got a crash when i killed some pig men and their bodies went everywhere the cause was ticking entitiesif i get it again i will post the log here
Sorry about that, should be fixed now. You are verified.confirmation e-mail has not been sent ill keep trying
Was wondering why it didn't come.Sorry about that, should be fixed now. You are verified.
There will be no code for this one.What is the launcher Private Modpack Code???
Update!The Team is Growing!Everyone welcome "Bosky" and "Tomlilz" to the NWMP Team!Also, we have a new forum where you can talk about each of your mod-packs we are making with this team! join! and Support us if you enjoy NWMP!
The pack, why back in Beta included thaumcraft...I was denied permission to continue to use it.Try adding thaumcraft
I will look into it for the next version! Thanks for the SuggestionThere is this mod called InfiCraft that I personally think will fit into this modpack very well
OOOKKKKKK!!!!! I willHEEEEEY!!! Youve got to check out and consider the chainz mod for your modpack!!! it would go perfectly with what your trying to do!!
I have requested permission and will let you know if it will be in v4, thanks for the suggestion! This mod is perfect for the pack and I am hooked on getting it for the packlol thanksthe mc forum page is here
Hey we did have it for a time but sadly we added Thermal Expansion and it kinda made Minefactory pointlesshey, can you add Power Crystals Power Converters mod, and also Power Crystals Mine factory reloaded? would also be nice if you added it to your second pack as well (the one on your forum, the "armageddon pack")
Sorry for the time I took me to respond, I was very busy the last few dayshey, can you add Power Crystals Power Converters mod, and also Power Crystals Mine factory reloaded? would also be nice if you added it to your second pack as well (the one on your forum, the "armageddon pack")
This mod is a must! Added! (v4)lol thanksthe mc forum page is here