[Mindcrack] I need more apples

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A multifarm orchard works well, particularly if you breed up some trees that produce more apples than the standard treealyzed apple oak. Assuming you need them for apple juice, fruity bees are also an option. They produce apple drops which can be squeezed for the same thing as apples, minus the chance of mulch.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If I recall, the default traits on apple oaks aren't the best ones you can get. For apples, I'm guessing Yield is the trait you want to improve through breeding. Sappiness affects the speed at which cherries, walnuts, and chestnuts ripen, but apples work a different way. You can also get lime trees that produce apples, which I think might have more leaves on average than an apple oak tree.