Mac mini hd 4000?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not googling and pasting links for you. I found two instances in about two minutes when i initially checked some forum threads returned by google.

I'm terribly sorry, but if you make a claim and someone asks for evidence of said claim, the usual response in a discussion is "Oh, certainly, I understand that I made a claim and I should be able to back up said claim with evidence". I was able to find an example of a review site unable to get over 40 FPS with the HD4000 in MineCraft. I assume this was not with OptiFine, but I also assume it was not with FTB as well. I was not able to find anyone able to get 60FPS or more in standard MineCraft with the Intel HD4000. And as you can see, we have someone stating that yes, you are not going to get even 40 FPS with optifine in vanilla.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OK i need everyone who posted anything beyond pure opinion in this thread to put up some links supporting every claim made. Once that is done, I'll go back and find some of the discussion threads I was reading on this subject and verify/show that 60fps or something close to it was achieved.
I don't particularly care if you aren't satisfied with the answer I relayed from other forum threads. If this prompts the OP to do more research than just listening to the broad spectrum of general mac bashing here, then my I've accomplished my goal. Beyond that, I don't really care.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Beyond that, I don't really care.

Alright, fair enough.


Back on topic, we have direct evidence that now shows that the HD4000 in the requested MacMini will not do what neofrost01 is looking to do, so this thread is answered. Good job everyone!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OK OK here is what I was reading. There is a bunch of crap in here that isn't relevant, but it sounded like (although lacking in direct test results on the HD4000 mini) it would run fine:
On my mid 2012 MBP with 8GB ram and a geforce 320M 256MB I get 60 FPS with regular settings.

An important trick for Minecraft on Mac is to make it run in 64-bit mode, which it doesn't do on its own.
This guide:
gives you step by step instructions to make minecraft use 64-bit java. I did this, it took about 3 minutes and it easily doubled the performance.
And according to some benchmarks by another macrumors member the HD 4000 is 2 to 3 times the power of the 320M so combine that with the 64-bit patch and it should be good.
(this from

So that's what I was reading that leads me to believe the mini will run the game fine, with a little care.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OK OK here is what I was reading. There is a bunch of crap in here that isn't relevant, but it sounded like (although lacking in direct test results on the HD4000 mini) it would run fine:

(this from

So that's what I was reading that leads me to believe the mini will run the game fine, with a little care.

To confirm, though, that is dealing with the NVidia GeForce 320M (which should be worse than the HD4000 for graphics, if memory serves [which it often does not, so feel free to correct me]) not the HD4000. The person is also detailing a MacBook Pro, and not a MacMini.

But given that data point, yes, I'd say you could likely hit 60FPS with a good bit of care with the OptiFine settings (fast graphics, disable animations, not-far render distance, etc) in vanilla MineCraft. The big problem becomes FTB, as that usually cuts your FPS in half (at best. On my system I will get over one hundred FPS in most cases, whereas in FTB I usually get less than one hundred [normally closer to fifty when I get into my machine room or storage age]). neofrost01 did mention that he was looking to play with "any pack", which I believe means any of the FTB packs.

As such, if it is a requirement of his to play FTB MineCraft at 60 FPS or higher, the MacMini is not the solution. If he can afford the price increase, the iMacs should be able to get a fairly good framerate in most parts of the FTB world (although places with loads of machines/etc will still cause them to dip under 60FPS on high settings).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOOOkay but this guy I quoted seems to be all wet when it comes to the 320M vs the HD4000. Benchmarks don't show a huge difference.

Bleh -- I think if I were the OP i would go to an apple store, download minecraft, and see how it plays. I know it runs very well on the iMacs, but the mini's gpu is suspect at best.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOOOkay but this guy I quoted seems to be all wet when it comes to the 320M vs the HD4000. Benchmarks don't show a huge difference.

Bleh -- I think if I were the OP i would go to an apple store, download minecraft, and see how it plays. I know it runs very well on the iMacs, but the mini's gpu is suspect at best.

Yeah, the 320M should be worse than the HD4000 just based on some google searches for "geforce 320M 256MB vs intel HD4000". Most were showing the 320M around the HD3000 level or a bit less. That said, though, he appears to be using vanilla, which will end up around, roughly (my evidence being the seven or so computers I have used both vanilla and FTB on to date) half of the FPS in most cases (and a whole lot less in some cases).

And yes, I agree. That is a great way to confirm: Go to your local Apple Store, tell them that you REALLY want to buy a new Mac, but you want to make sure that it can play a game you play, and ask them if you can install it (and then uninstall it afterwards) to test. If they say no, you can always try at another time, or try and install it anyways (although you will likely end up unable to do as much if they make sure to require administrator access to install software, and have a password set).