Sure, next version I'll add it in.Hey Kyle you should add support for the Tinkerers construct mattocks for treecapitator
Not sure man, I would ask around the forums.[DOUBLEPOST=1371019236][/DOUBLEPOST]anyone can help? when i finished downloading the NWMP from the launcher and played it first time, it works fine..
but after i close the game and try to launch the modpack again from the launcher it keeps redownloading minecraft.jar over again and after finishing the download it doesnt start at all...
seems like the only way i can play the modpack is if i force update it everytime and redownload everything over again..
Need to know what version you are running of NWMP.[DOUBLEPOST=1371019327][/DOUBLEPOST]im crashing when loading my world apparently because of either forestry or extra bees is trying to draw the bee particles and something goes wrong. i updated to the latest extra bees and the problem is still there. here is some of the error message:
at forestry.apiculture.genetics.BeeGenome.getEffect(
at forestry.apiculture.genetics.Bee.doEffect(
at forestry.apiculture.BeekeepingLogic.update(
at forestry.apiculture.gadgets.TileBeehouse.updateServerSide(
at forestry.core.gadgets.TileBase.func_70316_g(
-- Tile entity being ticked --
Name: forestry.Apiary // forestry.apiculture.gadgets.MachineApiary
Block type: ID #1408 (tile.for.apiculture // forestry.core.gadgets.BlockBase)
Block data value: 0 / 0x0 / 0b0000
Block location: World: (44,71,572), Chunk: (at 12,4,12 in 2,35; contains blocks 32,0,560 to 47,255,575), Region: (0,1; contains chunks 0,32 to 31,63, blocks 0,0,512 to 511,255,1023)
Actual block type: ID #1408 (tile.for.apiculture // forestry.core.gadgets.BlockBase)
Actual block data value: 0 / 0x0 / 0b0000
java.lang.ClassCastException: binnie.extrabees.genetics.EnumExtraBeeFlowers cannot be cast to forestry.api.apiculture.IAlleleBeeEffect
at forestry.apiculture.genetics.BeeGenome.getEffect(
at forestry.apiculture.genetics.Bee.doEffect(
at forestry.apiculture.BeekeepingLogic.update(
at forestry.apiculture.gadgets.TileBeehouse.updateServerSide(
at forestry.core.gadgets.TileBase.func_70316_g(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(
any clues?
I would if I had the time, I have one, just need to get it in HTML and uploaded. x.xIt would be really usefull is pack creator made a changelog page, for different versions.
Its at the first post...on this thread budI would like to make a server but i cannot find the server files anywhere. How can I host a server by myself in my computer?
Its at the first post...on this thread bud![]()
Umm... Redpower isn't updating to 1.5.x, but I would like to see EE3 and Thaumcraft installed, too.Are you planning to add redpower (when it is updated) , thaumcraft and Equivalent exchange 3? It would be a good idea![]()
Umm... Redpower isn't updating to 1.5.x, but I would like to see EE3 and Thaumcraft installed, too.
Iron is set to spawn 27 veins PER chunk as of v6.3 You are having some really bad luck man.I've encountered a problem that I'm not sure is an actual problem and is possibly just bad luck but nonetheless, after a great deal of mining, I've found it very difficult to find any iron at all, I have barely half a stack whilst I have at least 3 stacks of copper! Does anyone else have similar issues? Getting started with machinery is proving very difficult.
I have said this before, No Magic Mods. Can't get permission for Thaumcraft anywayUmm... Redpower isn't updating to 1.5.x, but I would like to see EE3 and Thaumcraft installed, too.
Redpower isn't updated to 1.5.2/1, and her twitter says he is slowly working on it. It would be to much of a pain to try and keep track of this mod. One min she is gone for months, next he is working on the latest build.What do you mean "redpower isn't updating to 1.5.x" ? Eloramm takes time to develop updates but based on her twitter she is working on 1.5.x