Looking for fixed 2020 FTB 3.2.0 Revelations Mod Pack for Shader sky to work.

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New Member
May 2, 2020
Hi there, I just made an account after days of searching for answers! Essentially im running into the same problem as many of you might experience, The shader Sky ( night sky) doesn't work for me! Ive found multiple answers that revolve around altering a few existing config files for mods like ADV rocketry and astral sorcery, however, the 2020 (3.2.0) version of revelations doesn't have these Mods in it at all! the Night sky bug where it stays weirdly lit up like its day time is still happening. Really hoping someone might have the patched ( and updated) mod packs list for me to run, in the hopes that i could have some shaders work without the sky being all broken. Let me know! its greatly appreciated. it seems like its literally ONLY the sky box that is broken, everything else works great!

The shader i am trying to run is the OCEANO shader.

Keep in mind, the common solution for 2018 versions of this bug must be out of date, as neither the advanced rocketry, or advanced astral sorcery are even present in this mod pack for me to alter.

thanks so much everyone, fingers crossed!


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
Unfortunately, you've got larger problems related to the question being asked not relevant to the problem you are having. Let me try to explain.

First off, the most current and up to date version of FTB Revelations pack can be found on CurseForge and no one has any further 'up to date' stuff for it. The last version was released Oct of 2019. That's the most current and up to date version of the pack which exists outside of some custom stuff that people do personally.

Second off, shaders and mods have always and notoriously not worked all that well together, mostly by virtue of most mods being built and designed without shaders in mind since so few players, especially modded players, use them. Your problem isn't with the pack config so much as what you need to use (i.e. Optifine) in order to get your shaders to work, because that's where you're experiencing your problems.

Finally, I'd add that SEUS tends to work better as a shader pack with mods than most other shaders I've worked with. Try those and see if it works. Not that it works especially well, but I've had less issues with SEUS than anything else I've tried when also working with mods. However, you're going to experience problems with shaders in any mod pack, because Optifine does things with rendering that some mods (notoriously the CoFH suite) explicitly don't like to have happen since they have their own rendering code that isn't exactly compatible. And since the Optifine crew have told the modded community in no uncertain terms that they aren't willing to make any accommodations and generally piss off... I doubt that's going to change any time soon.

tl;dr: It's not the mods causing the problem, it's Optifine not playing well in a modded environment which has been a thing ever since 1.2.5 era and isn't likely to cease any time soon, and probably your specific shader configs, rather than anything a mod is doing.