Whitelist Server MapleCraft | DireWolf20 v5.3.2 | White-List | Bukkit-Forge | Plug-Ins |

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In-Game-Name: Lat1tude

Why do you want to join the server: Well, I've been playing on a server for a long time that was once DireWolf20's pack. It then moved to the 1.5.2 beta pack and I lost a couple of my favourite mods. I decided I want to play on DW20 once again. I then saw this thread at the top of the DW20 White-list page and though "Well, this seems nice" and evidently, I am signing up.

How experienced are you with the DW20 Pack: I'm not too experienced as I only need a few mods for what I do. But the mod I use the most and for pretty much everything is Industrial Craft 2. However, if I need something I will venture into new mods!

What is your age: 11

Can you follow the rules: Most definately.

Do you plan on being active: Yes, every day for AT LEAST 2 hours. Most likely a lot more as my summer break is coming up extremely soon.

About me: I like to build underground.

Anything you'd like to add: Nope, I'm pretty sure this fills in enough about me :)
In-Game-Name: WickdStyle ( Really want to change this )
Why do you want to join the server: I want to join the server because normal singleplayer is a tad too boring. I make awesome stuff, but there's nobody around to impress. I come up with something cool, but I have nobody to share it with. I want to share my knowledge and awesome builds with others.
How experienced are you with the DW20 Pack: I've been playing DW20/Tekkit/FTB Ultimate etc. for a very long time now. I have expierence with like...85% of the mods. Still gotta work on my coding and Factorization knowledge.
What is your age: I'm 16 years old.
Can you follow the rules: Sure can do.
Do you plan on being active: I consider myself a hardcore gamer, so yes. I've been ''hardcore'' gaming since the age of 6 and I pretty much spend most of my time playing games. Gotta love getting high English grades due to gaming!
About me: My real name is Seth Sebastiaan Spierenburg. Yes, that's right, SSS. I make a bit of money on the side by Photoshopping for people, I have a Snowball microphone, sorta high end PC...and I'm a witty bastard.
Anything you'd like to add: I have a girlfriend, so there will be times I won't be on for a day or 2. No biggie though, when I'm back home it'll be right back to no life gaming!
In-Game-Name: luuk11226

Why do I want to join the server: Well, I have tried and played on many different servers for FTB, but some if not most of them had something wrong with them. Either the admins were overusing their power or they had too many banned items. I have also played singleplayer to death.

How experienced are you with the DW20 Pack: Not very experienced with DW20, but I have been playing alot of tekkit, FTB ultimate etc. I am always happy to find some new mods in the modpack, even the ones I don't completely understand.

What is your age: I am 15 years of age.

Can you follow the rules: Well sometimes I like to do random stuff, but nothing against the rules, so yes I can.

Do you plan on being active: Well, that depends on the server. If it is fun and I like it (which so far I have nothing against) then sure.

About me: My name is Taavi Meinberg, I like cats, I am into reading (I have read the complete series "hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy".

Anything you'd like to add: I... How about.... hmm... er... No not really.
n-Game-Name: DemonicShadow89
Why do you want to join the server:to play with mature players and build epic and have fun
How experienced are you with the DW20 Pack:going on 2 years
What is your age:29
Can you follow the rules:Yes to a T
Do you plan on being active:Yes Very
About me:i been play minecraft since it first came out i was also a mod for a server for 2 years
Anything you'd like to add
In-Game-Name: Bematrix
Why do you want to join the server: I'm looking for a great community to play with and MapleCraft seems the perfect fit
How experienced are you with the DW20 Pack: I started playing about 2 months ago and have a good sp world, but played a lot of tekkit and technic and even yogcraft. I just haven´t been messing around with factorization, yet
What is your age: 20
Can you follow the rules: Yes, of course
Do you plan on being active: Yes
About me: Portuguese and a fencer, studying mechanical engineering and love to play minecraft
Anything you'd like to add: Looking forward to meet you guys, cheers
Why do you want to join the server:I would like to join a FTB server so i can play modded minecraft with other people.
How experienced are you with the DW20 Pack:I have experimented a lot with the mods in the pack.
What is your age:14
Can you follow the rules:Yes, i can.
Do you plan on being active:I will log on al least once a day.
About me:I like experimenting with mods and building minecraft contraptions.
Anything you'd like to add:Not at the moment.
In-Game-Name: raggedreece
Why do you want to join the server: because i like the idea of a whitelist server due to less griefers and it is a closer community to try and get along with everyone
How experienced are you with the DW20 Pack: i'm not the best but i'm not the worst and most of the builds i make aren't very intensive on the server
What is your age: 15
Can you follow the rules: yes
Do you plan on being active: yes
About me:i like to build on my own but show people my base and i try to answer any questions that i can if asked in chat
Anything you'd like to add: one thing i would love would be a teamspeak server :D
Why do you want to join the server:
I have been looking for a DW20, whitelisted server for awhile now. I really need a mature, reliable, friends, whitelisted DW20 server to play on.
How experienced are you with the DW20 Pack:
I played it when it was in 1.2.5, then when the Ultimate Pack came out I moved to that. The Ultimate Pack is no different to the DW20 besides having GregTech. So in my opinion I think I am experienced somewhat.
What is your age:
Can you follow the rules:
Yes, I will not break any rules.
Do you plan on being active:
Yes, that's why I am looking for a server to play on.
About me:
I am a big gamer, I have been gaming since I was 3 years old. I recently got more into PC gaming I always been a pc gamer but I got more into it. I am not a huge PC gamer besides Minecraft because I have 64mb video card which is hard to play average games even Minecraft it is still hard.
Anything you'd like to add:
Nope, not really. I hope there is still not banned items.
Question - Is your server still on v.5.3.2 instead of v1.1.0? I was just wondering since I'm looking for v1.1.0 servers to join, and your server seems like it might be fun.
In-Game-Name: Astal2684
Why do you want to join the server: Wanted to play FTB along with other people.
How experienced are you with the DW20 Pack: I've played Tekkit andhave watched DW20 episodes and spotlights. So I familiar with majority of the mods
What is your age: 29
Can you follow the rules: Yess
Do you plan on being active: I plan to be on everyday when I'm not working
About me: I'm a Working guy. So I try to be on after work and weekends if able to. I tend to be helpful to other players allowing the use of my machines, giving items that i don't need and being helpful to others if possible. I also live in the Bahamas which has terrible internet signals, so it makes looking for servers that much harder due to lag issues. I hope your server does not turn out to be one of those servers.
IGN: Eldramoor30
Why do you want to join the server: I Wanted a friendly environment where I wont get griefed.
How experienced are you with the DW20 Pack: I've played other FTB packs and the technic launcher.
Age: 14
Can you follow the rules: Most Certainly
Do you plan on being active: Yes when I can
About me: Bookworm, Gamer,
In-Game-Name: MinerStijn
Why do you want to join the server: I am looking for a good FTB server, all previous ones are rubish so I'm trying a whitelisted one since I think those will be higher quality :)
How experienced are you with the DW20 Pack: I know all mechanical stuff. Buildcraft, IndustrialCraft, ComputerCraft, ME systems, etc
What is your age: 16
Can you follow the rules: I always do.
Do you plan on being active: Yes since my exam period is coming up :p I'm a good learner and I have alot of free afternoons.
About me: I study Graphic Media in Belgium.
Anything you'd like to add: Hope it'll be fun :) I didn't find a banned items list though.
In-Game-Name: flashix_
Why do you want to join the server: Want to play with other people and my friend (under)
How experienced are you with the DW20 Pack: yes I began playing it since it came out
What is your age: 17
Can you follow the rules: why not :D
Do you plan on being active: yes daily only a bit less when I have exams
About me: I'm 17, male and I'm from Belgium. I play daily and like community builds
Anything you'd like to add: Hope I finaly found the right server for me and my friend


In-Game-Name: freaker003
Why do you want to join the server: wanna play with my friend and just meet new people
How experienced are you with the DW20 Pack: A bit but not to much
What is your age: 18
Can you follow the rules: yes
Do you plan on being active: daily
About me: I'm 18, male and also from belgium. I like building stuff and IC2
Anything you'd like to add: Same as "flashix_"
In-Game-Name: Mad_Mine
Why do you want to join the server: want to play in a server that has people that are friendly and don't greef :)
How experienced are you with the DW20 Pack:
well i'm playing this mod pack for 6-7 mounts
What is your age: 17
Can you follow the rules: YES
Do you plan on being active: YES
About me: I'm from Bulgaria
Anything you'd like to add: If u need something to me i can tell you my skype or something else :)