Magnum Torch Problems?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Did the magnum torch change recently? Dw1.0.16 I had a set up where I put magnum torches basically covering near my base down to bedrock then had elevators going up 80ish blocks from the magnum torch where I built a large dark room. I had an amazing spawn rate until recently where everything has stopped entirely. Did they increase the range of magnum torches? Do they have an unlimited vertical range now like chunk loaders? Is there some issue where they continue to prevent spawns after they have been removed?

I did have a magnum torch up top while I did some conveyor belt repairs but if I remember correctly there were still spawns after that. Any ideas?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
maybe try adding dark glass i believe its called and i believe its from extra utils correct me if I'm wrong
That it is, but I don't personally see how it can help based on how the magnum torch works

AFAIK the magnum torch is meant to have a 64 block radius, so the idea is if you stand on the torch there will be zero mob spawns.
Just to check you're counting the spaces right, and with that, is the mob farm then too far out of range of you?
24 blocks they start to spawn, and after 30 they no longer move and begin to despawn (which can be a problem for some mob farm designs)

So if the mob farm is too far away from where you spend most of your time there won't be any mobs in them
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