Looking for a vanilla styled redstone mod


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi, it's been a while since I made a thread here :3

I've been working on a magic/adventure pack for the past 2 weeks , for 1.7.10 (Not 100% sure if I'm going to release it or not)
In the pack, vanilla styled automation is highly encouraged, how ever, I would like to add a mod that expands upon vanilla redstone. So far, the only ones I've found that really fit my fancy because it fits more in a heavily modded environment or add things that are already in the pack added by other mods . I'm also looking for a mod that adds Project Red like gates and just that or something a long those lines. I would add Project Red and just the module that adds the gates, but then there is the things in core that I don't want a long with the wires, which are already added by Redstone Paste.
Thanks for the help c: