Lets See Some Bases! Give Us a Tour!

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my UU matter sky base recently made, The main reason its this high in the air is because of windmills. anyways its basically 6 bio generators (ethanol) , 1 HV solar, 2 EV windmills, 77 Generators and 32 compression dynamo's with the RF being converted to EU. Modpack: Monster Resource Pack: Sphax pure Bdcraft

sorry for the screen caps, wasn't sure how to find my screenshots on a mac. for FTB


The screen shots are in library, application support, FTB, your pack, minecraft, screenshots :)
So, the other day I finally bred my last bee for Unleashed (had to wait for Easter), and figured that was probably the absolute last thing I was ever going to do with my Unleashed world, so I might as well post some pictures.

My base got pretty big after a while (the ring wall around my base has a diameter of 295 blocks), so I thought I'd lead off with a picture of the map of my base so we can orient ourselves:

Here's a shot looking at my base near the north side of the central ring road. The big building in the center contains my vanilla witch farm. The beams of light are all beacons. I have 8 of them in my base so I can have a bit of a speed boost most of the places I go.

Starting in the north (basically turn around from that last picture), I've got my tree breeding area. It's mostly empty now since I was just maximizing attributes, not getting new species. The wall marks the maximum range for the bee in the alveary in the middle. Turns out with Largest Territory and an alveary, bees can really get around. The little building at the bottom of the picture contains my MFR laser.

The giant tree is actually several sequoias I stitched together and contains my twilight forest portal. You can also see a bit of my Steve's Carts force tree farm.

In the northeast I have a large array of FZ mirrors and solar boilers. They produce something like 200MJ/t I think, but they've always been auxiliary power, so I'm not sure what the exact number is. You'll notice trees in the background - I have a small grove of every tree from Forestry and ExtraTrees.

Moving on from there, we come to my wither fighting room. A little pixel art with Warded Blocks to make it look like a wither face.

Next up is my workshop building. The section with the lowered roof contains my nuclear reactors. The building off to the right is my boiler room - I use 4 36HP boilers fueled by bees. The steam is fed into a bunch of Industrial steam engines in the stone brick building at the extreme right side of the frame. The black building on the left contains my soul shard spawner system.

Inside my reactor room. It's kinda full of wiring, so it's tricky to get a good shot. I use 18 single chamber reactors that put out 100EU/t each. To keep them fueled I use two 4 chamber breeders. I keep the breeders encased in warded materials just in case something gets messed up. In the center of the room is my mass fab and some MFSUs. Everything is automated with AE and I use a level emitter to shut the whole setup off when I have a certain amount of UU available.

This is underneath my reactor room. That's 120 Igneous Extruders supplying cobble to 3 fully overclocked recyclers to keep my mass fab stocked with scrap. The other IC2 machines are geothermal generators that power the recyclers. The lava comes from bees.

Inside my workshop. In the middle is most of my ore processing (doesn't keep up with a quarry, but I don't care). The alcove by the window has a lot of AE crafting stuff that handles tesseracts and the like. The IC2 machines are heavily overclocked and handle a lot of my on-demand crafting needs (the ME interfaces are in the floor) On the right you can see some of my Cyclic Assemblers. They mostly convert bee produce into more useful items (i.e. diamond fragments => diamonds). The other side of the workshop (not pictured) is mostly taken up by my assembly table rig, but it also has several manual-use machines and my bed.

The workshop's basement (I use arcane levitators to move between floors). Here you can see the guts of my AE system. The deep storage units are just for a few bulk items. Most everything else fits pretty easily on the 64k storage units in the drive.

Here's the huge mass of level emitters and wireless transmitters that control the auto-cutoffs for all my farms.

Back outside, just south of the soul shard farm is my TC3 area. I built it to sorta look like some sort of evil altar. I used the TiC chisel to get obsidian bricks and fancy obsidian bricks. Just behind that is my MFR auto-spawner building.

Behind the TC altar is a bunch more forestry tree groves. Each grove is walled off with a combination of planks and fences made with the wood of that tree, so you get a few crazy colors in there.

Moving down to the south you can see my bee honeycomb. I gave it a TiC glass roof and used liquid glowstone for lighting because I thought it looked a little honey-like. The central hexagon contains my bee processing machines and an ME network to keep them working smoothly. The hex with the square visible in the ceiling is my breeding room (that square is the top of my breeder alveary). I also have 2 rooms dedicated to alvearies (28 total) with fully automated frames. The other 3 rooms are full of apiaries - I'm running one set of every single species of bee available to me. On the right is my MJ battery tower. Each light corresponds to a redstone energy cell - 4 stacks of 10 cells each.

Moving on from bees, in the southwestern section of the base are my animal pens. In the bottom left is my tiny MFR rubber farm that never gets used. Most of the space, however, is taken up by more groves of trees. Most of these trees aren't forestry trees, though. You can see a grove of silverwoods and of course the twilight oak stands out quite a bit. I disabled Natura and BoP, so there aren't as many trees as there could have been.

Here's a shot of the lake I made between the two twilight oaks I was lucky enough to find (I actually got the 2nd one from a leaf dungeon that was generated by the 1st one).

The western section of my base is all about crop farms. I use vanilla designs for my cactus and sugar cane farms and most other things use MFR. I use a bunch of apiaries with bees that have the fungal effect to make my mushrooms grow into big mushrooms. Other than that it's fairly straight forward farming. On the right you can see a few of my Forestry farms. I have one each for IC2 rubber, seed oil, fruit juice, and saplings/logs. On the left is my TiC smeltery. Didn't really have a good place to put it over by my workshop. In the background you can see my liquid storage - lots and lots of railcraft tanks.

Here's the entrance to the witch farm - it's opposite the bee breeding room. The stairs actually lead to the bottom of the drop trap and then there's a spiral staircase around the shaft that goes back up into the farm proper. It's a standard JL2579 farm design, btw. My nether portal is also down there, but it's not much to look at.

Here's what my base looks like underground. To maximize the efficiency of my witch farm I made sure the only spawnable blocks in the entire base were the redstone blocks in the witch farm. Rather than going to the trouble of lighting up a bunch of caves, however, I just dug up the entire place and used fillers to cover the top few layers with dirt. The beam of light is my MFR drill.
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Looks awesome! Did you do a lot of planning beforehand or did you just build structures first then link them with roads after?
Looks awesome! Did you do a lot of planning beforehand or did you just build structures first then link them with roads after?
I built things as needed, that's part of why everything's so spread out. That also encouraged me to put in some visual filler like shrubs or water features rather than having everything laid out really strictly, which I think worked out pretty well. I did, however, decide to build my base there based on the witch hut's presence. As a result, the general concept for a circle-based perimeter/layout came fairly early on.
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So, the other day I finally bred my last bee for Unleashed (had to wait for Easter), and figured that was probably the absolute last thing I was ever going to do with my Unleashed world, so I might as well post some pictures.

My base got pretty big after a while (the ring wall around my base has a diameter of 295 blocks), so I thought I'd lead off with a picture of the map of my base so we can orient ourselves:

Here's a shot looking at my base near the north side of the central ring road. The big building in the center contains my vanilla witch farm. The beams of light are all beacons. I have 8 of them in my base so I can have a bit of a speed boost most of the places I go.

Starting in the north (basically turn around from that last picture), I've got my tree breeding area. It's mostly empty now since I was just maximizing attributes, not getting new species. The wall marks the maximum range for the bee in the alveary in the middle. Turns out with Largest Territory and an alveary, bees can really get around. The little building at the bottom of the picture contains my MFR laser.

The giant tree is actually several sequoias I stitched together and contains my twilight forest portal. You can also see a bit of my Steve's Carts force tree farm.

In the northeast I have a large array of FZ mirrors and solar boilers. They produce something like 200MJ/t I think, but they've always been auxiliary power, so I'm not sure what the exact number is. You'll notice trees in the background - I have a small grove of every tree from Forestry and ExtraTrees.

Moving on from there, we come to my wither fighting room. A little pixel art with Warded Blocks to make it look like a wither face.

Next up is my workshop building. The section with the lowered roof contains my nuclear reactors. The building off to the right is my boiler room - I use 4 36HP boilers fueled by bees. The steam is fed into a bunch of Industrial steam engines in the stone brick building at the extreme right side of the frame. The black building on the left contains my soul shard spawner system.

Inside my reactor room. It's kinda full of wiring, so it's tricky to get a good shot. I use 18 single chamber reactors that put out 100EU/t each. To keep them fueled I use two 4 chamber breeders. I keep the breeders encased in warded materials just in case something gets messed up. In the center of the room is my mass fab and some MFSUs. Everything is automated with AE and I use a level emitter to shut the whole setup off when I have a certain amount of UU available.

This is underneath my reactor room. That's 120 Igneous Extruders supplying cobble to 3 fully overclocked recyclers to keep my mass fab stocked with scrap. The other IC2 machines are geothermal generators that power the recyclers. The lava comes from bees.

Inside my workshop. In the middle is most of my ore processing (doesn't keep up with a quarry, but I don't care). The alcove by the window has a lot of AE crafting stuff that handles tesseracts and the like. The IC2 machines are heavily overclocked and handle a lot of my on-demand crafting needs (the ME interfaces are in the floor) On the right you can see some of my Cyclic Assemblers. They mostly convert bee produce into more useful items (i.e. diamond fragments => diamonds). The other side of the workshop (not pictured) is mostly taken up by my assembly table rig, but it also has several manual-use machines and my bed.

The workshop's basement (I use arcane levitators to move between floors). Here you can see the guts of my AE system. The deep storage units are just for a few bulk items. Most everything else fits pretty easily on the 64k storage units in the drive.

Here's the huge mass of level emitters and wireless transmitters that control the auto-cutoffs for all my farms.

Back outside, just south of the soul shard farm is my TC3 area. I built it to sorta look like some sort of evil altar. I used the TiC chisel to get obsidian bricks and fancy obsidian bricks. Just behind that is my MFR auto-spawner building.

Behind the TC altar is a bunch more forestry tree groves. Each grove is walled off with a combination of planks and fences made with the wood of that tree, so you get a few crazy colors in there.

Moving down to the south you can see my bee honeycomb. I gave it a TiC glass roof and used liquid glowstone for lighting because I thought it looked a little honey-like. The central hexagon contains my bee processing machines and an ME network to keep them working smoothly. The hex with the square visible in the ceiling is my breeding room (that square is the top of my breeder alveary). I also have 2 rooms dedicated to alvearies (28 total) with fully automated frames. The other 3 rooms are full of apiaries - I'm running one set of every single species of bee available to me. On the right is my MJ battery tower. Each light corresponds to a redstone energy cell - 4 stacks of 10 cells each.

Moving on from bees, in the southwestern section of the base are my animal pens. In the bottom left is my tiny MFR rubber farm that never gets used. Most of the space, however, is taken up by more groves of trees. Most of these trees aren't forestry trees, though. You can see a grove of silverwoods and of course the twilight oak stands out quite a bit. I disabled Natura and BoP, so there aren't as many trees as there could have been.

Here's a shot of the lake I made between the two twilight oaks I was lucky enough to find (I actually got the 2nd one from a leaf dungeon that was generated by the 1st one).

The western section of my base is all about crop farms. I use vanilla designs for my cactus and sugar cane farms and most other things use MFR. I use a bunch of apiaries with bees that have the fungal effect to make my mushrooms grow into big mushrooms. Other than that it's fairly straight forward farming. On the right you can see a few of my Forestry farms. I have one each for IC2 rubber, seed oil, fruit juice, and saplings/logs. On the left is my TiC smeltery. Didn't really have a good place to put it over by my workshop. In the background you can see my liquid storage - lots and lots of railcraft tanks.

Here's the entrance to the witch farm - it's opposite the bee breeding room. The stairs actually lead to the bottom of the drop trap and then there's a spiral staircase around the shaft that goes back up into the farm proper. It's a standard JL2579 farm design, btw. My nether portal is also down there, but it's not much to look at.

Here's what my base looks like underground. To maximize the efficiency of my witch farm I made sure the only spawnable blocks in the entire base were the redstone blocks in the witch farm. Rather than going to the trouble of lighting up a bunch of caves, however, I just dug up the entire place and used fillers to cover the top few layers with dirt. The beam of light is my MFR drill.
That is not only an awesome base irs visually appealing. Great job

sent from hand held insanity
A very epic base indeed.

Anyone else notice a tendency to build massive, epic bases, then end up sleeping next to the machines?
i tend to make a massive structure to call home but end up putting like an armour stand, a bed, a chest for personal items, racks for TIC tools, A Crafting terminal, food, and a hat room, then i make a city around it
What I've been doing recently is having all automation far from my home which is in a AE storage cell so I don't get lag since my computer isent the best so all crafting energy and that stud is far away and used a quantum link chamber to link it all up the only AE stuff at my base is a few terminals and a crafting monitor this way I can work on making things lag free and look nice plus still have all my normal automation also on a side note I live in AE spatial because the admin refused to make a void age >:) I love it since it's lag free
What I've been doing recently is having all automation far from my home which is in a AE storage cell so I don't get lag since my computer isent the best so all crafting energy and that stud is far away and used a quantum link chamber to link it all up the only AE stuff at my base is a few terminals and a crafting monitor this way I can work on making things lag free and look nice plus still have all my normal automation also on a side note I live in AE spatial because the admin refused to make a void age >:) I love it since it's lag free
That is one amazing idea.
I am playing with an ultra hardcore pack, it will take me months to build up something nice. I need some ideas on setting up the inside of my base to look good, convenient and organized but not too square, without it being completely over the top...I want to get creative with some microblocks, the Chisel mod and furniture mods, Bibliocraft, that kind of stuff. Any suggestions/screens ?
Make it big to start with, like really big, but still possible to expand. That's a problem I've always left myself in when I start a new world.
Started playing around with Growthcraft last night...tried to come up with a golem friendly grape farm design that isnt too ugly.

I tested out placing the harvest golem on top and it works! Hes much too short to reach it from the ground. :p
Started playing around with Growthcraft last night...tried to come up with a golem friendly grape farm design that isnt too ugly.

I tested out placing the harvest golem on top and it works! Hes much too short to reach it from the ground. :p

What is that surrounding it ? Looks like leaf slabs to me, am I just unfamiliar ??
What is that surrounding it ? Looks like leaf slabs to me, am I just unfamiliar ??

I used carpenters blocks with chisel glass in them, dyed brown with some vines and leaves on top of that. I was surprised at how many layers you can put onto one of those blocks.
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I used carpenters blocks with chisel glass in them, dyed brown with some vines and leaves on top of that. I was surprised at how many layers you can put onto one of those blocks.
Wow, as am I, they look really good though. Tu che' good sir... I think I will dive right into growth craft now and make a Vineyard & wine cellar. Hope you dont mind if I borrow your trellis design there too ;)
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Redesigned my AE network:

Thats four subnetworks on the left and right of the main one. I changed some of the textures too... I wanted to give it a "mouth" where items go through pipes but it looked ugly.
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