Lava machine. nether to overworld

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hola beast feeders.
Long time feeder. First time poster.

Anyhow. i made this lava to overworld contraption and it works great...ish

Problem is that its too slow. The liquid transposers doesnt empty and fill the cells fast enough.

Is there anything you would add to this contraption to make it faster ?



it is a legit save. Just had to go creative to get a better look in the nether :p

also got my second energy storage now. so i use one for my machines up top. And since i fill the one in the nether faster than i can use. i swap them out when the nether one is full. so i always have power for my machines up top

oh. and if this is the wrong forum. appologies


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, if the liquid transposers aren't emptying and filling quick enough, put in more transposers. You could simply make that single one by the ender chests a row of them and put the lava liquid pipe on top of them with the item pipes connecting them to the enderchests to either side. I would also reccomend moving your setup further out. The proximity to land limits the available lava for the pump.

Of course, they aren't very hard to setup. If speed is still an issue, you could always make more lava pump stations.

Evil Hamster

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Your design seems awfully complex. You can find some good tips in this thread :)

Also, just curious here, what the heck are you running that is using more than a single transposer can produce? I had 24 gregtech upgraded geothermal generators running to power my mass fab when I was building my gravity suit, but I have shut them down since and my single transposer was able to run that, 4 lava BC pumps, and my 4 other separate geothermal generators running my 4 industrial centrifuges centrifuging only lava (needed a lot of tin lol)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am filling up two 6.2 mill railcraft tanks in my overworld. Im not actualy using it for anything yet :p

For complex. Yeah. the thing is. Im not denying that ppl have been making a lot of machines like this before me and that im no where near the pioneer of machines like this. However. I made this trying and failing. Insted of looking up videos about it. So i made my machine from my own mind. And as said. I know ppl have done this before me.

It isnt really that complex really. i have 5 magmatic engines run by a pump. the magmatic engines power a redstone energy storage block which powers a pump and the transposer. The pump fill lava to the transposer, which fill up lava cells. the lava cells is transported to the overworld and into a new transposer emptying the lava into the tanks and send the cells back to the the nether.

also since the 5 engines produce way more MJ then the pump and transposer need. I can just swap out my empty redstone cell with the full one in the nether. the pump and transposer keep running and i have a fully charged energy cell for use on my overworld machines or quarry

Its just the way i set it up. looks messy :p

Evil Hamster

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There's nothing wrong with complex, until you have to try and troubleshoot it!

Like you I merely saw the idea of building nether lava pumps and figured out how to do it on my own. What you see in that thread is my "rev 3" design. Rev 1 had no redpower available (Beta A pack) rev 2 was the same as seen with a few redundant machines, and rev 4 will be even more compact :)

I only use one engine and prime it with a lava bucket. After that, it fuels itself by running the pump. Unfortunately the transposer doesn't run at full speed with my design, as some power is bled off for the pump, but it's still more than fast enough for my needs. If I need more speed, I'd just build a 2nd pump station somewhere else in the nether. As is is, I shut it down 75% of the time because I have no real good use for all that power. It's easy to ramp back up when I need it as the machinery is all in place :)

King Lemming

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A single transposer should handle a bucket of lava every couple of seconds. What are you doing that you need 1800 buckets of lava per hour in the overworld? If you aren't getting that rate, you need to tighten up that timing a bit. Although I can't see where it would go wrong by the screenshots.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
and behold, a very simple system than can fill lava cells as fast as they can be used in the overworld!

Very compact and transportable.