List of Things That Cause Lag on Servers

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello, I'm trying to reduce as much cpu usage as possible on my server by removing as much of certain items as I can. So far I have found a good amount of blocks that cause lag.

Wrath Lamps
Chunk Loaders
Timers (on short pulse)
Block Breakers

If you know of any other blocks that cause lag please add to the list. I was thinking maybe the xycraft tanks but I'm not sure about it yet.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anything that creates a Lighting or Liquid update has the possibility to cause lag if there is a large number of them or they create a large number of updates in a short time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You're on the right track - now you just need to ban all the players and you're done. :)
He won't have to. If he starts removing things people have put into place without a specific rule stating that he didn't want "lag causing blocks", he'll just chase his player base off.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It seems that nobody is giving the OP a serious answer that relates exactly to what he is asking.

The things that cause FTB to lag.
  • High Server population. Since this game has many features that require constant map updates in different parts of the world, more people using these features that do these changes cause lag.
  • Mobspawners (especially Soul Shard Mod) create alot of entities, Soul Spawners at Tier 4/5 create entities, even when no-one is online. They have their own chunk loader.
  • Spot/Chunk Loaders also create lag, each one of these loaders add 1 player population per chunk loader active.
  • Liquids in Waterproof pipes and flowing liquids (especially in quarries)
  • BC Pipes require tick by tick block updates when being used or not used, same with Conduits, liquiducts, AE Cables, and energy cables. Every tick, the game checks to see if there is anything is currently linked, to where it is being checked 20 times per second.
  • BC Pipe and waterproof Pipe entities. Each entity again requires block updates and sometimes even severe frame drops when not picked up.
  • Quarries, Mining Wells, Pumps, Mining Lasers, block breakers, Range weapons - All these machines require block updates within the chunks/blocks they are used. These require block updates ot check for block impact or to remove a block
  • Player chunk loading - More chunks loaded by the player, accounts to more chunks actually being loaded.
  • World Save - The more players/chunk loaders online, the more lag this will generate
  • Logging Plugins - Block logging plugins for anti-griefing etc cause this lag, as it processes for every entity, block change on the map.
  • Apiaries/Alvearies - do Block checks every tick to see whether or not there are flowers(and appropiate flower) or have access to sky and appropiate biome for the bee. It checks for bee, checks for data on that bee, compares each data to each block, biome in it's vicinity.
Now all these things, and many more cause small lag, but more of these amount to more lag. The following are not recommended for server play:
  • Soul Shard Mod
  • Ender Chests/Tanks
  • Railcraft Mod
  • Steve's Carts Mod
  • Mining lasers, Block breakers
  • Forestry Mod
  • Buildcraft Mod
  • Applied Energistics Mod
  • RedPower2 Mod
  • Thaumcraft 3 Mod
I don't recommend in disabling all these mods but disabling a few should greatly improve server stability in higher populations. Particular abusive mods like Soul Shard Spawners and Quarries (Larger than 1 Chunk) which are the biggest culprits in lag.

One thing to add: Dedicated Servers.

Most dedicated server hosts use the same package for Vanilla Minecraft for Modded Servers.
To run a very stable FTB Server, the Dedicated server requires the following:
  • 10Mbps Upload, 100Mbps Download.
  • +16GB RAM
  • 300 Mbps transfer to HDD with Speed at 10k RPM
  • FTB requires Multi-Thread ability or a very powerful single Processor. Minecraft doesn't support multi-thread.
To get these resources for a dedicated server, you're looking to pay about +$300 per month.
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Bomb Bloke

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It seems that nobody is giving the OP a serious answer that relates exactly to what he is asking.
Sorry, but posting four months after his original question isn't helpful either.

Anyway, the point most of us were getting at is that if you're gonna disable things, you may as well not be using FTB. Players will find other servers without restrictions. Disable things to bar exploits, or for personal preference, but the best answer to performance issues is to get a better server.


Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012

So many wrong things. I don't even want to try to shift through the bullshit of "I think this does lots of things so I'll say it's laggy" and what's actually accountable for most lag.

RC tanks in 1.5 inherently cause lag. The IC2 energy net. Engines. Large numbers of any and everything. Flowing liquid blocks. Those are some of the top contributors.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yay! I got only one thing to say to this stuff...


John Freeman

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If your server can't handle any of these things, maybe you shouldn't play under the name "ftb" and rather say it's a custom mod pack.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Players. Removing some of those has always helped speed things up for me.
He is right, if you want "bangs for your bucks" you'll have to exclude certain players and what I do is make sure everybody isn't abusing the limited hardware we are on. But even so I think it's just stupid Fragnet cutting us short on the processing power. I'm running about half the mods of Unleashed and guess what? This is what happens.. Yea.. almost an entire "core" is taken up for 5 players is ridiculous and going to switch gears. Really if all they said was true I can say for real a dedicated 3.8Ghz of a E3 1270v3 core would be able to do way better than that.