Laggy 200 Fps?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Playing ftb i get an average of about 200 fps. In vanilla i easily get i average somewhere from 900-1100 fps. Good right? You thought wrong. 200 looks like a godly number to a lot of people and it didnt look so bad to me, but i noticed a bit of stuttering. I thought i was being paranoid and continued to play, but it continued to bother me. So after i hopped on to vanilla and it ran as smooth as ice cream. I tried limiting my game to 200 in vanilla, the results were identical to the 900 i had before. I kept trying to see what my ftb fps was similar to and noticed that it felt like i was playing at 20. I tired experimenting with optifine, but it my performance tanks on both normal and modded mc. Any ideas on how i can stabilize my fps? Id be happy with 60, if it didnt stutter so much. It felt unplayable.

3570k i5 Ivy Bridge
Nvidia 460
8g DDR3 1600mhz
128g OCZ Vector Ssd

Henry Link

Popular Member
Dec 23, 2012
USA - East Coast
At that frame rate I wonder if you are seeing an interference pattern with you room lighting. Try turning off all artificial lighting in the room with your computer.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You call 200fps lag? I get 10-5fps. why? Because creeps are havin a partay
Thanks, world hole :(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What program are you using to read your FPS?
Just the f3 screen.[DOUBLEPOST=1367870233][/DOUBLEPOST]
At that frame rate I wonder if you are seeing an interference pattern with you room lighting. Try turning off all artificial lighting in the room with your computer.
Ill try it when i get home, i dont think it will do anything as games like d3 run perfectly fine.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would venture a guess that the frame rate is not the issue here. What follows is based on the assumption that you do not have a top end gaming monitor and therefore you're monitor has a refresh rate of between 60 and 120 hz. This means that even though you're debug screen is showing you are getting 190 fps, you're monitor is only capable of outputting between 60 and 120 fps.( The refresh rate of a monitor is also the max fps it will display.) If you are getting stuttering and the debug is displaying 190 fps i would be lead to thinking there is something with either you're java instance or you're cpu/power supply that is causing some issues, being that ftb is much more resource intensive to run than vanilla.

Try enabling V-sync and see if that helps as it will stop you're computer from needlessly using more power then is required.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would venture a guess that the frame rate is not the issue here. What follows is based on the assumption that you do not have a top end gaming monitor and therefore you're monitor has a refresh rate of between 60 and 120 hz. This means that even though you're debug screen is showing you are getting 190 fps, you're monitor is only capable of outputting between 60 and 120 fps.( The refresh rate of a monitor is also the max fps it will display.) If you are getting stuttering and the debug is displaying 190 fps i would be lead to thinking there is something with either you're java instance or you're cpu/power supply that is causing some issues, being that ftb is much more resource intensive to run than vanilla.

Try enabling V-sync and see if that helps as it will stop you're computer from needlessly using more power then is required.
Yes, enabling v-sync makes no difference at all. My monitors refresh rate is 60hz. I don't believe that's the problem because i normally cant see any lag at 60 fps. I also play DiabloIII With v-sync and used to play WoW. Never had any problems with those games even though they are also pretty cpu intensive, i imagine much more than a game like minecraft.[DOUBLEPOST=1367874072][/DOUBLEPOST]On a side note, i played heavily modded minecraft in 1.2 before ftb was released. I never had any problems then either, and that was before i got a new SSD, Cpu, Motherboard, and GpU


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just to get some of the standard questions out of the way; Have you configured you're gpu to run java properly and without all the extra stuff (3d output, antialiasing, etc.) Is you're java and jlwgl up to date. Is this only happening on one world or is it persistent through even newly generated worlds?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Java is up to date - Java 7 Update 17
Jlwgl - What is that?
Didnt change any gpu settings
Happening in all worlds

Edit: Updated Java and Jlwgl Didnt do much


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
He meant LWJGL.

Java 7u17 isn't up to date. 7u21 is.

Since you have a custom computer, I assume you're on windows?
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