This just sounds amazing. It'd fill a gap in the magic mods that most don't even know is missing!
I do kind of hope for some eldritch things to happen should a ritual go... how should I put it... wrong... awry? Anyway, its one of the things that always comes up when someone talks rituals and the stars with me... there are things out there beyond human/minecraftian comprehension, and Lovecraft was a big fan of the stars as well
I really do hope that you won't let this die. It'd be a shame for a great idea such as this to not come to fruition.
There will definitly be a risk involved... Obviously, not all the things that happen in the nightsky are beneficial for the player, and trying to harness the astronomical powers can sometimes go wrong.
I'm very intrigued about this concept. When I think about astronomy, let alone an astronomy-based magic mod, I imagine the player to be able to research constilations like Leo, Poseiden, Ursa Major, Crux, etc. I also think about studying the movement of planets across the night sky. I would like to make a few suggestions: May I suggest that for players who are not actual astronomers like me, that you include plenty of pieces of documentation like a star chart for recording discovered constilations, a planetarium for planets, a calender for charting the phases of the moon or something like that, and maybe a horoscope for some random major purpose? Also, if your going to add lunar phenomona like the blood moon, ender moon, and the like, could you also add the harvest moon as well. The harvest moon is orange colored and will allow all crops to grow at a faster rate and with a higher yield. May I finally also suggest cross-compatibility with all other major magic mods?
The minecraftian universe will most likely be fantasy-based, with lots of references to the real universe. At least, that's the plan. Star charts, moon calenders, etc. will indeed be added, because the information you collect will allow you to predict certain events.
The harvest moon sounds great, that'll most definitly be one of the moon events.
Cross-mod compat for magic mods is also something that'll likely make it in.
From the mod creator of Erebus, I'm sure you won't disappoint!
For a mod i'm working with, I suggested an astronomy mechanic for our sky dimension.
Basically different planets crossing different constellations would cause different effects. A special high tier item would enable you to use XP to prolong these effects well past when they had been called in. The whole idea is currently out of our know-how to implement and is low down on the list of things to be done. This, a whole mod built around the concept is interesting and I would be willing to help.
Anyway, some of my ideas for your mod:
Meteor showers: Visual only, they appear on occasional nights in the meteor showers. You can catch a shooting star by enchanting a glove (requires 30 levels) and using it above y level 128 during one of these nights. Catching the shooting star almost kills you, but one is required for a lot of the early mod equipment.
This could include a star globe which can be used to bind you to certain constellations.
Also makes a catalyst which can be used to turn lapis, redstone and glowstone into ritual chalks.
Comets: Comets appear over several nights, crossing the sky. At first they are small specks but soon grow to streak across most of the sky before receding. A special magical signal can call the comet to the ground around it (Causing a big explosion and fires, hence the ritual should be done in the wilderness). The closer the comet is when the signal is activated, the more material you will get. The comet takes a day or so to land.
Comets carry the materials required to progress from low tier to mid tier (with high tier involving other planets). This includes sky steel. A steel tier metal that mines faster/does more damage at fuller stages of the moon.
The steel could be used to make a sky-forge which imbues different enchantments (some unique) dependent on the position of the stars.
Along with the bloodmoon and endermoon, you could have the ability to summon a morlock siege or something on the new moon (either to gain special items or smite enemies).
Talking about smiting enemies, how about summoning a bright green comet that will blind anyone who looks at it for too long.
The Godfrey Synapsia: you wanted botania integration, how about a special flower that stops shooting stars and comets. Stops people from griefing your base and can give you a monopoly on supplies. Please note the name is an incredibly obscure reference that no one will get.
Finally, thaumcraft. The skysteel could make a portable hole resistant building material as well as a wand core and caps. Maybe a baubal that saves you more vis dependant on the moon phases.
Lots of interesting concepts, and I surely remember A.D.D. from long ago

Comets will be added, and this post gave me a clear idea as to how it'd work. It would indeed be a gating mechanic that'll allow the astronomer to look further into the universe (a new lens for your telescope, most likely), and the materials for it will be provides by these meteorites. To prevent griefing, the player will need to closely research the trajectory of one specific comet, loosing it out of sight will cause it to miss earth, but studying it multiple times (every night for x nights) would result in it landing, and it'd give you a hint as to where it'll land. This way, you will not get random ones when you are not actually getting into it.
The research mechanic and practical uses for this mod are the two main headsores for me, as research is a hard thing to get right (look at TC4...) and practical uses are always difficult to come up with (original ones, that is). I'd probably go the Botania path for it, not providing machines and such, but providing different ''parts'' that you can use to create a system. Something with Stardust (which can be ''created'' using various eldritch devices) is an idea, but I do not want to make it too techy or too Botania.
Don't summon him! We want the mod finished as soon as possible.
To be honest, I haven't properly started this yet. I need to find one or two people to help me with the coding aspect of the mod (or rather, to do the coding, I am merely an artist), and there are lots of things that I/we need to come up with to make it worthwhile.
Also, Botania, the Erebus and real life have been busy.
How about "Stellar Arcana"?
I didn't think @
Dylan4ever was looking for name suggestions, though.
I wasn't, I do however like the name. Something Latin-ish is to be expected, as I follow Latin classes in real life :3.