Whitelist Server Midian Direwolf20 v5.0.1 [whitelisted]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Connection Info: midian.mcfrag.net:25665

The server is hosted in the Central United States. It should be up 24/7.

Mystcraft ages have been disabled. All other mods are fully enabled.

For ComputerCraft users HTTP is enabled for anyone who likes to use pastebin etc.. As well as the modem range has been drastically increased.

I have installed residence on the server and each user can setup up to 2 residences each to protect their hard work.

I have decided its time to whitelist the server. The base population is looking good and a good group of folks. Have had a couple instances of griefing so I figured its time.

PM me with your IGN name and what you're looking for in a server to apply to be added to the whitelist.

There is a 1 time only starter kit provided at the spawn, make sure you take one. It will put your name on a list for me so that if I white list the server I will already have your IGN to add to the white list.

I have updated the server to run the Ultimate Pack instead of DW20 to give everyone more options. Enjoy!
Not sure if this was intended, but the Spawn appears inescapable. The coords are x: +397.70, y: 87.62, z: 445.70. I am trapped the in tree, and because of Spawn protection cannot exit - hope this problem will be fixed with shortly, cheers!

EDIT: A lag spike struck and I was able to break the leaves and escape - though the leaves shortly reappeared I was still free. Very odd.
I would like to report a stealer and griefer
Criminals IGN: DRAGON17389



The image above of Dragon is him in Eric304s house. He also stole some diamonds and other stuff from Me (ANATOMICA_3rd)

I would suggest to whitlist the server now there's already about 50 people who have logged on to this server and there's already; stealers, griefers, and spawn killers.\

EDIT: HE ALSO STOLE MY SILVERWOOD SAPLINGS and my 1 stack of silver wood!!! I worked hard to get those. :(
Dragon also logged in today, I got a screenshot of him saying he took Ana's stuff and was logging with the 'best of it'.
Thanks for report this. I will take care of it. The server is starting to get populated so Whitelisting may be in the near future.
The Residence mod is completely disrupting my ability to play. I was hit with a message telling me 'This is not your residence.' whenever I tried to break something around my base. Later, that dialog disappeared and now I find myself unable to break any block, anywhere - period. Frustrating :l
Its a problem with BukkitForge, I'm looking into a fix. If I can not find one I'm probably going to find another anti-grief solution. If anyone has any recommendations please let me know.
I'll look into LogBlock thanks.

The server should be resetting soon, when it does Residence should start working properly again.
@ Blorog1 just a general server restart seems to do the trick. I've got an automatic restart scheduled so hopefully that will keep things working right for the time being.

@blitz4694 can you elaborate on what you mean by problem?

@ultraboomer it should be working. I will check it when I get home. If I can't get it working I'll get you a pack myself.
when i respawned at the starting point i got stuck next to a wall, and i didnt get a starter pack either
hay Cyco i know why you banned me but what did i do i know you said you seen on the chat logs me saying things about portal gun and greifing but i was not trying to greif i was trying to just mess around with V1C i used my portal gun not relizeing that i had another portal next to his machines when the portal hit the moon 3 or 4 thermal expanshion mashines went in and where lost i said srry and i showed myself and i asked what he losed and i rushed to my base you grab it that was at about 12:30 - 1:00 am eastern standerd time i refunded all his things exept some engens and my computor shut donw because of the parental controlls are set to turn off at 1:00am but i refunded most and i was waiting for v1C to logon again to give them to him the next day and while waiting/doing other things for my place i was kicked saying i was greifing and when i was typeing a msg to you about it i was then banned and told reece that i was banned and to talk to you about it you directed me hear to explain my self and i am now it was just early in the morning and my a.d.d pills wore off and i lost control and started to mess with people and when the mashines flew away i am like what am i doing apoligized and started to refund. when i first saw the server whet whitelist i was like finally a server with peace and i have allways been a person not to greif because i hated it but i was messing around and when i did greif my mistake i was like ok what have i become and said i need to fix this and give the guy back what he lost and i was if you still think i am guilty at least bann me for a few days or something but please seek forgiveness in your heart and give me another chance it was my mistake and i shoud not have done that i am very sorry for my mistakes and i hope this conflict can be resolved and we can be friends. i have lerned my lesson and hope you understand -your thaumcraft teacher (or at least was) -tigerboyin12[DOUBLEPOST=1360455216][/DOUBLEPOST]ultra you know i like to just mess around with people plz defend me if you can
Sorry man accident or not you griefed. And the part at Robo house where you said you were testing stuff for me was really what finished it off. I saw were you tried to make right with V1C which was in your favor. But like I said Robo's kind of did you in. It doesn't appear to just be a 1 time thing. Hope you understand.