Whitelist Server LogiCraft [16+ mature][TeamSpeak][24/7]

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Server IP : LogiCraft.atl17.creeperhost.net


1. No major griefing or stealing from other players

2. Treat everyone with respect

3. No Racist, sexist, or offensive language

4. Only Cave mining in the Overworld

5. No quarries in the Overworld including Turtle, BuildCraft, and fillers

6. Keep chunk loaders to a minimum to reduce strain on the server

7. No Withers in the Overworld
8. Most importantly, Have Fun!

Disabled Mods/Items:

  1. A few biomes from ExtraBiomesXL are disabled
  2. Descriptive Books disabled to stop tons of ages from being created.
  3. Nukes have reduced explosion

About The Server:

LogiCraft is a small server hosted on Creeperhost to allow a maximum of 15-20 people**. On approval you will be sent the IP for our teamspeak.

** Will upgrade server specs if needed


  1. Username:
  2. Age:
  3. Teamspeak? Y/N
  4. Why would you like to join?
  5. What could you bring to the server?
  6. What is you favorite mod?
  7. Anything else you would like us to know?

We are only going to choose the best applicants so put what you feel necessary and it will be better to write more than not enough. Keep in mind that players with teamspeak will be given priority over those who don't.


Owner: Great_Sphinx

Admins: Assasin01


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. Username: opt_user
  2. Age:23
  3. Teamspeak?ican install if needed
  4. Why would you like to join? i had a server with my friends but it went down due the lack of money .and now im looking for another server to have fun and make new friends :)
  5. What could you bring to the server? new ideas , i can be helpfull and help other have fun
  6. What is you favorite mod? thermal expancion and redpower
  7. Anything else you would like us to know? my english is not the best but i learn fast


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. Username: luca2849 (no-caps)
  2. Age: 18
  3. Teamspeak? N
  4. Why would you like to join? Because i've been looking for a Direwolf20 server to play on with a friendly environment.
  5. What could you bring to the server? I could bring my knowledge of all the mods in the pack and help people out with things if they get stuck and i know lots of soul shards tricks.
  6. What is you favorite mod? Probably redpower because of all the cool machines that you can use.
  7. Anything else you would like us to know? Not really


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. Username: thenoobtube
  2. Age: 16
  3. Teamspeak? Y
  4. Why would you like to join? i looking for a new server and i good one to record on
  5. What could you bring to the server? my knowledge of the mods and build community buildings to use
  6. What is you favorite mod? Probably xycraft...eventhough the update hasnt happened yet
  7. Anything else you would like us to know? N/A


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. Username: zchryfrk
  2. Age: 17
  3. Teamspeak? Yes
  4. Why would you like to join? I like playing feed the beast
  5. What could you bring to the server? I'm a creative builder with a good mix of technical and aesthetics
  6. What is you favorite mod? Thermal Expansion
  7. Anything else you would like us to know? I've been playing minecraft since alpha

Alex Kratz

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • Username: sloopmp
  • Age: 16
  • Teamspeak? Y
  • Why would you like to join? direwolf is no fun single player
  • What could you bring to the server? i build mob farms and shops all the time
  • What is you favorite mod? i like ic2
  • Anything else you would like us to know? nope :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. Age: 23
  2. Teamspeak? Yes, but I would like to know why TS is a thing, are you planning on large builds or is it just a social thing?
  3. Why would you like to join? Looking for a decent server to learn the finer aspects of the mod
  4. What could you bring to the server? Extensive knowledge of IC2 and ability to learn everything else
  5. What is you favorite mod? IC2 but I'm enjoying Thaumcraft 3 so far.
  6. Anything else you would like us to know? Probably going to record at times too.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. Age: 23
  2. Teamspeak? Yes
  3. Why would you like to join? Looking for a decent server to play with Dragovian on.
  4. What could you bring to the server? Looking to get into Forestry and Thaumcraft.
  5. What is you favorite mod? Thaumcraft.
  6. Anything else you would like us to know? I live with Dragovian so our TS will be shared.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • Username: herobrine567377
  • Age:16
  • Teamspeak? Y
  • Why would you like to join? to play smp
  • What could you bring to the server? my ftb skills
  • What is you favorite mod? portal gun mod
  • Anything else you would like us to know? no


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. Username:eningly
  2. Age:20
  3. Teamspeak? yes
  4. Why would you like to join? i am looking for a nice community to build whit
  5. What could you bring to the server? my knolige of alot of mods most of tekkit what i played whit i can do the most things and can make programs whit cc and RP2
  6. What is you favorite mod?RP2 control
  7. Anything else you would like us to know? i am a dislect i can read english good understand it great can speak it good aswel only writing is not that good


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. Username:The0Slayer
  2. Age:18
  3. Teamspeak? Yes
  4. Why would you like to join? bord of playing alone.... need people lol
  5. What could you bring to the server? knowledge of a lot of these mods
  6. What is you favorite mod? its between Thaumcraft 3 and Industrialcraft 2
  7. Anything else you would like us to know?im pretty chill and i love to play minecraft


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. Username: chewieeeee (5e's at the end)
  2. Age: 16 and like, 6 months, my birthday is in july
  3. Teamspeak? Yes
  4. Why would you like to join?: Would be fun to meet new people and go further into direwolf, playing alone isn't much fun :/
  5. What could you bring to the server?: idk, i still have 1,73 euro's on my paypal if you want it, lol. i can translate dutch into english if it's needed
  6. What is you favorite mod?: buildcraft / industrialcraft
  7. Anything else you would like us to know?: lets game?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
    • Username: lilfloppy
    • Age: 16
    • Teamspeak? Y
    • Why would you like to join? direwolf is no fun in single player
    • What could you bring to the server? i build and love to make machines and make things automated
    • What is you favorite mod? i like buildcraft
    • Anything else you would like us to know? no i dont believe so


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • Username: freaknikbeatnik
  • Age:20
  • Teamspeak? yes
  • Why would you like to join? i need a server with good staff good players and such no greifing or stealing
  • What could you bring to the server? well im great at building and i have decent experience with ll the mods i love building railways so maybe a rail system if that would be allowed
  • What is you favorite mod? railcraft come on ^
  • Anything else you would like us to know? i hve the most experience with railcraft steves carts and thermal expannsion i dont rage im respectful and i love community projects


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. Username:xenondeathstrike
  2. Age:16
  3. Teamspeak? Yes
  4. Why would you like to join? Its nice to be able to get on a server where you don't log on every day to find yourself in a beautiful, crator that used to be your home :D
  5. What could you bring to the server? I love Doing comunity builds suchs a farms and railways, and generally making the community a happier place and since this is whitelisted i am less likely to find my farm or railway turn to ash Also i Am very experianced with a lot of mods as i have played with them early on in Ftb devolpment
  6. What is you favorite mod? It has to be railcraft Since Logistics pipes aint out yet :D
  7. Anything else you would like us to know? Never been banned :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Teamspeak? Yes
Why would you like to join? It's my first time trying multiplayer with mods. FTB is massive, and I would like to join a well established server so I might be able to learn and enjoy what the pack has.
What could you bring to the server? I try to be as helpful as possible, if that applies.
What is you favorite mod? ComputerCraft/RedPower
Anything else you would like us to know? What else would you like to know?