Lets See Some Bases! Give Us a Tour!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
South Georgia, USA
Time to get a little more serious. I actually built a hexagonal house, complete with Carpenter's Blocks for the roof. I color-coded the floor because I plan on dividing the house into at least 4 rooms, and I may even add in a basement later, once I get an ME system up and running.


The roof's not quite finished, obviously. I just got really tired of playing with Carpenter's Blocks. I'll go back and finish it later.


After I laid out the room, I realized that it vaguely resembled a Pokeball. I didn't do that on purpose...now I want to add walls and make it into a real house. I may change the colors, but I'm not sure.

I need a little input here, though: I've had a fully-functioning, auto-crafting ME system before. I've had a fully-functioning ProjectRed: Transportation system as well. (Much cheaper, no power needed, just kinda works!) I've never tried Logistic Pipes, but it looks like a happy medium between AE2 and PR:T. I've watched Direwolf20 play with LP and it looks really cool. If you've played with PR:T, is it worth the extra effort to get LP up and going, or should I just stick with the simpler concept and not worry about power generation, or does AE2 do something special with bees to make it worth going all the way into high tech?

What does everyone think about this?


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Most systems work fine. AE doesn't do anything special to bees, except for being able to read apiarist's chests with a storage bus. And LP is good, but it's not necessarily something you need. If you're happy with what you have, there's little reason to change unless you move to a new base and want to do something different. Me, I purposely left AE out of my LP world so I could play with Logistic's Pipes. I've got a minecart delivering me items I request out of my LP warehouse. It's not as fast as AE, but in some respects it's much cheaper. Being able to plug BC's stone or cobblestone pipes in means it's far cheaper than running several thousand certus quartz worth of cable, but for the hazard of being much slower to move things around. AE crafts large quantities of things faster, but with LP, I don't have to mess around with channels, or build weird shaped cuboids to autocraft things.

Frankly, for most bee work, I just use enderIO conduits. Put them in in/out mode and you can enable self-feed, and then filter other conduits to only extract the products, and the bees will run forever.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
South Georgia, USA
Most systems work fine. AE doesn't do anything special to bees, except for being able to read apiarist's chests with a storage bus. And LP is good, but it's not necessarily something you need. If you're happy with what you have, there's little reason to change unless you move to a new base and want to do something different. Me, I purposely left AE out of my LP world so I could play with Logistic's Pipes. I've got a minecart delivering me items I request out of my LP warehouse. It's not as fast as AE, but in some respects it's much cheaper. Being able to plug BC's stone or cobblestone pipes in means it's far cheaper than running several thousand certus quartz worth of cable, but for the hazard of being much slower to move things around. AE crafts large quantities of things faster, but with LP, I don't have to mess around with channels, or build weird shaped cuboids to autocraft things.

Frankly, for most bee work, I just use enderIO conduits. Put them in in/out mode and you can enable self-feed, and then filter other conduits to only extract the products, and the bees will run forever.

I want more details on minecarts. I see that rhn does a lot of things with them, and you're making them sound amazing...is there an awesome, up-to-date mod spotlight on them that shows me what all they can do? I've done a little with Steve's carts, but this sounds totally different.

I did BC pipes with autarchic gates the last time I played with bees. Those kept my apiaries running for ages, so I was happy with that. I never thought about Ender IO conduits - I have a ton of them made up already so I'll give those a shot once I get apiaries up and going this weekend.


Forum Addict
Jan 6, 2013

While i have to say that what you created is beyond my sense of scale and world awesomeness (and my understanding) i would like to ask few very specific questions :
  1. Why are you posting your journal in this long dead Thread dedicated to "base tour" ?
  2. Defaq did u come from...
U made a house... hexagon house... decided to do a roof... didnt finish roof... want to make sloped walls... (probably will not make a sloped walls) and maybe even change color! omfg such dedication to make a house!

As the most talented aesthetic designer () in this thread i can only dream of such high goals and achieving such glorious results.
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Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
There isn't one as far as I know. Most people just sort of abandoned Railcraft. Guess it's up to me!

Seriously though, I'll see what I can do to show it off.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
South Georgia, USA
While i have to say that what you created is beyond my sense of scale and world awesomeness (and my understanding) i would like to ask few very specific questions :
  1. Why are you posting your journal in this long dead Thread dedicated to "base tour" ?
  2. Defaq did u come from...
U made a house... hexagon house... decided to do a roof... didnt finish roof... want to make sloped walls... (probably will not make a sloped walls) and maybe even change color! omfg such dedication to make a house!

As the most talented aesthetic designer () in this thread i can only dream of such high goals and achieving such glorious results.

I'm very glad that you have the proper perspective to know that you could never do what I have done. I have (not) spent thousands of hours studying architecture, (failing) to learn all of the minute details that cause the difference in an eyesore and a beautiful building, and I figured I would bring that total (lack of) expertise here to this showcase of sorts in order to show off what I can do.

You see, my house, with it's seemingly (and possibly self-admitted) unfinished roof, is a marvel of architecture. Most homes have 4 walls - hell, the definition of a house is "4 walls and a roof!" My house, on the other hand, has 6 outside walls. That's 50% more walls on this house™. When I did the math, I was purely amazed that I was able to fit that many more walls onto my house™.

As far as your second question, my appearance is such that 99.999% of people believe that my origins are biologic in nature. You see, it started with a man and a woman around 39 years ago....

My personal belief is that I was immaculately conceived and placed among the people of Earth to bring joy and laughter to all through cleverly worded posts on forums that mostly obviously make fun of my complete lack of skills at anything useful in life. (Unless creating very long, unaimed sentences can be counted as a skill.)


Jan 29, 2015
While i have to say that what you created is beyond my sense of scale and world awesomeness (and my understanding) i would like to ask few very specific questions :
  1. Why are you posting your journal in this long dead Thread dedicated to "base tour" ?
  2. Defaq did u come from...
U made a house... hexagon house... decided to do a roof... didnt finish roof... want to make sloped walls... (probably will not make a sloped walls) and maybe even change color! omfg such dedication to make a house!

As the most talented aesthetic designer () in this thread i can only dream of such high goals and achieving such glorious results.
My response to that would be "Why not?" :)

Sure the thread was quiet, but necroing with a relevant and continuing series of posts seems more like a Resurrection than a Raise Dead! And I was contemplating being brave enough to start posting pics of the bunker base I was going to build (many ideas unashamedly inspired by the amazing @rhn), so if it wasn't @JaRyCu, it would have been me! Heh.

So, watch this space, for I shall return... Soon™


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm with gamer. Personally? This thread never truly dies. It goes into hibernation. And @masterzh? Constructive criticism is one thing... Unhelpful (and frankly disrespectful imo) sarcasm is not an endearing quality.


Forum Addict
Jan 6, 2013
As far as your second question, my appearance is such that 99.999% of people believe that my origins are biologic in nature. You see, it started with a man and a woman around 39 years ago....
I asked and expected exactly this. Wasnt disappointed. Thank you.

As a (not) moderator of this thread which definitely (dont) care about content on this forum you have my approval to keep posting these extremely detailed well thought designs, full of new ideas and pleasuring everyone's eye.

I'm with gamer. Personally? This thread never truly dies. It goes into hibernation. And @masterzh? Constructive criticism is one thing... Unhelpful (and frankly disrespectful imo) sarcasm is not an endearing quality.
U saying his sarcasm actually posting these "creations" is in any way different from my "applause"? That sounds a bit racist dont u think? Even he did get its meant in the good way and responded in same twisted way. He didnt get offended, understood the joke and responded with joke. As neither he or i have a problem please take your (personal) problem to PM. I will be very happy and honored to exchange "constructive criticism".
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Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Play nice guys, lest the actual mods show up and do something precipitous.

And in fairness, this thread goes dead every so often, usually while people are building bases. Given that the first post explains they were waiting for an official 1.4.6 post, and we've got builds for 1.7.10, I'd suspect this isn't a thread that is subject to the normal forum limitations. Plus it's been on the first page of the subforum for a very long time now, so it's not exactly an ultra-fast paced section that must continue to have up to the second information.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
South Georgia, USA
I'm with gamer. Personally? This thread never truly dies. It goes into hibernation. And @masterzh? Constructive criticism is one thing... Unhelpful (and frankly disrespectful imo) sarcasm is not an endearing quality.

Scottly, at first I wasn't sure if @masterzh was trolling me or playing along, but I went with the assumption that he was also making use of the letters S, A, R, C, A again, S again, and M and it seems that I was proven correct with his subsequent postings that supported my assumption unsurreptitiously. (I used a really big word there that I'm not even totally sure fit, but I really liked it.)

:eek: <~~ That's my shocked face. Totally shocked face. You've used a Blizzard trademark and bolded it! Everyone who plays or did play Warcraft knows that all things that Blizzard releases will come not on a certain date, but Soon™. I hope you have not brought the wraith of the Blizzard Gaming gods (little "g" intentional) to these forums to rain down sheep and the fury of Trade Chat upon us.

:eek: And ACK!! You made me use it too!


Jan 29, 2015
:eek: And ACK!! You made me use it too!
Muahahaa - my evil plan continues :D

Alas I didn't get to building last night, but I've decided to face the risk of ridicule, laughter, mockery, wasabi & marmite sandwiches, and general bemusement and take some pictures of my endeavors when I get on this evening.

You may want to wear some sort of eye protection, the textures will be...




Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
South Georgia, USA
Muahahaa - my evil plan continues :D

See, you go and quote the great Blizz, and they make the announcement that they're releasing the pre-patch for Legion on Tuesday. Now I'm going to have to split time between Minecraft and Warcraft, seeing as how I have 11 max level characters (1 of each class) that all need to do all of the pre-content to get ready for Legion. That means I'll have less time for S-A-R-C-A-S-M and building randomly awesome structures in my FTB worlds.

Dammit @GamerwithnoGame that's just not fair.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Might as well add to this, since my base is...a little basic, but still decent.

The view from above the pier leading into my base. Though this isn't the primary point of ingress/egress (that's inside), it serves as a convenient way to get in when I can't be arsed to dial coordinates. Alas, I was a bit too high to get a proper view of the pier, might add a pic of that later, though.

Just past the pier, inside. The primary point of ingress/egress is visible: a Stargate, which is currently dialed to my old (and kinda crap) home where my AE system is primarily housed. In the centre, you can see the (turbocharged) lumen beacon that acts as the centrepoint of the entire build. You can also make out the quartet of cloaking towers I included for mostly stylistic reasons.

Here we've got a view of the cloaking towers, as well as the four (again, turbocharged) multichromic repeaters which will...eventually serve a purpose, lol.

Got another view of the centre, as well as one of my AE access points (there's two) from my lubrication station, which I use to conveniently fill gearboxes with lube. The lube is being produced off-site back in the old base. Kinda boring, so I didn't really bother taking a pic of it.

A closeup of my primary AE access point. Its got a RotaryCraft worktalbe, NuclearCraft work station thingie, and a handy MkII condenser in case I need to make a quick handful of something.

The two farms I (thus far) have set up. One is a combo earth essence (for dirt) and sugar farm, the other is a full-on yellorium farm. A curious interaction between the fertility boosters from ChC and fertility lillies from Reliquary makes crops grow insanely fast. I'm using a crystal furnace as a quick-and-dirty way to multiply my yellorium yield and another is giving me two ethanol per sludge instead of just one. Sludge production is also partly due to a hidden condenser making silverwood saplings.

Here we've got a variant on the old school "power flower" I dub the "power focus." The condensers flanking the main one make coal, which is sent to the primary condenser to make blaze powder and magma cream for jet fuel production. Some of the coal is also siphoned off from some of the condensers for this purpose.

I'm using a dozen bedrockium barrels to hold my jet fuel. Due to how quickly I'm creating it, each of these is (as of the time of writing this post) about a third full. Even with the engines I've got consuming the stuff, I'm still barely touching my supply and am still running a hilarious surplus.

Here we've got my steam production, a mixture of 36HP Railcraft boilers (I wanted to go a little old school) and MFR boilers, both being fed off a power focus making aeternalis fuel blocks. This, alongside the Advanced Generators steam turbine on the right, is making up the bulk of my RF production. I am barely touching my throughput.

My water supply on the right is leading to a large crystal tank (forget the exact dimensions) being fed by 49 fully-upgraded Mekanism electric pumps. The power for this is coming from a pair of RF radiators on either side of the setup.

My bedrock breaker's power source. I...derped a little with the placement of some things, so I had to snake the gears around to get things going in the right direction. Its only running at the bare minimum of power, thus far, but I do plan on upgrading this when I'm willing/able. I have a plan...

Lastly, my latest build: my uranium processing station. What you see is 18 uranium processors making UF6 being pushed into 4 isotope centrifuges. Each of those centrifuges is being, individually, powered by a gas turbine running at maximum speed output (thru a 1024:1 speed gearing), putting the centrifuges at their maximum operating speed of one operation every 8 ticks. The uranium dusts (both U-238 and U-235) are being fed into their own DSU for later processing, the U-235 being on standby for when I get ready to go full-bore and split the atom.

And there you have my Sanctuary!


Jan 29, 2015
I've changed my mind about showing my attempts at building a base, as they are A) God-awful and B) are taking forever to even do something basic. Thank goodness for the rest of you! :)
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Jan 29, 2015
Yeah. Its... not good. I spent about 4 hours the other night just breaking and placing dirt, trying to level out a large area...

Then on Sunday I built the shell of a factory, and knocked down and rebuilt portions 2 or 3 times - and I'm still not happy with it! I like the look of Chisel's concrete, but its terribly fast at breaking :(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Windows blue screened on me yesterday...and something got badly f'd up with AromaBackup and it hadn't made an actual backup (despite its insistence that it was, indeed, doing backups) for over a week. So, I lost aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall that work. God damn it.