lava power trouble

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No it was actually freezing the water when I was under the main ice chunk. Everytime I used the wand I would just have ice blocks in my face.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No it was actually freezing the water when I was under the main ice chunk. Everytime I used the wand I would just have ice blocks in my face.

Mm, then that is a LOT of water source blocks, as the wand of cooling should just remove flowing water, not freeze them. Well, a BC pump might be something to try, then.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For the OP, you're best bet if you insist on running lava is to BC pump it from the nether using liquid tesseracts. Cobblestone -> Lava takes up a lot of energy in the Magma Crucible but if you have something like a 36HP Steam Boiler then it's possible to setup this following system: HP steam boiler -> industrial steam engines -> Magma Crucible (w/ Ingeous Extruder) -> Thermal Generators.

Alternatively Solar Panels can also provide decent EU provided that you upgrade them far enough (i.e. Ultimate Hybird Solar Panels).

Now for the second question regarding water filling up a quarried hole. The best way I've found is to use a BC Pump with a Void Waterproof Pipe. It'll pump the water out (and void it) but be prepared for some lag spikes. Additionally you might have to move the pump around especially if you start pumping from a corner and not the middle.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think it was Bobst3r way back when who suggested getting rid of water with the quarry's laser-beam robot, which should destroy everything inside the frame. I've yet to try it, but it's ingenious if it works.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think it was Bobst3r way back when who suggested getting rid of water with the quarry's laser-beam robot, which should destroy everything inside the frame. I've yet to try it, but it's ingenious if it works.

Good thought, but that'd then mean moving the quarry downwards as the laser will just quarry through the water blocks.

A nice addition to the BC quarry would be a similar function to the IC2 miner and IC2 pump: Make it so that if you have a BC pump next to your BC quarry, the quarry will output liquid blocks (lava, oil, water, etc) through the pump, so long as the pump is powered. Perhaps make it work in that the quarry head works like the pump's head, or whatnot.
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