Welcome To The next chapter of Mcraftworlds
This server is in beta and will most likely be restarted at the launch of the final version of FTB.
We will be opening 65 Slots
The goal is to get a solid bass community prior to full launch. Everything we do is to create a stable and fun environment.
IP: ftb.mcraftworlds.net
Forums: http://mcraftworlds.net/
Direct FTB link: http://www.mcraftworlds.net/index.php?forums/ftb-server-discussion.28/
Monrook & Jjlynn
Others to be determined.
Server Spec.
i7 3770k
32gb of 1866 ram
OS; ESXI with the vm's attached to a x10 SSD SAN Node
100mbit connection
Home hosted
We have Fighu's Commands and Simple Modes Applied
Server Rules are simple:
1: Basic life rules apply.
2: Do NOT Greif others in anyway.
3: PVP is allowed only to protect your proporty.
4: NO HACKING/Bug Exploits.
5: Put your favorite color in your app.
6: English speaking chat only.
7: Act your age - BE MATURE!
We are a Whitelist BETA server and you will have to apply,
In Game Name:
AGE: (Important):
Why you are applying:
What you expect: