mcWiredcraft [1.4.2] Whitelist

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
I'm going to stray from the normal whitelisting protocol, only to help you get a better understanding of me.​
Age: (Yes) 20​
IGN: Mephen​
Have you been banned before:
Nope, check MCBans if you would like :D
Experience with Mods:
I have a bunch, I've been playing modded servers, modpacks, and minecraft ever since they came out (I started playing MC when it was still only classic).​
I've played almost every big mod out there, and enjoyed almost all of them very much.​
I haven't had too much experience with the recent addition mods to IC2 (Greg's Tech) and some of the newer features to Forestry,​
from what I've read about it though seems that it has only made the mods better.​
I originally started playing mods by myself, because back in the day mod servers were as rare as a man on mars.​
When Tekkit came out, I was ecstatic, I no longer had to play by myself!​
Favorite mod and why:
I would have to say Redpower 2, it is a universal workhorse for anything, you can make a machine out of anything.​
Not to mention, there's the nifty micro-blocks, perfect for making houses and covering ugly contraptions.​
Also, the RP-Computers and the ability to control redstone signals can make huge contraptions, turn into small, efficient and lightweight machines!​
Why do you want to join:
Well, I want to join because I'm tired of attempting to play on the public servers.​
There always having some sort of problem, and always seem to have block lag.​
I'm hoping to be able to join a server that's actually nice, with a community I can relate to.​
Your three favourite movies:
One would have to be the Hannibal series.​
Another would be Sweeney Todd.​
As for last, I would say Lord of the Rings Trilogy.​
Your three favourite bands:
I would rather put genres of music, because I don't have a favourite band...​
Classical, Electronic, and New/Old Rock​
Do you prefere to venture forth or erect grand structures:
To be honest, a bit of both.​
To build structures of grander, you have to be able to venture forward, and collect the materials required.​
Did you even more:
(Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?).​
Thanks for taking the time to read my application! :D
IGN: Comxxjr
Mod mincraft beta, minecraft, tekkit
ever been banned before: no
Do you prefere to venture forth or erect grand structures: both
Did you even more?: Y
IGN: anssi28
Age: 17
Mod experience: from 1-10 it would be 5 , im quite new
Did you even more?: Y
IGN: ujaggy
Age: 26
Mod experience: Played with another mod pack for over a year and played with FTB mod pack since release.
ever been banned before: No
Your three favorite movies: V for Vendetta, Dark Knight, and for the kid in me Lion King
Do you prefere to venture forth or erect grand structures: Both
Did you even more?: Y
A backup of the server has been made at 2pm -6gmt on 11-30-2012 and that is the world that will be on the new server!
If you still want to hop on and play/test around in creative until we go down ont he 3rd you are welcome.
The new server will be up anywhere between the 2nd to the 6th of december! We will also be getting a mumble or teamspeak, let me know which you guys prefer.
We will also get a new way to update you guys of the server.
Mod experience: Been playing tekkit been waiting for Feed the Beast to come out for ages so I'm pretty good with using mods now
Have you ever been banned before:No
Your three favorite movies: Lockout, Limitless, and Skyfall
Do you prefer to venture out forth or build grand structures: Both
Did you even more: Y
Mod experience: Been playing tekkit for about 5 years now been waiting for Feed the Beast to come out for ages so I'm pretty good with using mods now
Have you ever been banned before:No
Your three favorite movies: Lockout, Limitless, and Skyfall
Do you prefer to venture out forth or build grand structures: Both
Did you even more: Y
The fun thing is that first version of minecraft was relased around 3 years ago :P
IGN: coolcsl10
Age: 16
Mod experience:Lots
ever been banned before: Yes (like you would say yes if you have :p)
Had 2 ips on at same time. Me and My brother
Your 3 favorite bands:
1. Linkin Park
2. Some dubstep
3. Some rap
Your three favorite movies:
1. Norbit
2. YesMan
3. Fast 5
Do you prefere to venture forth or erect grand structures:
Bit of both :D
Did you even more?: Y
IGN: axeboy_tf
Age: 15
Mod experience: im very experienced in any mod in FTB mostly because im testing and reading about the mods when there are new mods added.
ever been banned before: Yes not from FTB servers but from vanilla caused by someone reported me for not letting them in my house on a none protected server.
Your 3 favorite bands: Düne, Dope and maroon 5
Your three favorite movies: skylanders, James Pond skyfall and any film with Eddie Morphy
Do you prefere to venture forth or erect grand structures: yes in the start im always making a shelter and gathering resources then im building a factory/wizard tower/castle and i will be glad to make a combined machineroom for the server
Did you even more?: Yes