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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I decided to finally take the leap and figure out how force fields work. I'd watched a few youtube spotlights, and poked around on the wikis, so I figured it was just a matter of spawning some stuff in a creative world and putting the pieces together. Then I noticed that the two "MFFS" item tabs were not so much different items from the same mods (like how Steve's Carts has several tabs), but rather two different mods. With identical(?) functionality.

So I have one major question (WTH?) that I'll split into three sub-questions:

1) What is the primary distinction(s) between these two mods? The FTB team included both (I'm using Unleashed 1.5.2), so obviously they're not exact clones, but why would I use one over the other?

2) I know that the Forcium Crystals I get from macerating that green ore with the name I never remember (Mazerite? Mincerite?), but do both of these mods use it? I'd prefer that my forcefield require only EU to run, rather than having to periodically do more mining for the green stuff.

3) Is there a clear "winner" between these two mods? Which, if either, do you use, and why?
The original MFFS(more white/metal toned machines, uses forcicium, etc) focuses mainly on the forcefield, capabilities and manipulation of that forcefield therein.

The version by Calclavia(Black toned machines, uses only power) has a lot of the same functionality but also adds a ton of other functionality. For instance there is a RP2 frame-like machine. As well you can construct custom forcefields that can be used to build or destroy land. You can soak up liquids and many more things.
Calclavia's remote is infinitely cooler. That should be all you need. :D

Calclavia's version doesn't need anything but power, but as far as I can tell it needs more power to accomplish a task than the original one. However, the forcefield is much, much cooler looking.

The only downside seems to be that the interface is a bit more complicated than the originals.
It actually uses any power you throw at it, just needs to be converted with a Coercion device and you convert the energy (EU, MJ etc) into usable power for all of the MFFS Calcavia machines. I personally had a MFFS mining machine (possible with only the Calcavia version, but scraped it due to lag. For just pure forcefields, go with the standard MFFS mod, but if you plan on doing anything beyond that, the second version is your best bet.
I feel like Calclavia's MFFS has much easier configurable Forcefields, it doesn't add worldgen and has more functions than the classic version. So for me it clearly wins. I don't even add the classic version anymore to my pack.
The original MFFS(more white/metal toned machines, uses forcicium

Isn't that MFFS2?
Not MFFS(1)?

Wasn't MFFS(1) the thing, reminiscent from tekkit/1.2.5, that was continued by Immibis as "Advanced Repulsion Systems"

And MFFS2 was made by thunderdark, and maintained by minalien?

And, due to the lack of an automated way to generate forcicium, Calclavias wins 100% of the time for me.
(You can generate forcicium via power by putting the forcicium card thing in thee tractors top slot, but it can't be removed from there via automation)

So a lack of automation == terrible for a forcefield that needs to run 24/7.

Unfortunately Calclavias version requires so much power it almost begins to feel a but like rocket fuel.
The size of the forcefield needed to hold your power gen requires more power than the power gen can produce.
Unless one is using IC2 nukes... Or something silly like solars (UHS/AS/HS etc/LVS/MVS/HVS)