My base right now is just a bunch of blue wool surrounding a dimensional door labeled "Police Box". I think it's pretty awesome.
We have Galacticraft?SSV Normandy SR-2.
I would love you forever if you could make that in Minecraft.[DOUBLEPOST=1369373387][/DOUBLEPOST]
Funny story, I was actually going to create an orbital space station once we got Galacticraft in the pack.
Seconded. That would be pretty much the most awesome thing ever.SSV Normandy SR-2.
I would love you forever if you could make that in Minecraft.
Oh, I'm definitely going to do this next time I start a new world.My base right now is just a bunch of blue wool surrounding a dimensional door labeled "Police Box". I think it's pretty awesome.
It's actually much more painful than you would think because you kind of have to cheat to get solar panels working. But then again, the fabric of reality should probably be transparent. It's also a bit difficult once you get to bees since extra bees hasn't updated yet.Seconded. That would be pretty much the most awesome thing ever.
Oh, I'm definitely going to do this next time I start a new world.
SSV Normandy SR-2.
I would love you forever if you could make that in Minecraft.
I gave a model of the SSV Normandy SR-2 to a friend a bit over a year ago... and at the same time he completely coincidentally gave me a model of the Normandy SR-2, which I happen to have on my desk right now.Okay, I take that back. Maybe you shouldn't build the Normandy SR-2 in Minecraft. So much potential for awesome... wasted when I saw the interior... the outside was nice but the interior was ugly and lacked the shininess that's required for any inside area in Mass Effect 2 and 3.
Also, that's not the SSV Normandy SR-2 that guy built. That's just the Normandy SR-2. SSV Normandy SR-2 is the ship you get in ME3, when the Systems Alliance do a retrofit on her to make her Better.
If that made sense.
I gave a model of the SSV Normandy SR-2 to a friend a bit over a year ago... and at the same time he completely coincidentally gave me a model of the Normandy SR-2, which I happen to have on my desk right now.
I have a mighty need for these models you speak of. I wanna be just like Commander Shepard with her awesome model collection!
Well see first you need to die in space and burn up in reentry. Then the model collection part is a cake walk.
Morgs, your challenge has been accepted. The Normandy will be recreated in FTB!
Well perhaps the huge array of additional blocks that FTB offers over vanilla could make up for that.Okay, I take that back. Maybe you shouldn't build the Normandy SR-2 in Minecraft. So much potential for awesome... wasted when I saw the interior... the outside was nice but the interior was ugly and lacked the shininess that's required for any inside area in Mass Effect 2 and 3.
Oh...Also, that's not the SSV Normandy SR-2 that guy built. That's just the Normandy SR-2. SSV Normandy SR-2 is the ship you get in ME3, when the Systems Alliance do a retrofit on her to make her Better.
Can you show inside pics?Hard to get a good shot of it, but my skybase is now near enough to complete that I have moved in with my machines. It is based (with permission) on a build by Raefar elsewhere in this thread. Its almost 70 blocks from corner to corner and 150 high. The main centre room is split over 3 levels with the whole array of IC, TE, GT and AE machines. Power is via a small array of ultimate solars at ground level, but I'll move them into the arms of the skybase when I have time. The building on the ground houses the railcraft furnaces, coal/coke ovens, some tanks and 2 36HP boilers, fully connected via tesseracts, ender tanks/chests and a secondary AE system.
The guy with the original is Raefar, as wildc4rd has mentioned in his post:Is that a tribute or a carbon copy of another space station? Because I've damn well seen that before, by that guy with the "it's a trap" avatar.
Not cool man, not cool.
It is based (with permission) on a build by Raefar elsewhere in this thread.