It just occurred to me that I've never seen any mod-added liquids that glow and produce light on their own, like lava does. It would be kind of cool if you could have a liquid you could put in a bucket that flows like water or lava, and produces light in the same kind of area as lava, without the hazards that lava makes.
I can't possibly be the first person to think of this.
I'm playing with FTB: Revelation right now, the latest version. Are there any bucketable, pourable liquids in that pack which do this? I thought for a moment that Astral Sorcery's liquid starlight might do it, but unfortunately it just produces a particle effect, rather than light. Stepping in it gives you night-vision for a bit, but that's not quite the same thing.
And if none exist.... well, why not? Get on that! xD
I can't possibly be the first person to think of this.

I'm playing with FTB: Revelation right now, the latest version. Are there any bucketable, pourable liquids in that pack which do this? I thought for a moment that Astral Sorcery's liquid starlight might do it, but unfortunately it just produces a particle effect, rather than light. Stepping in it gives you night-vision for a bit, but that's not quite the same thing.
And if none exist.... well, why not? Get on that! xD