Whitelist Server L2Devastation ~ Ultimate Pack ~ Whitelist ~ New ~ 50 Slots ~ Age: 21+ ~ NoMobGrief ~ Mining Age

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1. Forum Name: Oninaig
2. In Game Name: Oninaig
3. Age: 22
4. Country: USA
5. Timezone: USA EST
6. Prior Minecraft Experience: Been playing for around 4-5 years now. Been playing with the tech mods for about 2 years and I've played on many tech servers.
7: Short Biography of yourself: Bachelors in CMSC from UMD, specialize in Java programming along with C+, C# and Assembly. Enjoy puzzles, complicated builds, and having fun.
8: Random fact about yourself: I've been told I am very "Animated" on teamspeak :P.
9: What can you bring to L2Devastation: Friendship, someone easy to get along with, someone who can help others, a unique sense of humor, etc.
10. Do you stream youtube/twitch or plan on doing so: I do not.
1. Forum Name: jurgenroo
2. In Game Name:jurgenroo
3. Age:39
4. Country: belgium
5. Timezone:europe
6. Prior Minecraft Experience: know most of all the mods and have server plugins experience too
7: Short Biography of yourself:since a bad operation its difficult to work fultime so know i have a lot of time to spend, i love to build optimized builds and learn new mods along the way and help other people , i am easy going and get along with all people
8: Random fact about yourself:i am addicted to the internet and spend minimum 8 hours online every day
9: What can you bring to L2Devastation: some experience with most of the mods, i have my own testserver with bukkit so know alot of the plugins, and i love to trade and share with other people and im online alot
10. Do you stream youtube/twitch or plan on doing so:i am thinking about it.
1. Forum Name: SirSutty
2. In Game Name: SirSutty
3. Age: 22
4. Country: England
5. Timezone: GMT
6. Prior Minecraft Experience: erm about 2 years?? I think, played tekkit when that was out and been playing ftb since release :D
7: Short Biography of yourself: Im English and I do indeed love tea. I also love videogames a little too much i think...........
8: Random fact about yourself: I have a masters degree in Pharmacy so I suppose I deal drugs......
9: What can you bring to L2Devastation: Interesting sense of humor and I would love to be involved in a good gaming community :D I would also like to take part in community builds, if we do that sort of shizzle :D
10. Do you stream youtube/twitch or plan on doing so: Nope, but may be thinking about it............. I dont know yet......
1. Forum Name: Josh_Spurgeon
2. In Game Name: Josh_Spurgeon
3. Age: 31
4. Country: England, UK
5. Timezone: GMT
6. Prior Minecraft Experience: I've been playing for around a year, maybe a bit more. Very briefly ssp vanilla, running tech based modpacks since. Swapped to FTB as soon as I heard about it, since then I've been trying to find a server that suits me. Tried a few open servers (always a terrible idea), then a couple whitelisted servers, but neither have been active enough, and had consistant enough uptime to really get settled in. From your post this server looks pretty ideal.
7: Short Biography of yourself: I'm american, but live in the UK, been over here for 7 years or so. Happily married for about the same ammount of time, with twin three year old boys. Met my wife while I was living abroad while in the military, where I did about 10 years before moving here to settle down. Fan on many nerdy persuits.
8: Random fact about yourself: Not very good at random facts about me, the things about me seem sensable as I am me. :P Hmm, one of my hobbies is powerlifting style weight training, which I do with my best mate in a garage gym?
9: What can you bring to L2Devastation: Well, I'm friendly and always happy to have a chat, or help people who need a hand. I'd enjoy getting in on community, or at least small group projects. I like to think I'm a decent builder, and not totally hopeless with the mods.
10. Do you stream youtube/twitch or plan on doing so: Not currently, maybe something I'd try in the future, but I don't have the kit for it at the moment.
1. Forum Name:Erztsuku
2. In Game Name:liawjunwei1999
3. Age:20
4. Country: Singapore
5. Timezone:+8
6. Prior Minecraft Experience:I've just started playing FTB as I've seen Bdoubleo100 and generikb's video . I've been playing minecraft for a year .
7: Short Biography of yourself:A simplistic singaporean which is friendly and I really hope to join this server >< but I wish my age doesn't matter since its only 1 yrs younger :[ I really wish I can join.
8: Random fact about yourself:Hmm I love playing computer since I am addicted to it from primary school.
9: What can you bring to L2Devastation:I can help others when they needed help. I will also cooperate with the members as well as the owners , lead admin , admin and so on.
10. Do you stream youtube/twitch or plan on doing so:No.. I can't stream , it will make my computer lag , I tried once .
1. Forum Name: Tolgrimm
2. In Game Name: Tolgrimm
3. Age: 30
4. Country: Germany
5. Timezone: CET (GMT +1)
6. Prior Minecraft Experience: I was playing Minecraft on and off for quite some time, played it a lot the second half of 2012. Then I read about FTB, totally by accident, and since then I played it regularly. I really know my stuff in FTB, although I have to admit that this would be my first experience with SMP. Was reading server promotions for some time, but never replied to such a thread until now.
7: Short Biography of yourself: For all intents and purposes I'm still a student, but I'm also a writer. Living a quiet life here and enjoying it.
8: Random fact about yourself: I'll be competing in my third marathon this summer.
9: What can you bring to L2Devastation: We'll see. As I said above, I'm quite a noob at SMP... but otherwise, I'm really just someone you can get along with. I'm not the kind of person that spams the chat all the time; I guess I'll be quiet at first, but I really enjoy a good community (as was the case in some of the MMOs I played).
10. Do you stream youtube/twitch or plan on doing so: I really don't. I like watching some of them, but that's that.
1. Forum Name: Psykoe
2. In Game Name: psykoe
3. Age: 27
4. Country: USA
5. Timezone: Central (Texas)
6. Prior Minecraft Experience: Atleast 2 years, got involved in mods after vanilla started to get a little boring.
7: Short Biography of yourself: I am 27, been married for 4 years March 20th and have a 1 year old daughter. I also love gaming in any form :)
8: Random fact about yourself: Love to help people regardless of there being anything in it for me.
9: What can you bring to L2Devastation: I am a friendly helpful player who loves games and good communities, I absolutely love working on community projects and chatting/meeting everyone.
10. Do you stream youtube/twitch or plan on doing so: As of right now my ol PC cant handle it, can barely handle MC sometimes, but I am currently building one that shouldnt have a problem, so once I get everything built and running I may see if I have what it takes to be a Youtuber as a hobby.

Thank you for taking the time to read my application and considering me!
EDIT: I could've swore the original post said "Currently Accepting New Members" when I wrote this post, but looking back it says "NOT". Oops.

1. Forum Name: rengo
2. In Game Name: reng0r0
3. Age: 32
4. Country: US
5. Timezone: Central (MN)
6. Prior Minecraft Experience: Started Minecraft in 2010, got bored with vanilla which lead custom maps (Vechs) and mods. Started FTB about 3 months ago.
7: Short Biography of yourself: Married with 1 kid (and another on the way). Software engineer by day.
8: Random fact about yourself: I love trying new beer (especially IPA's).
9: What can you bring to L2Devastation: My own unique building style (aka messy); that's something I hope to improve since other people may see it. I've really only just scratched the surface of ftb, so I'm looking to join a community where I can help when needed; and also rely on expertise of others to make my builds better.
10. Do you stream youtube/twitch or plan on doing so: No.
1. Forum Name: saiyanbob
2. In Game Name: Dridnyr

3. Age: 27
4. Country: USA
5. Timezone: Pacific
6. Prior Minecraft Experience: I've played minecraft for almost two years, vanilla, bukkit, direwolf20, mindcrack, ultimate
7: Short Biography of yourself: I live in Oregon, my cousin Dark who is on your server recruited me
8: Random fact about yourself: I am an artist and photographer
9: What can you bring to L2Devastation: I am an exceptional builder, I know the ins and outs of FTB..if you would like I could give you screens of my creations
10. Do you stream youtube/twitch or plan on doing so: I have my own youtube account and I am on there dailey