Lets See Some Bases! Give Us a Tour!

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Ok well Here's my planned setup. I have a large steve's carts tree farm going, it fits inside of a 30x30x20 room and is pretty much the best layout. I plan to try and run 9 36HP boilers off of it. As many off of biofuel as possible ( Which I am hoping is 5-6) and then gonna do a wood to charcoal for the rest of them. Gonna take the apples and squeeze them for mulch and run 1-2 fermenters with the apple juice as well.

I'm thinking if your numbers are right that (because of room size and everything else considered) 5 fermenters and 9 stills should give me plenty of play so I don't have to worry about running out.

I like your ideas about the tesseracts, Im thinking 2 tesseracts per fermenter? 1 for the top for saplings and one for the side for mulch. I will have a diamond chest for each saplings and much then a filter and timer that pulls out to a tesseract and then goes to a fermenter. Any extra saplings or mulch I will send to get voided.

Wood will come from the farm and then go to a set of a few MJ powered furnaces that turn it into charcoal, that charcoal will then go and get split up between a few different diamond chests that will be next to each of the solid fueled boilers.

So heres a few questions.

1. Sound like a solid plan? Or is there something that I am not accounting for?
2. Will I have enough saplings/wood from my farm to keep all 9 boilers running?
3. Will there be enough mulch for all the fermenters just from this farm?
4.How many fermenters do you think I could run off of appple juice in this case?
5. What is the best way to void items that are coming from a RP tube network?

Thanks for the replies by the way, giving me loads of ideas.

Depends on how much saplings are being produced? Biofuel will last about three minutes in a max temperature boiler, so you are gonna to to produce 9 buckets of biofuel every four minutes ( to be safe). So basically 2.35 buckets every second, or 6.75 biomass every second. That all together means you are gonma need about 8.5 saplings produced every second.
Thanks for all of the screenshots guys! You have really given me some awesome ideas for my base!
I'd post some screens, but alls I have atm is a DW20 season 5 start-esque hole in a cliff /:
After living in a "standard box" in my last world, I figured I'd live in something larger.


I decided on an open concept. I had found a dome building program someone wrote on the ComputerCraft Forums (sdbuild), and had a Turtle build a dome. The code is pretty complex; I have no shame in ripping off this program. It's well-built. Then I decided for effect I wanted to have the interior of the dome 1 block lower than the rest of the ground, so I hollowed out one block cavity. I also wanted it creeper proof, in case of any "accidents", so I replaced all the red cobblestone with Construction Foam.

The domes are radius 11. So 22 blocks in diameter. And 11 blocks in height.

As you can see, I've been retrofitting it with Hardened Glass, to make the exterior "creeper proof". I stopped after the 1st three layers, partially because that's all I needed, and also in part because I might switch to Warded Glass since it's more transparent (could fix it with Optifine).

PD2KJ4Y.png ic0uBW7.png qQiYkhs.png

The first dome is my machine dome. You can see the standard set-ups. I have a 15 Laser assembly table. The TE set-up is for Ore Processing. As you can see, all my glass cable is embedded in Construction Foam. I color coded the Construction Foam by EU/t voltage.

The second is my living quarters / storage / miscellaneous dome. I just have an ingot wall, which will maybe some day be hooked into a pseudo-sorting system so I don't have to do it by hand.

The two main domes are connected by a small hallway.

The dome behind it is for power generation (EU and MJ). This dome is smaller, radius 9 I think. Power generation for me was a means to an end, so I MINED the materials for some (5) Hybrid Solar Panels (a lot of Iridium) and fed the power into an MFSU and into some electrical engines / Magma Crucibles and chunk loaded a giant railcraft lava tank. The lava feeds to 12 Magmatic Engines to produce MJ, controlled by buildcraft gates (so they're not always on... as even on "low" mode they'll suck lava faster than I can produce it... i'm only producing 24 MJ/t worth of lava). The MJ power feeds into one Redstone Cell, which charges a 2nd Redstone Cell, which then goes to the machines. This lets me allow the engines to fully heat up, as my activation condition is when the 1st Cell is empty.


On the first picture in the background you can see my Thaumcraft dome. As well as my XP Farm. And the makings of a Villager Farm (might add the new Mystcraft to my Mindcrack server).


I try not to "copy" youtubers, but I enjoy ComputerCraft programming so I made a touch-screen controlled XP Farm, similar to Atypical's. I would've discovered it on my own (I knew about the advanced monitor long before seeing his build), but I'll give him credit for showing it off. This is why I stay away from FTB youtube.

The code is entirely my own. Interact with the touch screen to turn on/off spawners (all LV5), and pull the master switch to turn on the whole system. The text changes colors to green if they're turned on. The code is all controlled through os.pullEvent(), so it's "clean". Further, you can interact with everything from the "XP collection point".

I shoved 1 cobblestone in each inventory slot on the Attack Turtles so they don't pick up drops.

The system sends an on/off command via rednet to some Wireless Turtles, that wait for a signal. The turtles put out a redstone signal on startup, and turn it off when they receive the command to active their Spawner (1 Turtle per Spawner).


The last picture shows the standard Redpower barrel system for the XP Farm. Anything that can't be put in barrels, is overflow and goes to a Filter on the bottom to be put into Lava (separated by a Restriction Tube so it's only Lava'd as last resort). The chest is for rare head drops. I throw one of each head in there to "reserve" the space, and RP2 is apparently smart enough to realize it can stack it in the chest and won't send it to the Lava.
My Storage Building:


Inside with a Dirty Sorting System to start things off. Planning my Logistics Pipes and Barrels to the right.


First Basement Floor Completed of the Quarried out area below the storage facility. I have 2 other quarried out areas on the sides. This will probably be for additional storage if ever needed.


Planning Out my Apple Orchard with about 4-5 9x9 Iron Tanks. I will probably stack them as to look like silos. Will be managed by Stevescarts Woodcutter, and be used to make Apple Juice.


I like each of my buildings to be functional, somewhat aesthetically pleasing and massive. So while I don't advance in tech very fast, I think I'm making some cool stuff.
Chomeric, that is probably the best use of decorative glass I've ever seen. And the rest of your base looks awesome, though its a bit spread out for my taste.
here is our base, it was pretty organically built.

Our main floor with storage:

Basement with sorting and processing:

Power Generation and farming:
Chomeric, that is probably the best use of decorative glass I've ever seen. And the rest of your base looks awesome, though its a bit spread out for my taste.

Thank you, and with 4 portal guns and haste 2 boots of the traveler + jet pack, I don't really notice the spread. :P
Just built the start of a oil refinery this evening, thought it was time to harvest the massive oil spouts I've got in the local area.

My humble bee station
Wow that is really awesome looking. I love the roofs you have done gives the buildings really nice character, oh and that clock is pretty cool looking as well.
Few from mine. In the process of finding a new place to actually build things, most of my current base is ugly and horrible made just so I can learn how things work as i gather massive amounts of mats from my quarrys :D

Was going for a clean high tech engineroom look. It scales really well. I can put in another row of 22 directly on the other side of the redstone wire blocks and if I wanted make the line longer, right now its only 11 long.

Kinda proud of my assembly room. Starting to build it in my survival world.
Your framerate would actually be more fluid if you lock it to the monitors refresh rate. Or are you on a CRT? :)