Whitelist Server Llama Mindcrack - 1.4.7. V8.0.1 - (Mytown)(Essentials)(Whitelist)(Survival)(Voluntary PvP) 20 slots

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is a nice mature server with a small player base. We target 18+, but accept mature players. Everyone is expected to be a reasonable, Community aware, Human being. Very few items are banned, and Gregtech is enabled. Griefing and Chat spam are Not allowed and will be dealt with immediately. Conversation may be Mature. Admins and Owner are active and we have a website to communicate and exchange ideas when offline. Plenty of space to expand. Members have access to a Mumble server if they desire, although it is not required.
Whitelist is enabled. We will be updating as the Mindcrack Version updates. It will not be instant.

Our Homepage: llama.enjin.com

Server Location: Texas
Mode: Easy, subject to change.
Owner: Ll4m4
Admin: Remcob

0. Apply for Whitelist at llama.enjin.com or on this thread.
1. Ll4m4 and Admins have the last word. There is a place in the server forums if you feel compelled to object,
2. Don't grief others If it's not yours, don't touch it. If you didn't build it, leave it alone. Stealing is griefing.
3. Do not build next to other players or spawn, unless you are invited. There is plenty of space for you.
4. No cheating. No x-ray or flight enabling mods are allowed, and will be dealt with harshly. If you want to fly,
jetpacks do the trick.
5. Do not be disrespectful to other players. We all enjoy playing Minecraft and a certain amount of camradery.
6. You are required to register on our Enjin site within 24 hours of Whitelisting. llama.enjin.com
No exceptions.
7. Do not advertise other servers.
8. YouTube videos are just fine, and encouraged. Be courteous and message Ll4m4 on the forum or in game before you do so, please. We are just as interested in seeing them as you are. :)
9. No RP2 Frame Quarries or tunnelers allowed.
10. I apologize if there appears to be alot of rules, with a little common sense and respect, these do not even
need to be here. Sadly, we've all visited alot of interesting servers and recognize this is necessary. ;)
11. Have Fun.

Whitelist Applications
Favorite Color?:
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB:
Why you want to join our server:
Will you use Mumble:
What are your goals on the server:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN?: kallekulle
Quest?: What do you mean? I aim to have fun here, and enjoy a mature community.
Favorite Color?: dark blue
Age: 15
Country: Finland
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB: From 1-10 (1 being worst, 10 best) 8½
Why you want to join our server: I'm looking for a new place to call home, maybe bring a few friends and generally have a fun time.
Will you use Mumble: Erm, if other peoples will be, yes. I have a cold atm tho, so not the next few days.
What are your goals on the server: Total world domination. On a more serious note, pretty much what I said on 'Quest?:'.

Also, I noticed 'Mode' said easy. Do you mean Gregtech mode, or just server difficulty (mobs, starving etc)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN?: Somark28
Quest?: To rule the world! Nah, just kidding, to have fun with everyone
Favorite Color?: Blue
Age: 18
Country: USA
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB: About 2 months, but I have had experience with a lot of these mods beforehand
Why you want to join our server: To join a community and play with friends while also having fun
Will you use Mumble: Probably not, because I do not have a microphone.
What are your goals on the server: To build a giant bad ass factory


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN?: Recyrexor
Quest?: To improve my artistic talents and have fun.
Favorite Color?: I love every color equally.
Age: 24
Country: USA
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB: Several months now, I have experience in thaumcraft, gregtech, forestry, buildcraft, and portalgun.
Why you want to join our server: New adventures, new community, new stories to unfold.
Will you use Mumble: Perhaps, if it becomes a regular mode of communication.
What are your goals on the server: To build a fantastic Carnival/Amusement Park. Oh and maybe a giant Wizard's Lair.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN?: HockeyDude411
Quest?:Mostly just to have fun and play some FTB
Favorite Color?: Yellow
Country:United States of America
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB: 8 or 9 (probably closer to an 8)
Why you want to join our server: I want to join into a community where i can have a good time playing minecraft/FTB
Will you use Mumble: I have a microphone, so I could, but unless I have to, probably not.
What are your goals on the server: I don't really have a goal to be honest, I kinda just go with the flow.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quest?:to build amazing and very functional things
Favorite Color?:red
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB:a 8-9....it depends on the mod
Why you want to join our server:my friend and I(app below) want to find a community server that won't(massivly) limit what we build
Will you use Mumble:My mic well...dissagrees with my pc adn so refuses to work
What are your goals on the server:to advance as far into ftb a possible and build great things

(I am sighning up for my friend aswell......he is talking to me via skype)

Quest?:to build in the community and learn new things
Favorite Color?:blue
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB:about a 6-7
Why you want to join our server:my friend and want to find a community server that won't(massivly) limit what we build
Will you use Mumble:I doubt it
What are your goals on the server:to build a community and learn more about ftb


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Whitelist Application
IGN?: DataStorm98
Quest?: To play with all of the mods.
Favorite Color?: Green
Age: 23
Country: America
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB: 7-8
Why you want to join our server: To have fun and play the mods with other people
Will you use Mumble: Probably not
What are your goals on the server: To play and have fun with all of the mods


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN?: Joulon
Quest?: To learn more about the FTB mods and have a fun time doing it.
Favorite Color?: Green
Age: 20
Country: North America
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB: Probably about a 5 (still learning some of the smaller details of the mods)
Why you want to join our server: I've been looking for a small, friendly FTB server to call home for a while now, and this one seems to fit the bill.
Will you use Mumble: On occasion, I do like having the option to use it as VoIP servers are very useful sometimes.
What are your goals on the server: Pretty much the same as the quest question. Im looking to learn more about the mods within FTB in a friendly environment where I can get help if I need it.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Hope to hear from you soon!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN?: CedricMorrissey
Quest?: to have a good time with cool people and learn a bit more as well as more efficient ways to set some things up
Favorite Color?: Green
Age: 21
Country: US
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB: 7
Why you want to join our server: I really want to join a server to meet cool people, and just have an overall good time enjoying FTB
Will you use Mumble: I sure can
What are your goals on the server: To become a better builder and learn more about the mods and meet cool people, have some laughs (no griefing of course) and just have a good time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quest?: enjoy the company of others while in game, and to learn from others about various mods
Favorite Color?: lime Green
Age: 21
Country: USA (off and on, i am Navy)
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB: i am fairly new to FTB but i have plenty of experience with tekkit and minecraft, i am enjoying FTB alot more.
Why you want to join our server: I want to join a small community of players with out dealing with a crowd.
Will you use Mumble: Yes
What are your goals on the server:Make friends, build a beautiful home, and share and gain knowledge of FTB.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN?: kallekulle
Quest?: What do you mean? I aim to have fun here, and enjoy a mature community.
Favorite Color?: dark blue
Age: 15
Country: Finland
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB: From 1-10 (1 being worst, 10 best) 8½
Why you want to join our server: I'm looking for a new place to call home, maybe bring a few friends and generally have a fun time.
Will you use Mumble: Erm, if other peoples will be, yes. I have a cold atm tho, so not the next few days.
What are your goals on the server: Total world domination. On a more serious note, pretty much what I said on 'Quest?:'.

Also, I noticed 'Mode' said easy. Do you mean Gregtech mode, or just server difficulty (mobs, starving etc)
Server difficulty is easy. Gregtech is not.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN?: Xtony_starX
Quest?: to find a great community and maby find a minecraft (FTB) buddy to build and explore with
Favorite Color?: deep ocean Blue XD
Age: 21
Country: U.S. of A's
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB: umm im still kinda learning cause i havnt found a server i like and can trust but im not a bad builder XD
Why you want to join our server: looking for a whitelist server when i know we can trust people and have a great time. and like i said maby find a minecraft (FTB) buddy to build with
Will you use Mumble: idk what mumble is but i have teamspeak (never used it ... i just downloaded it :p) and skype but if i get accepted i guess i can look into mumble
What are your goals on the server: dig,build,live XD and make friends


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
sorry for not playing, I've gotten consumed by the Oldschool runescape servers. Oh the nostalgia. I might be more active next week


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi, I applied on te forums on ur website can u get back to me asap. I would really like tostart playing. If accept me!!!