Magic Farm Skyblock Guide v 0.9

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dont worry about this guide. It was made before HQM was a thing.
Guide was made for version 1.0.3 and prior. it will NO LONGER be updated.


Welcome fellow Skyblock expanders! This is a guide for the Magic Farm Skyblock. A modpack with map by user Jadedcat. I will update this guide as needed when the map updates or when mods update.

now before you ask... I'm gonna expect a few questions- so let me answer them right here.

Q: What...? I dont see that pack on the launcher
A: Its in beta. Check this thread for getting it.

Q: Still not on the launcher....
A: Scroll down... private packs generally appear on the bottom of the list.

Q: Why no pictures?
A: because I wanted to get the meat of the guide done before adding any pictures.

Something I noticed when I updated to 1.0.2....
Before you do anything, rename one of the three provided maps (preferrably either of the top two, the bottom one is old and has some balance issues). Then before you touch anything, jump off the skyblock or clear your inventory, then enable Rain and the full night cycle. I doubt Jaded would want you to have a Creative Builder's Wand so early in the game as well as a Thaumium Capped Silverwood Wand.

Fixed in 1.0.3
Nope, not quite fixed for the flatmaps- but perfectly ok in the new house, which is the cutest little thing I've ever seen... :)

When you start off with the map you are granted by Jadedcat 1 oak sapling, 1 Birch sapling,1 Spruce Sapling, 3 stacks of bonemeal and 8 pieces of Flint. If you've played Magic Farm or Magic Farm 2, your initial instinct will be to make all the tinker things- including tools with flint. While thats not a bad option (especally with the amount of wood you will be getting from each tree you grow) Theres a much more efficent option- and you will want to make these anyway for silk.

the Crook
[S][S][ ]
[ ][S][ ] S = Stick
[ ][S][ ]
You will want to make a few of these, as you will need to get yourself some silkworms from the leaves. Go ahead and make the tinker's setup to make yourself an axe and a pickaxe.

In the current version of Magic Farm- there is enough layers on the skyblock platform that one could use it as an indoor base for things that dont need a line-of-sight to the sky. This may not stay in the map when the next major map update comes out.
1.0.3: This applies ONLY to the flatmaps

When you get a silkworm, go ahead and break one of the dirt blocks and move it somewhere away from the initial location of your treefarm. I recommend farming a few birch saplings before going after silk- as when you infect the tree with the silkworms, you wont get any saplings from said tree back- and the saplings are what you will need going forward.

To get to Tier 1 from Tier 0 you will need at least

18 string
33 saplings of at least 1 kind of tree (preferrably Oak)

By the time you have the saplings, you should have more than enough wood by then. This is not a barrel from Jabba/Factorization, this barrel is from Ex Nihilo - which makes this particular skyblock possible.

[W][ ][W] W = Wood
[W][ ][W]
[W][S][W] S = Slab from same wood

You should make four of these- and make sure you have a shelter going. If you came from the future and theres a house on your skyblock, put three of them outside and one inside your house, but fill them all up with the saplings and construct the next tool- the Sieve.
[S][S][S] S = String
Silk Mesh
[W][M][W] W = Any vanilla wooden plank
[W][M][W] M = Silk Mesh
[S][ ][S] S = Stick
Place the Sieve nowhere near the edge of your skyblock if you don't wish to loose materials.
Sieve enough dirt to get 12 stones and make yourself a wooden hammer so that you may pound them into dust blocks....

[ ][A][ ] A = any vanilla tool material
[ ][S][A]
[S][ ][ ] S = Stick
Its Hammer Time! - Smash bros style!

Stone -> Gravel -> Sand -> Dust
Remember this order- it will be useful later.

To move into Tier 2... you need to wait for rain...Leave a few barrels out, and make sure they stay empty. With the last barrel, try to sieve as much dirt as you can so that you can get enough stone to make a furnace, as well as begin grinding stone into gravel... with a hammer-

With a furnace in hand, you can actually start feeding yourself some cooked grubs- the silkworms make a very early source of food- though I still recommend keeping one in case you need more string. Also Oak trees drop apples, which can not only be used for food, but also multiple other options as well- including making dirt with em.

Getting grass is a good idea to get at this stage as well- It is worth sifting more dirt so that one can try and locate the very elusive grass seeds- so that one can bonemeal and get all kinds of Harvestcraft Goodies to plant.

It is also worth noting that you are in a jungle biome, So expect things you find in the jungle (like ocelots) when you start expanding your grassy field. When working with expanding your section of the sky, turn on biome overlay and try to expand your grassy area into nearby river / ocean biomes.

With the stone you get, try to get yourself as much gravel as you can. Gravel will be highly useful for getting all the regular metals. Sift the gravel- and you can get a plethora of ores and materials.

When it finally rains, You will notice that the barrel or barrels you left outside will be filling up with water. Place the dust you made earlier into the barrel and that dust will turn into clay. Combine the clay with bonemeal in a crafting table (shapeless recipe) and make 7 pieces of Porcelain clay. Make yourself a clay bucket and a clay cauldron.

[ ][ ][ ]
[C][ ][C] C = Regular clay
[ ][C][ ]
Clay Bucket
[P][ ][P]
[P][ ][P] Porcelain Clay
Unfired Cauldron

Throw that cauldron into a furnace with a piece of wood, or two sticks if you want to conserve your wood. Ya know... for that girl you wa- SHOT! Ahem... where was I...

After you get your newly fired cauldron, get yourself more cobble and throw it in there, and while your at it... make yourself a clay bucket, and some torches. Place the cauldron in a spot with a space underneath it, and a torch right below it. This will allow the cauldron to melt cobblestone into lava.

By this point, you likely have the basics down for surviving in your world. But... what if you want to expand your horizons?

Optimetal- Optimized Metal production; aka the Tinker's Construct smeltery
You are going to need several stacks of grout. Grout is made two ways- one is with clay blocks and four gravel, and four sand to make 8 blocks of grout. Smelting grout will give you seared bricks. Which you can turn into block form. You will need several individual bricks to start- so don't turn any bricks into blocks until you have all the important things built first. So what do these important things consist of?

[ ][ ][ ]
[B][ ][B] B = Brick
[ ][B][ ]
Smeltery Drain (min: 1)
[B][ ][B] B = Brick
Smeltery Controller (only 1)
[B][ ][B] B = Brick
[B][ ][B]
Casting Table (min 1)
[B][ ][B]
[B][ ][B] B = Brick
Casting Basin (min 0)
[B][B][B] G = Glass
[B][B][B] B = Brick
Smeltery Tank (min 1, max 3 - fill it with lava. holds 4 buckets)
[B][G][B] G = Glass
[B][G][B]B = Brick
Making any one of these will give you a book titled "Mighty Smelting" Which will show you how its put together.

However, be careful of what metals you put in there. Several of them turn into alloys.
In the book titled Mighty Smelting, it gives you an incomplete list of alloys the smeltery can make.
In addition to that list, you can get:
Invar: 2 iron, 1 nickel

Maybe a few others, I've not experimented much with it.
Automatic functions
So you want to get started on automation?
Lets start by getting some redstone dust by sifting as much dust as you can. You will need a lot of redstone.

Lets start by setting up an automatic process of producing cobblestone. Go ahead and make yourself an iron bucket. Its a vanilla thing... it could be out of your reach. :p kidding.

The best way to start the automation of things is with Thermal Expansion. The first recipe you will want to get is the Machine Frame, as well as the Reception and Transmission Coils (these will be useful for making a few other machines)
[A][G][A] A = Gold
[G][I][G] I = Iron
[A][G][A] G = Glass
Machine Frame - your going to need at least two of these for automation
[ ][ ][R] I = Gold for reception, Silver for Transmission
[ ][I][ ]
[R][ ][ ] R = Restone
Transmission/reception coil
[C][L][C] C = Copper
[ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ] L = Lead
[T][L][T] T = Tin
[ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ] L = Lead
You will also need just one set of the itemducts and fluiducts. You will also need some invar ingots - 11 to be precise- though you will want to make more later on.
You will need the following machines:
[ ][P][ ] G = Glass, P = Piston
[G][F][G] F = Machine Frame,N = Pneumatic Servo
[T][N][T] T = Tin ingot
Igneous Extruder
[ ][P][ ] P = Piston, C = Reception Coil
[F][M][F] F = Flint, U = Copper
[U][C][U] M = Machine Frame
[ ][C][ ] C = Transmission Coil, R = Redstone
[G][I][G] G = Invar Gear
[I][R][I] I = Invar Ingot
Magmatic Dynamo

If you want some smoothstone for stone bricks- make a second Igneous Extruder and hook it up to an Aqueous Accumulator- and set it to make Stone- which can be easily crafted into bricks.

Mob Grinders
I suggest making a water-less / piston-less mobfarm. Monkeyfarm has a tuttorial on that here.
When you get your first enderpearl, I suggest making a vaccum

Squidfarm / slimefarm. - Prerequisite: Automatic cobble Generator
Once you can make yourself a piston (and a button) you can start building downwards from the platform. Make yourself some steps, and 17 stacks of signs (they stack to 16). Make the size of the room down underneath the platform 16 by 17 by 10 tall, if your lucky, slimes will spawn in that room. I do recommend making yourself a safer way down later on. This will give you slimeballs, which can be used to make Rubber Tree saplings.

Requirements: Access to the Nether and Sugarcane- as well as Squids... LOTS of squids.... and chickens for feathers.
Go to the nether and instead of taking a pickaxe- take a hammer and wack a few netherrack so you can get some Fire Shards. You can make yourself a Thaumometer with those.

If you happen to have a nice mobfarm, and a steady supply of gunpowder, you can go ahead, make some TNT and place them down and hammer to break em.

Blood Magic
TODO: Blood Magic

You need haybails for bees. Combine it with a piece of Silk Mesh, and make a squeezer. Squeeze the seeds to get seed oil and use a liquid transposer to infuse the plain hive with seed oil. This will get you the scented hive.

Requires: Bees

By this point, you can get started in making your tree-breeding farm. just plant any two different saplings to get yourself into tree breeding.

Applied Energistics
Requires: Rubber trees

Tatsu's Monument - The Endgame Goal - Waiting on the next update- will be for useless things that you wouldn't play with in this pack.
Waiting for cool things to happen before adding ;)
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I was about to make a guide like this myself. Good job so far. here are a few tips you might want to include.
The stone bricks can be converted into stones. Make a furnace and smelt excess silk worms for food. Make a juicer for apples. String can be put in the barrels to help make dirt.
Also, the pick axe isn't necessary until you have a cobble generator.
You should talk about a getting mob tower as soon as you get a clay bucket.
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A few things.

Autonomous Activators do not pick up items destroyed by a Hammer. So you have to gather gravel from a cobblestone generator you need a vacuum hopper (much later in the game) or pick them up every so often. And yes, hammers DO loose durability in one.

Activators do work with a sieve, though slowly. And once again the products are spit into the world.

My first machine was an Igneous Extruder. MUCH better than mining a cobblestone generator for lots of cobblestone. Though you need to hammer away for a while to get the gravel to make one.

Your first few dirt should be sifted in a sieve. You're looking for a grass seed. You want to plant that on the dirt area, and save some bonemeal for when it's covered the area with grass. This gets you the Harvestcraft seeds, especially the fruit trees. A couple of those trees will provide food.

You CAN make hoes normally. Though you likely won't have enough dirt for a while to matter.

That's as far as I've gotten so far.
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Thanks for the response. As I said at the top, this guide is very much Work-In-Progress.

The stone bricks can be converted into stones.
In the most recent version of the pack, most users wont get the "Stone Brick" map. There was an update to the pack which updated the map so that there is no valuable stone on it.

Make a furnace and smelt excess silk worms for food. Make a juicer for apples. String can be put in the barrels to help make dirt.
I wouldn't use string for that purpose.

Also, the pick axe isn't necessary until you have a cobble generator.
Indeed, though the wood that you get makes this moot point.

You should talk about a getting mob tower as soon as you get a clay bucket.
I've not used a mob tower in my world oddly enough... Helpful, but not required.

And I've not discussed anything about metals or redstone. That was in the next tier.
You should talk about a getting mob tower as soon as you get a clay bucket.
It is possible to make a mob farm that doesn't even use water, so no need to wait for clay bucket. Plus if you make it right you can get a nice supply of enderpearls by not having water in your mob farm.
@Quietgirl That sounds like just the thing for me ^_^. Do you have a convenient 'How To' you can link for this particular farm?
I got my mob farm idea from Monkeyfarm on youtube. Only difference is he uses platforms in the middle which I leave out for a simple design. The design I use is below. Basically you go up the amount of blocks needed (I did 28 for the skyblock). You can make it a 2x2 or 3x3 hole. From there you go out 3 blocks. The 3rd block will be your wall. Go up two for the wall and then out three again. You can keep expanding it however many layers you want. If you don't want spiders then you would add the half slabs to prevent them spawning. Place trap doors around the edges and finish off with a slab roof. With this design you will still have to kill the enderman but for the most part they should stay in the drop area.

Wow... really? You start off with items and you're using ex nihilo? With that mod you just need a little dirt and one tree and nothing else.. just like how the skyblock map designed for the mod is done, thats just a 3x3x3 block of dirt and a tree.
Staring out with three saplings, and a tun of boanmeal and flint... thats overkill for that mod alone. I played ex nihilo on it's skyblock map with the DW20 modpack and have worked up to having, well... everything.

With wood from the first tree alone you can make your first barrel, and from it's saplings start making more dirt blocks, from the wood from more trees you can make the crook and get some silkworms to infect a tree to get string to make the sifter, then start sifting dirt to get stone to make cobble along with plant/food seeds, from there make a hammar and start smashing cobble to get gravel, to get sand, to get dust... and well from there it's just making dirt, making cobble to smash down and using the sifter to acquire all the ores, plants(even all the saplings), and blocks to make everything else to your hearts content.

You don't -need- three stacks of bonemeal to start @.x you don't even get that in the default skyblock.
Um. Beta is beta? I imagined the flint and bone meal were simply to speed up testing. The house is just too look nice. None of this is required.
Wow... really? You start off with items and you're using ex nihilo? With that mod you just need a little dirt and one tree and nothing else.. just like how the skyblock map designed for the mod is done, thats just a 3x3x3 block of dirt and a tree.
Staring out with three saplings, and a tun of boanmeal and flint... thats overkill for that mod alone. I played ex nihilo on it's skyblock map with the DW20 modpack and have worked up to having, well... everything.

With wood from the first tree alone you can make your first barrel, and from it's saplings start making more dirt blocks, from the wood from more trees you can make the crook and get some silkworms to infect a tree to get string to make the sifter, then start sifting dirt to get stone to make cobble along with plant/food seeds, from there make a hammar and start smashing cobble to get gravel, to get sand, to get dust... and well from there it's just making dirt, making cobble to smash down and using the sifter to acquire all the ores, plants(even all the saplings), and blocks to make everything else to your hearts content.

You don't -need- three stacks of bonemeal to start @.x you don't even get that in the default skyblock.

Who is forcing you to play it? .. Its a Beta.. that means still in testing. And weirdly I have taken all the mod authors input on the map. Which you can see if you watch the streams of the map build. Several things were added to the mod to make it work for Magic Farm. This isn't your traditional skyblock, its a magic farm based skyblock.

You want a traditional skyblock go play something else.The bonemeal is because it is Magic Farm... you will starve if you don't get food in the first minecraft day. And bonemeal is heavily heavily nerfed in MF. Flint is because... its magic farm can't make vanilla tools. If you didn't have flint you wouldn't be able to make a tool until you got gravel and seived it and got flint. Because flint is the starting tool material. 3 saplings is because some people like different woods... its not like you wouldn't have gotten 3 saplings by chopping down your first tree. Its not like I gave them a stack of food. The house and map are made of blocks that can't be converted into anything and are there to look pretty. There is a more traditional flat platform option, or the option of just genning your own default skyblock. Why should I make a single block platform as a map when the mod already makes that?

DW20 is not Magic Farm. MF changes a lot of things including but not limited to hunger and tools. Thats why this took more than just tossing Ex Nihilo into the pack. And I am very grateful to Erasamus and Zero for adding the support I needed to make the map.

Edit to add: The reason the initial flat platform was so big was we were having a horrible time getting the spawn point change to actually work and people kept spawning off the side if we made it smaller than a 20x20. Since that has been fixed the flat map will be getting much smaller.
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One, you can get all the saplings from the sifter by sifting dirt. So even if you started off with one tree, you'll get them all in due time, even trees from mods. I've played the normal magic farm, I'm well aware of what it changes, and have played it with this mod as well. At most you may need 10 bonemeal, a few stacks is well over kill. You can get seeds for food nearly right off even if you are fully relying on the sifter for the seeds wheat seeds is amung the most common item that drops.

In true skyblock sense if you start off bad, you're forced to restart, mess one little thing up.. you're forced to restart. Thats how skyblock should be. If you get unlucky and cant get food fast enough... well, thats about the same as that first tree dropping no saplings or having them all go over the edge, or your lava turning into a useless block of obsidian, or falling off the edge with your one and only bucket. Thats skyblock for you.

Don't make it so easy where there's no risk of starving that first night, it removes the thrill and the on the edge of your seat experience of 'oh god please don't mess up'.
the bonemeal i believe is there for people who play in hardcore (which alot of people do). If you didnt have the bone meal for food it would be game over for u fairly quickly. I would never doubt jaded's ability to balance maps.
One, you can get all the saplings from the sifter by sifting dirt. So even if you started off with one tree, you'll get them all in due time, even trees from mods. I've played the normal magic farm, I'm well aware of what it changes, and have played it with this mod as well. At most you may need 10 bonemeal, a few stacks is well over kill. You can get seeds for food nearly right off even if you are fully relying on the sifter for the seeds wheat seeds is amung the most common item that drops.

In true skyblock sense if you start off bad, you're forced to restart, mess one little thing up.. you're forced to restart. Thats how skyblock should be. If you get unlucky and cant get food fast enough... well, thats about the same as that first tree dropping no saplings or having them all go over the edge, or your lava turning into a useless block of obsidian, or falling off the edge with your one and only bucket. Thats skyblock for you.

Don't make it so easy where there's no risk of starving that first night, it removes the thrill and the on the edge of your seat experience of 'oh god please don't mess up'.

And if that's what you want then throw the extra bonemeal and saplings over the edge. We had a huge stream and got the input of the mod devs. I had a lot less bonemeal on the map originally and during the stream it was voted to have 3 stacks. And I asked if the mod devs thought that was too much and was told "No thats good for this pack" Hardcore is what a lot of people are playing this in. Hard/Hardcore on MF means it might takes you 20 bonemeal to grow 1 sapling. I will balance against what most people are playing not easy mode.

Unless you made the first ever skyblock map you don't actually know what the creators vision was. I may very well have a different vision than him/her. And thats fine. The definition of skyblock is not written in stone. Again its in testing.. and as I stated in the thread on the map it will be getting smaller now that the spawn issue is solved. However I am not cutting the size of the map until it goes public, because I am not going to make people start over. I'd appreciate if you waited till a public non-beta release and then tried it to see what you thought, instead of jumping all over perceived flaws while its still in testing.

I have heard "Its not a modded skyblock because only the FTB monuments count as modded skyblock maps" , "Its not a skyblock cause she gives them starting supplies", "Its not a skyblock cause its too big". Skyblock means void generation. Anything else is determined by the creator of the map. The people who asked for me to make this are enjoying it. I am enjoying it. And the mod devs like it. So I am happy regardless of if other people feel "Its not the twue skyblock". Of course its not.... it has mods.
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I hope you don't take him seriously jaded. Many people are born critics no matter what you do and they feel that everything should be tailored to their liking only. Just keep doing what you do so well.
I hope you don't take him seriously jaded. Many people are born critics no matter what you do and they feel that everything should be tailored to their liking only. Just keep doing what you do so well.

I always take everyone seriously. I can't however please everyone. And it is annoying when people attack something I put a lot of thought into just because it doesn't match the way they would do it.

I spend 50+ hours a week on FTB packs and testing. MF is my outlet, my creative baby. Somedays its the only thing I look forward to. Which means its what keeps me pushing through the updates for the other packs, so I can be selfish and spend some time working on MF2 and the skyblock map.
There is no one on this earth that doesn't get criticized. Its up to you to decide whether to let it get to you. Love the creativity you put out. keep it up.
There is no one on this earth that doesn't get criticized. Its up to you to decide whether to let it get to you. Love the creativity you put out. keep it up.

I know. Sometimes its hard though when I am feeling down to just bounce back. I'll get over it :p , I always do.
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