Microblocks cover for any cables please ...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Your first statement completely contradicts your second statement...

It doesn't actually. Most non-programmers can't fathom what needs to be done to get something working. They think programming is telling a computer "draw a tree" when in fact the computer has no idea what a tree or even 'draw' means. So to the uninitiated it all seems rather simpel. In your professional you tend to run into managers who can't understand why something they think would take an hour would in fact take 2 weeks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In your professional you tend to run into managers who can't understand why something they think would take an hour would in fact take 2 weeks.

And then you have managers that recognize this, ask for a quote, get told two weeks and bump that up to three weeks to get a cushion, check in regularly and get told "oh yes, top priority, see, it's on my screen right now", and at the end of three weeks find that the engineer has addressed five other tangential issues but not actually seemingly touched what you told them to do, despite your having driven away as much in external distractions as possible and essentially gone to the extent of everything but hiring in some escorts for lap dances to ensure they stay energized. Of course, luckily you told the customer four weeks so maybe you'll still end up on time.

Takeaway relevant to this thread: even programmers themselves don't know how long it takes sometimes, particularly in the joy of exploring a whole living code base. This even goes for when you're paying them. This is why laymen going "that's so easy, a child could do it!" gets the response it does. (Also: not all project managers are corporate drones incapable of understanding the way coding ends up working. We do try, really, we just wished we got ETAs like those given by Montgomery Scott rather than those provided by our sister who spends four hours in the bathroom getting ready. My stomach lining is very glad I got out of that business when I did.)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Takeaway relevant to this thread: even programmers themselves don't know how long it takes sometimes, particularly in the joy of exploring a whole living code base. This even goes for when you're paying them. This is why laymen going "that's so easy, a child could do it!" gets the response it does. (Also: not all project managers are corporate drones incapable of understanding the way coding ends up working. We do try, really, we just wished we got ETAs like those given by Montgomery Scott rather than those provided by our sister who spends four hours in the bathroom getting ready. My stomach lining is very glad I got out of that business when I did.)

I'm a projectmanager myself, I just started out as a programmer. So fortunately I'm not one of the types I was complaining about ;)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm a projectmanager myself, I just started out as a programmer. So fortunately I'm not one of the types I was complaining about ;)

Another one corrupted. Now those guys that come from Sales/Marketing... but I go far afield from this thread. ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why is everyone so quick to assume things and so reluctant to test it out?

I just made a clean 1.5.2 with the latest release of mfr/buildcraft/ic2/te/ae as well as immibis core and immibis microblocks. I generated a world and quit. Open the config for microblocks and guess what? All the cables and things had been registered and were included by default. Literally the only change you need to make is to remove the '-' from in front of whatever cable type you want them to attach to automatically.

All this takes is a few minutes and the presence of mind to open a config and check things out. Sure, that they are turned off as attachment points by default is odd, but they add themselves to the config with 0 work from you. Just go in and fix it once and never ever ever again have to work yourself into an impotent rage over a trivially solvable problem.

To be fair, configs can be quite frustrating to tinker with and can break the game depending on what config you are toying with. At best if you mess up a config it overwrites everything you did with it by re-writeing a new default config. Which happened to me 3 times while trying to figure out what you did. The config wasn't saving properly and was constantly re-writing it's self. Either I messed up the syntax of the config or I just didn't hit Ctrl+S properly lol.
I got it working though, all the tile entities code/nodes/class/whatevers where commented at the top, and I figured that plus minus thing out.

That being said you still have to be careful with immbs micro blocks and servers. The server I was on activated the extra mod micro blocks, this caused problems for those who didn't have the right config options set. Essentially they crashed whenever they entered an area with the added blocks. Luckily we run a private pack which allowed the admin to ship out a special config update making it easy on our less tech savvy otherwise it would have been a crashapaloosa, can't really do that with the standard packs well you can but it takes some effort on the users side when it comes to configs.

So yeah, configs are not that simple and really do cause headaches. I can't fault peoples reluctance, especially when the height of that persons tech knowledge stops at knowing how to DL a song from the Itunes store...
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, that is exactly the post I had in mind when I apologized for being snippy. I know I'm not a normal use case and that expecting everyone to muck around with things they might not even know exist is asking a lot. I'm just happy that the knowledge could be shared and other people will have less issues moving forward.

Servers especially are a special case and I'd assume that the server admin(s) would take care of these sorts of things first and foremost and have a config pack or documentation before even accepting applicants but that is probably not realistic either.

Having MultiMC ready to go to create test worlds with mod and config changes prior to messing with your real world is the number one thing I can recommend to avoid accidental 'oops all my air blocks are fire' style problems.


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
Another one corrupted. Now those guys that come from Sales/Marketing... but I go far afield from this thread. ;)
Well, I went from programming to Sales/Marketing after an incident with a manager who decided it would be a simple 'half hour job' to convert a program written in COBOL into FORTRAN...

Spent ten years selling my soul in Sales before finally redeeming myself and started doing feature documentation.

In regards to Multipart and various cables... this isn't a problem which ChickenBones can solve. He wrote the API. Unfortunately, he can't force it down anyone's throat. Each individual mod author will have to incorporate that API into their mod in order for it to be compliant with Multipart covers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, that is exactly the post I had in mind when I apologized for being snippy. I know I'm not a normal use case and that expecting everyone to muck around with things they might not even know exist is asking a lot. I'm just happy that the knowledge could be shared and other people will have less issues moving forward.

Servers especially are a special case and I'd assume that the server admin(s) would take care of these sorts of things first and foremost and have a config pack or documentation before even accepting applicants but that is probably not realistic either.

Having MultiMC ready to go to create test worlds with mod and config changes prior to messing with your real world is the number one thing I can recommend to avoid accidental 'oops all my air blocks are fire' style problems.

Because playing "the floor is made of lava!" is too pussycore!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Somewhere over the rainbow.
Just a quick update, I managed to have every blocks cutable with immibis microblocks, it turns out that if the config isn't pre-generated after the auto find cuttable blocks is set to true, it doesn't write them on the server immibis-microblocks.cfg even if you switch the option to true, you have to supply it with a pre-generated one with the cuttable blocks, I made some cleanup in it (made sure we couldn't have weird covers like a cover made with a macerator or a Nuke, could have been cool, but not useful, so I have a config for the modded blocks, wood and such... I can't share it here cause I'm not using FTB pack (I have more mods than Unleashed actually 145 loaded), I made my pack myself way before any FTB packs were released for 1.5.2, so my ID's wouldn't help you out...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ah yeah, if you are playing on a server, or hosting one, things work a little different. The server will define configs and enforce them to clients (as one might expect and for damn good reason) and each client cannot write back and modify the config of the server. Any changes you make in a single player test instance you'd have to make to the server configs directly in order to do anything. This is both a hassle, in that you need an extra step, and the greatest blessing ever for server operators since you can control and be certain of what is happening without random dickheads deciding that thaumcraft retrogens 100 times or modular powersuit plasma cannons have a 1000000 block explosion force.

And again, super pleased you have a working solution. I use covers on goddamn everything and I couldn't function without them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Somewhere over the rainbow.
I already know we need to have same configs on server and client, and its normal, was just expecting the server to generate the new cutable blocks himself after saving with auto-find to true and uploading it to the server, but it seems it can't write to the file (perhaps its Multicraft) so once I manually sent him the file with the correct cutable blocks found, it worked out of the box... Just a pain in the ass, but when I saw the config files, I've cleaned them up a little so its more proper...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, I think it relies on the client login process to generate properly, or at least I figure that process is different between client and server start up and that makes it not work, but I'm basically at the end of my knowledge as far as how Forge works its ridiculous black magic and makes all the angry hissing cats calm down and play nice together.

I don't mean to be gloss over what you do know or make assumptions that paint you as ignorant or unintelligent and if I end up on the side of stating the obvious its just because I explain how to turn on the 'email box' to computer illiterate people all day and default to 'say everything because they might not know what a mouse is' whenever I offer advice now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also can someone explain this behavior... I added the config stuff to test in single player and it worked. Today I told the admin of my server that I know how to get microblocks to interact with cable. But when I went to copypasta the config I realized all the stuff I added was gone yet I was still able to have microblocks work in single player...

>_< it's. freaking. strange...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hah, you two are a hoot, I could've sworn you just jumped right out of a Dilbert comic.

Ass far as immibis' micro's go... I don't think he's very extremely liked around the forgecraft circle and its extended friends.

Why's that?