Needed info about your computer, I should have specified, I just needed to make sure you were running Java 7 Update 11 (most recent update) on Windows 7 or Java 6 on Mac OS. Sorry for the confusion!Im trying to import the 2fort world the teamfortress 2 remake that was made purely in vanilla mc as a second world i can then either portal back and forth too or teleport to. My specs? amd quad core oc'd to 4.6 ghz 8 gigs corsair memory geforce 560 ti oc edition 2 1tb harddrives? hows that help? im running the latest release of mindcrack and have implemented mystcraft on the server the tutorials i have used i just googled and most of them want you to copy xyz coords from a save file in my local appdata roaming minecraft files but i cant see that helping my server worlds in anyway. also it would be nice to be able to import worlds from other sources adventure maps and such