I find the solution for this problem!
I get this IOExpection error for about a month or so, BUT ONLY UNDER WINDOWS! (I have WinXP.)
But not only the FTB launcer, nor the old vanilla or the new vanilla launcher don't want to work.
I try the jar and the exe launcers too under windows, both not worked.
I mostly use Linux, and there, I dont't get the IOExpection WITH THE SAME LAUNCER.
I don't understand how it could be, but really doesn't care about it. Because I can play under Linux.
But for now, I must stay under Windows for a while, so now I start to looking around what cause this problem.
The solution is SO SIMPLE!
When I look through all my windows programs, drivers, etc. I realized there is an update for JAVA.
After the update, all the launcers start to work, the IOExpection error was gone!
(Maybe thats cause the problem for most of the peole.)