Dark Matter Pick sprite used with permission from Pahimar.
Hello, everyone.
As it's been a while since I did anything on here (in the public eye, at least), I figured I might as well clean this up.
Mod list is kept under wraps because I feel it would tiptoe the line between public vs private pack.
Server IP: lumicraft.no-ip.org:25715
It is a whitelisted server, looking for people that don't think mining lasers and nukes are TEH BEST TIHNGS EVARZZZZ!!!!11.. I will not hesitate to take action in that case.
I'm not going to require a minimum age because I believe everyone has a right to prove themselves capable first. Please don't make me regret that decision.
The configs have been tweaked towards the idea of not spending every waking moment ingame. The obvious no greifing and such apply - if you can't follow that, be aware I make nightly backups and have no qualms removing your access without warning.
Buildcraft and QuarryPlus quarries are banned in the overworld, use the Extra Utilities Ender Quarry there instead. Logging for such is enabled.
Experience with modded Minecraft
Best way to minimize the amount of chunks necessary to keep your base intact
Best way to minimize the amount of chunks necessary to keep your base intact
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