love his attitude, so funny :) And his zoo is nothing short of epic.
Hmm, think that's all of my Mindcrack subs (I'm assuming we all know Sethbling isn't a perm part of Mindcrack right?)
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Jul 29, 2019
I always watch Etho first. This time I'm picking people from each team to watch when I get time (don't manage to watch them all). So I've been watching Guude, Generikb and BTC's perspectives. Still missing some perspectives, but I'll catch up with those when it's over. I'm behind on GennyB and BTC.

I love the team format, watching them interact is great fun (especially when people kept eating apples in the beginning by mistake - without the gold). This is my favourite season so far.

Have you watched any of Zisteau's vanilla series, Lambert? His lens is amazing, and the whole idea of creating a wasteland village by building a normal village and then blowing it up is totally crazy, but addictive.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Etho is the best... I like the way that he does things differently to anyone else's way of of doing that task, for example, take his tree farm, he uses a tunnel bore to chop down the tree, or his quarry set up, he uses trains. (TRAINS) Of course you could just say what Lambert said: "his think out side the box mentality."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am subbed to:


I only really watch the FTB videos for any of them that upload multiple things to their channel. I'm not sure if I have a favorite, though, because I watch them all for different things.

Beef - his microblock building is impressive, and I think he's pretty funny.
AnderZEL - that crazy viking cracks me up
Etho - Always cool, calm, and collected, it seems, and he does a lot of unique things, like his sky islands and train transports.
Guude - I have only really watched Guude's older videos while I still try to catch up because I loved the things he did with turtles on the Mindcrack FTB server.

Other Youtubers I watch:
Paul Soares - His Survive & Thrive series is the first Minecraft series I ever watched and he taught me everything I know about vanilla
Direwolf - Have only seen his season 5 LP and I'm not caught up yet, but he is great for learning the mods and explains things well, even if things don't look pretty that he builds.

As far as the UHC goes, I watch Anders, Beef, Paul Soares, and Etho and that covers all but one of the teams. I'm not really familiar with the other guys so I don't really pay attention to how they're doing.

I like Pause, but I find his solo videos boring. I do love his interaction with Beef, though, so I have watched the From Ashes series on Beef's channel. I may start watching GenerikB though because I find him funny and he does cool bee stuff and I want to get into that.

Nebris is creepy to me, by the way. His raspy voice just makes me think he's a cold blooded killer or something. LOL

Okay, that was way more than you asked for, sorry :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I sub to many of the Mindcrackers each for different reasons. As for this season of UHC I have been watching Team Nancy Drew (Guude, PauseUnpause, VintageBeef, and Baj) and Team PottyMouth with (GenerikB, AnderZEL, Milbee, and Pryo). I always love watching Guude and crew on the team UHC's since they sometimes bicker and it is hilarious. As for the latter team I've really been enjoying Generik's videos as of late and with him Anderz and Milibee they are just too funny to watch together an interesting dynamic for sure. I thought this season's goal was a great idea to offer some change to the blitz to PvP we have seen in the past.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay, that was way more than you asked for, sorry :p
No no that's good it incites conversation. And yea I must admit Nebris' voice is an acquired taste, much like DW20's was to me.[DOUBLEPOST=1365711463][/DOUBLEPOST]
I sub to many of the Mindcrackers each for different reasons. As for this season of UHC I have been watching Team Nancy Drew (Guude, PauseUnpause, VintageBeef, and Baj) and Team PottyMouth with (GenerikB, AnderZEL, Milbee, and Pryo). I always love watching Guude and crew on the team UHC's since they sometimes bicker and it is hilarious. As for the latter team I've really been enjoying Generik's videos as of late and with him Anderz and Milibee they are just too funny to watch together an interesting dynamic for sure. I thought this season's goal was a great idea to offer some change to the blitz to PvP we have seen in the past.
Agreed. Those are the two teams I watch, because Anderz is so good at mining gold and Pause is currently my favorite.
I'm going to be quite honest I haven't watched previous season's UHCs because I'm new to Mindcrackers, Beef being the first I watched, but anyways I might go back and watch previous seasons for fun


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No no that's good it incites conversation. And yea I must admit Nebris' voice is an acquired taste, much like DW20's was to me.[DOUBLEPOST=1365711463][/DOUBLEPOST]
Agreed. Those are the two teams I watch, because Anderz is so good at mining gold and Pause is currently my favorite.
I'm going to be quite honest I haven't watched previous season's UHCs because I'm new to Mindcrackers, Beef being the first I watched, but anyways I might go back and watch previous seasons for fun

Watch Season 5 as that is the first Team vs Team where Team Nancy Drew took on Etho, DocM, Bdouble00, and KurtJMac. The finale of that was epic and quoted by the mindcrackers to this day. I believe that Season 4 was an 8 man last man standing that also was pretty epic for some of the confrontations in it. If you like Pause you should watch that one as he had a great performance there.

Overall I like UHC and it's quite brilliant as you watch events unfold you then watch the other player's perspective to see the event from that side. From there it has introduced me to other Youtubers that I didn't normally watch such as KurtJMac.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay, then I'm not sorry ;) Haha

Maldroth - Season 5 sounds like it's worth a watch. I only learned about FTB in late December or early January, I forget, and that's where I learned about Beef and the Mindcrackers, so that's what started me on this addiction :p

I'm definitely enjoying this season of UHC. My favorite part is watching at least one member of multiple teams so if there any chance encounters between the participants, you see it from different perspectives.

And even though I think Nebris is a bit creepy, I came close to shedding a tear when he got nuked. It was like a scene straight out of a movie.