I played around a little tonight and got the new water system all-but automated. All I have to do manually is smash the snow, and make sure there are empty bottles in a chest somewhere in my system. I love logistics pipes so much!
I played around a little tonight and got the new water system all-but automated. All I have to do manually is smash the snow, and make sure there are empty bottles in a chest somewhere in my system. I love logistics pipes so much!
YOu need to drink leaves cider or fresh water.... changelog reading helps... re reading the hydration quest helps tooAny idea why my camel pack wont take water now? Been using it for weeks...
I cant put snow in a Cruic, and drinking water does nothing, dying of thirst
Just use the world backup in your backups folderI read the past four pages, no mention of it, sorry...... Guess I need to read 200 pages each time the game changes...
How do I read the change log, plenty of time now that I am dead and need to start over.
you can put a tank of liquid EXP under the Black smith assistant and give the blacksmith assistant a hammer to automate the smashing snow
Is the change log in game or an external file?
Thanks for the suggestion, will fix botana quest at a later date...I'd like to request some quest changes.
- Botania quest which gives you a mana pool should have simpler requirements which do not require you to construct a mana pool first.
- Most of the HQM modpacks that I play included components which help out with generation and energy storage. I'd like to request that a few quests be made to set up basic EnderIO-compatible energy storage networks. If you need quests to add, then consider adding ones related to EnderIO.
Please read the change log...... the first post has it.....Hi, I asked awhile back why regular bottled water no longer works and I'm dying of thirst, but I was totally glazed over, as well as a couple other people, it would seem, so I'll ask again.
Why is it that regular vanilla bottled water no longer restores thirst?
You can eat when your saturation is full just not when you hunger is full( a.k.a when the yellow meat chops are full but the brown meat chops are a little bit low you can still eat.)except for the small issue of it rendering high saturation foods worthless as you cant drink when your hunger is full, so you have to waste hunger and saturation, just to stay hydrated.
Please read the change log...... the first post has it....
Version 1.1.15
- Added COFHcore
- Disabled Mariculture books screw the crashes!
- Added Smashing triple compressed dirt for exnilo dirt & sand sieveing products!
- Tweaked meteor ore drop rates
- Changed Stone torches to Obsidian glowsticks
- Changed Stone torches recipe
- Changed stone torches texture
- Disabled Mariculture food .... Big derp here
- Fixed the buildcraft config file, was using a wrong one
- Fixed Fishing quest fishing rod
- Testing new splash art for quest book
- Updated MyFit to 1.7.3 you dont lose it when you die anymore, New Healthboost effect! (Like heart canisters!)
- You get 2 torches from stick + woodplank recipe
- You get 2 ENDERIO CAPACITOR per recipe now
- You get 4 Obsidian Glowstick per recipe
- You get 3 gold/diamond spikes per recipe
- You get 4 Wood spikes per recipe
- You get 4 Item Nodes per recipe
- You get 4 liquid Nodes per recipe
- Added Gravel dunes, screw spires XD
- Reduced frequency of Rougelike dungeons From 342 -> 10 ( Reduce lag when exploring?)
- No More infernal mimic chest
- No More infernal Treasure Slimes
- No More infernal support creepers
Version 1.1.17
- Downgraded MyFit
- Updated environmine to v83
- Enabled environmine gases
- Disabled choke on infernal mobs :3
- Overhauled water production, snow cooking now has only 1 cooking tick now, but produces less water, Mashed leaves has 4 cooking ticks now but makes 8 bottles!
- Changed Endertank and Enderchest crafting recipes to need Steamcraft Brass plates rather then blaze rods!
- Updated splash arts and Icons
- Best update.... DISABLED ITEM STACK RESTRICTIONS ON ITEMS( Blocks are still restricted though)
- Fixed respawning with 0 hunger
Version 1.1.20
- Updated storage drawers ( No more voided stuff)
- UpdatedEnderio (yay)
- Lowered crafting cost drastically (logisticpipes)
- Fixed my server version derp :3
- Updated carpenter blocks ( Garage doors)
Woops one second... ill reupdate it... it didnt get updated because i exceeded the post countYeah, about that...
I know this only started happening in 1.1.17, but I included 1.1.15 for good measure. I'd like to point out how nowhere in there does it explain why plain old vanilla bottled water won't fill up my thirst bar. The closest it comes to is the Enviromine update, and that doesn't explain anything, and as someone who's used packs with Enviromine before, it seems a touch illogical that the mod that requires you to drink or die would remove regular, clean water as a hydration source (and still leave it drinkable!) while forcing people to craft and drink either dirty or salt water (which are bad for you) or cold water (which one would be hard pressed to craft after spawning in a vanilla world before dying of starvation, if I remember the recipe correctly).
So unless either Enviromine decided to screw virtually everyone over or I'm just missing things on my third reread of the most recent changelogs, there's nothing in them about why bottle water no longer restores thirst like it used to.
The only other thing I can fathom you misconstruing for anything similar to an explanation is the overhaul of the water PRODUCTION (from 1.1.17), which is, by all appearances, a change in how one might procure water, but does not indicate in any way why drinking it no longer works. In fact, that it mentions producing water at all implies that water can still be drunk, and by no great leap of logic, one might assume that that would include water placed in a bottle.
So in short, unless I'm ridiculously blind, there's absolutely nothing in the changelogs about why water bottles can no longer be drank (drunk?) to regain thirst, or anything that would logically lead to that conclusion.
fixed read the first post again, thanks for informing me about it.Yeah, about that...
I know this only started happening in 1.1.17, but I included 1.1.15 for good measure. I'd like to point out how nowhere in there does it explain why plain old vanilla bottled water won't fill up my thirst bar. The closest it comes to is the Enviromine update, and that doesn't explain anything, and as someone who's used packs with Enviromine before, it seems a touch illogical that the mod that requires you to drink or die would remove regular, clean water as a hydration source (and still leave it drinkable!) while forcing people to craft and drink either dirty or salt water (which are bad for you) or cold water (which one would be hard pressed to craft after spawning in a vanilla world before dying of starvation, if I remember the recipe correctly).
So unless either Enviromine decided to screw virtually everyone over or I'm just missing things on my third reread of the most recent changelogs, there's nothing in them about why bottle water no longer restores thirst like it used to.
The only other thing I can fathom you misconstruing for anything similar to an explanation is the overhaul of the water PRODUCTION (from 1.1.17), which is, by all appearances, a change in how one might procure water, but does not indicate in any way why drinking it no longer works. In fact, that it mentions producing water at all implies that water can still be drunk, and by no great leap of logic, one might assume that that would include water placed in a bottle.
So in short, unless I'm ridiculously blind, there's absolutely nothing in the changelogs about why water bottles can no longer be drank (drunk?) to regain thirst, or anything that would logically lead to that conclusion.
EDIT: In fact, your changelog implies that bottles still work:
- Overhauled water production, snow cooking now has only 1 cooking tick now, but produces less water, Mashed leaves has 4 cooking ticks now but makes 8 bottles!
but makes 8 bottles!
Yeah. 1.1.17, where water bottles can not be drank for hydration, you point out how mashed leaves make 8 bottles of water. I honestly can't fathom how you could suggest that that in any way implies, much less explains that water bottles no longer work to fill the thirst bar. (I'd quote, but it won't do it for me through editing. See above to see where I got these from)
did you try slimy leaves?slimy sapplings?How do I get liquid slime. I tried all combinations of green and blue slime balls/blocks in vat, smeltery and crucible. I need just one more fluid pipe.