So In all honesty, I've never actually used logistics pipes, but I hear they add a bunch of cool autocrafting jazz and such. So what does it have over applied energistics, because I heard both mods are similar.
I think one of the biggest benefits to logistics pipes are the logistics chassis. Instead of having to wire up an importer and an exporter you can just use one pipe that can handle both (more than that actually, iirc the highest tier chassis goes up to 8 seperate modules.) Coupled with a smoother integration with bc pipe systems they really are nice.
I don't have much experience with AE crafting, but the problem with logistics pipes crafting you end up needing huge banks of crafting tables and crafting pipes.
Edit: I almost completely forgot about this, logistics pipes require power but they do not have a constant energy draw like an AE system. The only time the logistics pipe system will use power is when it is moving an item from one location to another.
Use both. I put this in another thread, but I'll go ahead and repeat it here.
AE is far superior in autocrafting and compactness. Logistics Pipes give you all the fine control over inventory levels that AE is sorely missing. LP does have the significant drawback of requiring individual crafting tables for each recipe instead of the patterns. Now, a lot of people won't see that as a drawback. I've heard quite a few complaints that AE has "magic block syndrome". LP definitely doesn't have that. Native integration of sneaky pipes is incredible
Combined with the Dartcraft Ender Force Pack, the possibilities just multiply.
I use that chest to supply my AE Supercomputer and send the completed recipes back to that chest to put them back into my LP network.
Do you have examples of how the integration works?
I'd love to see why this is so. Please show off builds!
Did I miss dartcraft integrating with CB's ender chests instead of the vanilla one?
So you don't store things in AE? Isn't that like... the thing AE does best?
I'll have to build something in creative since my survival build is mostly underground and setup for efficiency rather than display. I'll post pictures since I don't have video capabilities.
Here's the basic idea behind my integration, though. The vanilla Ender Chest acts as a supplier for my LP network. Everything that comes into the Ender Pack goes directly into my network. So, I have it setup to take the really valuable items instantly. No more losing diamonds or cobalt/ardite, rare drops, etc. One of the best things is to send away the loot bags. They don't stack and they kill inventory space, but they can hold portal guns and nether stars. Those are definitely something that go into my AE network.
Now, that's what I do for the stuff I want gone without having to think about it. The vanilla Ender Chest is purely a supplier for the LP network. I also carry a couple CB Ender pouches for the incidental things like stacks of common ores or common drops. Each different chest can feed separate LP processing networks. i.e., send all the food into one network dedicated to cooking and send all the wood and saplings and apples into a bio-processing network, etc. This has to be done manually, of course.
This means I usually end up with the Ender Pack and at least three Ender Pouches. One for food and and miscellaneous drops. One for common ores and cobble and craftable drops. And one for non-stackables that aren't important enough to get out of my inventory instantly. So, that's connections to two different LP networks and one to my AE network for its excellent storage.
Once the raw materials have been processed into ingots and such, they get sent to a normal chest linked to my AE network for permanent storage and crafting availability. There are definite exceptions to the rules. I'll try to explain as well as I can when I post the pictures. You have to trust me, though. As complex as it sounds, before I dropped GT, my processing efficiency skyrocketed. LP, properly setup, makes GT's difficulty trivial.
Logistics Pipes - If your storage chest gets destroyed, your items fall on the ground and can be recovered.
AE - If your storage gets destroyed, your stuff is just gone.
Actually, just grab the drives on the ground, if anything it's easier. And if your power gets knocked out just have some sort of backup generator ready
I haven't used it since 1.4.7, and even then I didn't use it much. People on the sever I was playing on talked often about how awesome AE was because of how compact everything is, but how it would suck to lose all their stuff if the drive was destroyed. An update might have changed it to make the drives harder to destroy by having them drop from the device they where in instead of being destroyed with it or something like that.
I've never lost an ME drive, personally. Ever. Like never ever. For the most part, the entire conversation deals in "wouldn't it be bad if?"s. Because unlike chest storage, you can keep your ME drive in a room sealed with piston doors.
On our server there were some AE bugs that caused drives to disappear if the server crashed. These have been corrected, as far as we know. So feel free to experiment.
I've lost a few million ingots dusts and gems to AE... Woo lagclear.
Also if you want to get a good handling on LP DW20's old LP's show them off pretty well. The last 1.2.5 SSP LP IIRC.
Yeah the final tier is fairly expensive but at the same time it offers a huge amount of configurability. Very rarely will you ever need more than the tier 2 or 3. You're right though a lot has been added since then. But none of the information from that time has been invalidated either. Biggest addition is needing power.Yeah I've been watching season 4. But things seem to have changed a lot.
They seem super expensive. The chassis pipes man, insanely expensive.