I find it neat that we have 3+ options here for plugin emulation/ support, and furthermore, the devs from each team are friendly and responsive. I see a bright future for FTB plugin emulation/ support.
ForgeEssetials from personal experience has almost no impact on server performance. However, i dont think its fair to compare FE to Spigot since i think FE has not been designed to optimize the server (that im aware of). It can help though. For exmaple, FE has a worldborder mod which allows you to generate all the chunks within the border, which increases server performance when exploring. FE is also easy to set up and works great. I like the chat mod much better than Essentials as well, but meh, personal preference.
What im curious about is if it is possible to run FE and MCPC+ together at the same time. Some of FEs modules i wouldnt want to lose, so im wondering if its possible to run MCPC+ and FE if you avoid plugins similar to the FE modules youve chosen to keep?
You can try, but we won't be making any adjustments to help you with that.
And please don't ask for support if something related to the combo of ForgeEssentials and MCPC+ or ForgeBukkit or Fihgu's mods brakes.
Well, due to fundamental incompatibilities, there is now a non-compulsory check for MCPC+ or BukkitForge. Just remember to turn enablesanitychecks to false in the config.I doubt you could put both ForgeEssentials and MCPC+ togther but youve given me a challenge there. I think I might try that.
Well, the install tutorials for MCPC+ are hard to find, at least they were for me. MCPC+ replaces the server jar. As long as you rename the mcpc+ jat to whatever your previous FTB server jar was, it should work fine. Thats it, nothing else required! No need for reloading mods or anything. I would however recommend a full server backup before attempting this. MCPC+ is still WIP/ alpha.
EDIT: What Profjb wrote is spot on, much better explained![]()
Well if you have access to FTP (File transfer protocol). Log into that. If you don't know how to, use filezilla. Google it.
Once logged in. Don't do anything yet, instead put this file into an empty folder on your desktop. And click the .jar file. It will load all the folders.
Now finally, rename the .jar provided with the MCPC+ mod, to the current .jar you run. So default would be minecraft_server.jar. I run it on custom.jar.
Once this is all done, try and replace everything loaded in that folder with the stuff on your server. So delete all your lib files and replace them with these.
The mods and coremods folder don't need to be changed on the server. Unless there is something generated in any other files you shouldnt need to replace them eather. Then simply.
Start your server!
p.s. Funny thing most people don't know, if you want to try a server that runs this. I have it in the custom server section. Oh and im 14. Thought i might share that. Partly why my spelling may be bad. Just like to thank everyone here for the support as most the bugs in my modpack ive managed to sort out through you guys. I hoped this helped everyone with querys.