Whitelist Server Kosmos FTB | PvP - PvE | 1GB RAM | 10 Slots | Strict Rules | v5.0.1

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Name: Ted
Age: 16
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I am looking for a small DW20 server to play on and liked the ways yours looked. I also like that you have no banned mods and items. I also like your rule on no ages without permission. I think the idea of a mining age for resources is a good idea so the world isn't destroyed from mine and other things. I think voting on the ban of a player which I saw in one of you rules is a very cool idea and i really like it. I would like to see what the plot age is and what it is used for, it sounds really cool.
What will you do for the server (5-6 Sentences): I am a good builder and i can create cool builds that both look nice and have functanalilty. I am very experienced with the mods and have been using them for a long time. I think i can help people if they need help with mods or setting things up. Also I could help make public machines for people to use and other things that can help people.
Have you ever been banned before: No
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes
Will you be active daily: Mostly, i have school and skiing on the weekdays but on friday and the weekend i will be and anytime i can on the other days but on Tuesdays-Thursday i will most likely be on around two hours or less. once ski team ends in a few weeks i will be able to play a lot more. i play to play 2+ hours on weekdays and 3+ hours on weekend days
Experience with mods: i have alot of experience with all the mods and have been playing some of them sencie before minecraft was released. i also am very good at redstone and computercraft and computer related things. if anyone would need any help with the a mod i can help them with it or so them how to use something or explain how something works

Note: Sorry about the spelling and grammer errors i am not a good speller and stuff to do with english class. Im dyslexic.
Name: Silas
Age: 16
IGN: Talon685
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I'm looking for a small DW20 server to avoid the pitfalls of larger open servers such as griefers. The anarchy tends to lose its charm after a while and it doesn't create any sort of sense of community. Personally, I like the sense of a semi-close-knit community; I don't want to be far enough away to be playing SSP with chat nor do I want to leech off of or have anyone else leech off of my stuff, but lending a hand when needed is always nice.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I enjoy building machines. Redpower2 is my weapon of choice for many constructs, whether it is an automatic ore processor or a sorting machine (maybe I'll even get to building an RP2 frame quarry). I typically try to hide my ugly pipes and tubes and keep my buildings aesthetically decent, though I probably won't be recreating replicas of Versailles.
Have you ever been banned before: Not to my knowledge
Do you agree to follow the rules: yes
Will you be active daily: I can typically be on a few hours each day, less during the week but I will still be on.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I have been playing with mods through tekkit since spring of last year. From that, I have had experience with all of the major mods, from IC2 to Thaumcraft to RedPower to Buildcraft (I can also perform elementary tasks with Computercraft). I have yet to touch Railcraft, however, and factorization just scares me.
name: Rick & Kipper
Age: 17 &17
IGN: Rickak95 & Kipper02
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): 2 weeks ago my personal friend kipper and I stopped playing Tekkit ( a mod pack in the Technic launcher. ) and moved to the superior FTB Launcher. We are both fans of the mods provided by the direwolf20 mod pack and we would like to play on a friendly, grief free, civil, all mods, small server. That we can work together with others to achieve a great mod experiences. it is vary difficult to find a well managed/protected server that has all mods enabled. While playing on the tekkit servers we where bouncing from server to server trying to find a safe one to play on. sadly we where griefed multiple times and we never found a server worth sticking to. from the forum page you have posted you have convinced me that we might be able to find a server that we can join and stick to for a vary long time. I would love to be able to open a server "bar" that was served ic2 drinks, honey bread, and have thaumcraft golems as servers. hopefully there will be friendly players to join in the fun. i want to join your server to make my FTB dreams come true.
what will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): i think server creators want friendly loyal honorable folks to join there game and the reason for going public is to find those people. We desperately want a server that we can help build we might not know how to code a server but we know how to help others and work together to better a cause. Like i said before i would like to own a shop or bar that all players can go to be friendly and enjoy the community.
We both have lots of mine craft experience and mod experiences (started playing minecraft in alpha mod for about a year) that we would like to share with others. i know for my self i would not mind working for the owner as a mod or admin if they want me to.We plan to better the server with our epic creations and talent.
Have you ever been banned before:NO we have never griefed never stolen and never pvp ( except for anarchy servers )
Do you agree to follow the rules: Absolutely
Will you be active daily: Most likely
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining):Lots ( we watch Direwolf20 & have played along time)
P.S. I hope you dont mind me ( RIckak95 ) from applying for 2 people but I will not play with out kipper and i want use to both be white listed.
P.P.S. skype: Blackjack.virus ( wouldn't mind meeting you )
Name: Robert
Age: 24
IGN: MrFluffo
Why do you want to join the server: After watching some videos on the mod it looked like a very interesting experience and I'm really looking forward to trying it out in a more organized group, such as this. I'm really looking for a advanced minecraft experience and I feel that FTB combined with a small group community will create an amazing experience - those bigger communities just don't work. All of the mods in modpack seem very interesting and I would love to learn about them some more, and build some crazy stuff!
What will you do for the server: I'm willing to do just about anything I can to help out. I'm very community based so in a small group like this I'm willing to fulfill any role necessary, even more so since this is my first time. I consider myself a quick learner and am willing to put in time outside the game into looking up information and getting a better understand of the game to better the server. I'll be willing to help others if they ever need it!
Have you ever been banned before: No
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes
Will you be active daily: Yes, I'll be able to put in multiple hours a day.
Experience with mods: As previously mentioned I don't have much experience with the mods in FTB however I'm willing to put in time to learn.My friend CrazyCoco, who is currently on the server, will be helping me out with anything I don't know. And if he doesn't know, (probably wont ;)), then hopefully someone else will!
In consideration, I really cannot judge your application just yet.

Yay, in consideration already means alot to me :D, I would love to join this server, but can you tell me why you can't judge over my application? Do I have to edit it or something?
Name: Kyle
Age: Almost 15.
IGN: Kyle2803
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences):
Well, other servers which have a very large amount of slots do not interest me as I do not like the lag that is with it as well as idiots that play there, especially those servers with no sort of whitelist. I know the main mods well, I used to always be playing with mod packs over the last 13 months but I have not played minecraft at all for the past 3 months, this due to other games to be honest. :)D) I am bored of SSP and need to find a reliable, trustwrothy and small server to go on, hang out with people who also play there as well as testing my knowledge of the mods. I am good at meeting new people (online, at least) and I can get along with ANYONE, even if they royally annoy me, I can forgive them in the next coming days as long as they apologise, I will not be starting any aggro and I will try and keep the peace as much as I can within my power. I am mature and am willing to follow all the rules you have laid out. I have been learning with how to code LUA (Computercraft language) and I am getting on very well and learning the basics, I need a actual survival game to test it though, and I do not feel like playing alone as it bores me very quickly and am unable to get into it. I am a trial admin on a San Andreas Multiplayer server (http://forum.ibp-rp.com/) which is an RP server, it requires skill and professionalism throughout, if you have RPed of any kind in the past you will know where I am coming from. I recently saw the Direwolf20 pack and thought 'that is exactly what I need' and then I looked for a server, I stumbled across this and thought the exact same, I am going to keep re-applying until I am accepted as I am determined to be accepted.

What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences):
Well, I will certainly tell friends to apply here if I play it and find it to be a good server, but in general I will be trying my best to enforce the rules of new players and also helping them with mods I know, I have done this sort of thing on other servers in the past, and I helped so many people, I made moderator within a week of dedicated playing. Once I dedicate my time to something, I really do dedicate it, I can be an active player and more often than not, you can count on me to be online. I will happily oblige to all of your rules as I respect them as it is your server and like aforementioned, I will help any newcomers to mods if they happen to ask. Like I mentioned in the above question, I am a trial admin on aforementioned server and my main role out of the game is moderating the forums, deleting posts, keeping it tidy, warning/banning rule breakers, so I know how to follow and enforce rules, which shows a good quality that will be needed to play with this small community. Also, I can invite a few people from that server to apply to join this server, too.
Have you ever been banned before: Nope
Do you agree to follow the rules: Of course
Will you be active daily: Of course
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): Industrialcraft 2 (Since it was IC1) Buildcraft, Redpower, Thaumcraft.
I have been playing with mods since late 2010 so I am farely experienced.
I had a let's play that I made in August last year, you can have a look at that if you wish:
Name: Dylan Peterson
The reason id really love to play your server because i want a great feed the beast expriance that includes getting new freinds and having a great time playing which is something u cant get on a random server but i know 100% this is the best feed the beast server out there right now and id love it if I would be able to play on the best server if youd like to know any more info just conatct me at my skyp TGNrocks
Name: Eric
Age: 13 Gonna Turn 14 in July
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences):Ive been Playing Direwolf20's version of FTB and its really fun. Though the only thing im familiar with is thaumcraft and i really want to get into learning more
about other mods. I was hoping to find a server were people are nice enough to help me. This server sounds just like the community im looking for currently and i want to be with people that can be as mature as me.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences):Well like i said in the top post i am familiar with thaumcraft and i am willing to make alot of the thaumcraft items and even the research notes and the golems along with the warded jars filled with the elements, If you already have one of those i can happily contribute to help expand that area in thaumcraft as i am also good at Exterior and Interior Designing in minecraft/FTB.
Have you ever been banned before:Yes, I have been baned from a server because I was arguing with an admin over the buildings he kept destroying on the community, as a result i was baned from the server forabout 5 months and i was later back on being told by the owner that he didnt know that I was baned and that the Moderator that baned me went Rouge.
Do you agree to follow the rules: I swear on my life that i will follow all the server rules
Will you be active daily: I will play daily as I do with minecraft
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): Like i said i am really good with thaumcraft and i know most of the magical elements that are needed for recipes and and flux and Vis levels to keep them in safe conditions, so that the weather doesnt go Crazy or Wisps start spawning constantly.
Name: Carter
Age: 16
IGN: footykid3
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I have been watching direwolf20's lets play and I love how he has a great connection with his small server. Playing on big server is not fun for me because I can't really connect with anybody, but with a smaller server like yours I hope to be able to connect with all the members on the server. I've been playing with modded minecraft for about six months, and I would love to share my knowledge that I have gained from playing for so long with players that don't know as much about the mods. Even though I know a lot about the mods I hope that I can lean more from the players on your server and expand my knowledge even more. I know some of the features of the modpack work extremely well with multiplayer such as mail boxes and farms.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I plan on expanding my knowledge of bees and tree breeding from the forestry mod. The more I learn about the bees and trees I will be able to spread my knowledge about them to the rest of the server. I will try to make some nice looking buildings that also hold good purpose, such a redpower windmill tower that generates tons of power for battery boxes. I might even try starting up a town with each building producing a different item or energy. And at last I hope to create many different turtle programs that help build buildings and mine ores for the server.
Have you ever been banned before: Never.
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes.
Will you be active daily: I will be on the server for at least 2 hours a day and on weekend I will be on 5 hours a day on average.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I've played tekkit since the middle of 2011, which has many of the same mods that are in the Direwolf20 pack. I've watched Direwolf20's lets play everyday for six months so I've learned from him on how to work each mod. I'm also currently playing Direwolf20 pack on single player and I've played the FTB challenge map! There are not many mods that escape many knowledge but, things such as redpower frame quarrys and tunnel bores are beyond me.
Name: Logan Edward Ferrell
Age: 20
In Game Name: Stankfinger92
Why do you want to join the server: I've seen quite a bit of servers on the forums now and I do notice the lack of whitelist or a such a simple whitelist that just about any one can join. Upon noticing your required information I foresee a lack of problematic players. With such a wonderful premise I simply could not pass up the opportunity at joining such a community with a lower than average player count that means very little lag with lots of room to make friends and build wonderful projects. I also am looking for a longer term server to play on, at a almost daily pace (considering I do work and will be going back college) that will ensure that my projects and buildings will be safe when I return after a day absence. It warms my heart to see that this server chooses not to ban any items or mods considering how often servers due which means this server runs a tight ship which I enjoy greatly. I also understand from what I am reading that this server encourages players to want to play together which is what more servers need instead of hermits living out in the wilderness by themselves.
What will you do for the server: I will first start off by building a house/and or/ base that will have room for newer players and anyone who wishes to share a house as I typically do so I can help people with a few mods and also learn from them. I typically after that start to build with other people in community type builds and assist others with problems and their own buildings. I do like to make everything I build unique and pleasing to the eye by giving them odd appearances or in some cases build them to work with the land like my favorite architect, Frank Loyd Wright. I hope to turn my buildings into towns and help support a growing community any way possible by often trading for various resources or even help in projects for each other. Over all I try to be as helpful and supportive of others and create amazing works of art through buildings and supporting projects through the mods.
Have you ever been banned before: Not to my knowledge, no.
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes.
Will you be active daily: I will indeed try if I am accepted as to complete my projects but of course like I've mentioned I do have work and school so I may miss one day but I will try to be active daily as much as I humanly can.
Experience with: I've worked with Tekkit, Technic, and FTB a little bit. I mostly play with my friends so they've helped out a lot, of course most of my mod knowledge is to Direwolf20, because lets be honest is the largest source of mod help out there that I am currently aware of. I know a great deal about EE before it switched to three, I know a lot industrial craft, Thaumcraft, portal mod, and a bit on forestry though I am always willing to learn more from watching others play and helping them out too.
Name:Trevor Chitwood
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences):Mainly because I want to play With my buddy Stankfinger92. I use to play Tekkit but my previously stated buddy convinced me to try FTB. I have enjoyed friendly servers and showing off the meany creations that I make. You sound like you want this to be a great server and I would love to be a part of it. No Griefing.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I can not promise much in the way of looks in-till later in the game, But I can say That I like building system that work well. I specialize in IC2 nuclear reactors and have never had one go critical on me. Well there was that one but It only melted because of Griefing. I have been told by multiply people that I am funny and a general joy to be around.(I was even offered a job in radio once.) Am a good work slave and take orders well, also am an eagle scout and a good leader as well.
Have you ever been banned before:Yes for 7 minutes. I "griefed" a small abandoned shack. (looting was allowed and I wanted that computer.)
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes I love rules.
Will you be active daily: Most likely. (At the moment I have no life.)
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): Played Tekkit for a year.
Name: Rhys
Age: 17
IGN: Spextrums
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): Looking for a relatively small or new server, preferably one that's stable and has a good community. Since I'm good with the mods, thought I'd try out for the server, see if I can help out with anything. I suppose on top of that I'd just like a good server with active people that I can talk to.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): Once I get set up, I'll probably make a Machine room, or shared resource room, some sort of public thing. And if, and when possible help people with stuff they may need or setting up stuff for other people.
Have you ever been banned before: Nope
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yeah
Will you be active daily: Possibly not daily, but if I'm not on one day I'll be on the next, can be hard to find time sometimes due to a job.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): Heaps I guess, been playing all the same mods since the release of 1.2.5 and been watching all the DW20 Let's plays since season 2
I just realized that I didn't note that I have experience with all mods except for mystcraft, thaumcraft and a bit of redpower.
Name : Ethan
Age : 14
IGN : Bamboo_bazooka
Why do you want to join the server : i want to join a server because playing with others is loads more fun than playing by your self and eventhough i got minecraft a little while ago i find it to be a versitile game and when i have joined servers in the past after loging off for the day i would get greifed extreamly badly, also i find all the mods FTB has to offer giveing minecraft a new spin.
What will you do for the server : I will do just about anything for any one on a server whether it is biuldineg an epic bace or killing the Wither Or even defending someones house from the creatures of the night. I also have team speak so if it would be easier to use then i could conect i would alow people to access my resourses if i had lots (especialy if they are new or lost all their stuff)
Have you ever been baned before : no i have never been banned befor as i dont like to greif/troll
Will you be active daily : Possibly, i will definetly be on on weekends at some point but probably not on fridays as I do a martial arts class
Experience with mods : as I said I only recently got minecraft so i haven't had much time to play but ive seen lot of videos and have been on the wikis several times looking at crafting recipies
Name: Tom, won't include second name as I'm not into sharing too much private info on the internet, hope it's ok with you!

Age: Exactly fourteen years, 1 month and 18 days.

IGN: tomthe40

Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I'd like to join the server because I'm trying to find a home, I used to play on a server called Luincraft which was nice and small (16 slots) with only two admins wich made it really friendly and warm in my opinion. Sadly though the server is currently shut down and I don't know if it'll ever be re-established. I think this server is of a kin to Luincraft which is the reason I'm applying for whitelist and the fact that you've turned away people makes it all the more likely you're not just one of those owners looking for a massive server with loads of publicity. So all in all I want to join the server because I find it attractive. I rest my case.

What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): Kind of a vague question to be honest, but I'll hope to mostly offer help to any newcomers to the whole mod scene and engage in friendly debates and builds. I will probably live by myself but will try to help people in anyway I can. I like to build a farm for EVERYTHING that includes carrots,potatoes,wheat,pigs,cows,sheep,chickens,cacti,flax,corn,oak trees,birch trees, redwood trees, rubber trees and everything really. I have a dream that I can find either a kind of valley or a nice secluded highland forest where I can build towers for each mod and farm with multiple levels that will be linked by fences high in the clouds. I hope this is enough for you as I'm finding it hard to write this evening.

Have you ever been banned before: Temporarily banned once on a vanilla server, for unfair reasons. A nine year old admin (Adminned because he donated, which I think is extremely stupid) didn't like me because I raided him once (raiding was allowed) and I was on at the same time when he discovered a hacker completely obliberated his factions base he took it out on me. Needless to say I eventually got back on but left soon after due to the owners lack of intelligence in his decision to make donaters admins.

Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes, but one question. Is PVP allowed? It says so in the thread name but I think you wrote it was not allowed.

Will you be active daily: Probably not every single day but I will try my best to get on as much as possible, I'm busy with music, homework, gaelic, basketball and swimming so it will be very hard.

Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): Lots! I've been in the mod area for over a year and a half and know IC2 like the back of my hand along with redpower and BC. Though I don't really understand computer craft I can work it to a basic extent. Loving Thermal Expansion but I think Gregtech makes it overtly hard to acquire IC2 items. I have a good understanding of the Thaumcraft mechanics and understand Mystcraft though I think everyone understands Mystcraft! Havn't worked too much with Railcraft but I've been looking at it alot recently and think I have it mostly figured out. Love Forestry especially the bees to which I'm ADDICTED! I've also been playing FTB for as long as it's been out! Like before the pyramids.
If you have an questions I'll answer them and I hope you whitelist me!
Name: Christian Skagvard
Age: 18
IGN: Skagvard
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): For starters, i want to play the DW20 pack in an online environment, without having to worry too much about griefers. As well as learning to know new people, its always interesting. But what i like most is the no "flaming, cursing" rule, so tired of people going crazy in the chat because of something trivial.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I will try to the maximum of my extent to help keep up a healthy and friendly community. That's probably all i can do, i could split that into several sentences but i don't see the point, one sentence to say it all!
Have you ever been banned before: Not from a minecraft server, but in my earlier years (12 - 13) i didn't have the best manors. But no worries they are a lot better now =)
Do you agree to follow the rules: Well of course otherwise i would not apply
Will you be active daily: Probably not daily since i'm in my last semester of school, a lot of work to do including a 100 hour project that shall be made from home.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I do have got quite a lot of experience in all kinds of different mods, but i have barely tried the updated mods in the FTB packs
Name: Tyler
Age: 19
IGN: Retard232
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences):
Well, of the many servers that I have seen the application process is not taken seriously. This thread is almost the exact opposite and has a very strong application and review thereof. this lets me conclude that not only is this a serious server, but the ops are also very serious and generously fair. This makes me believe that i will enjoy myself fully on this server. Also since it uses the DW20 pack, i find that it has everything I believe should be in a server, and a bit more,
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): There are many things I can do. I could build monoliths to the servers benefit. I could create super efficient systems for mining or sorting. I could even just sit around and farm. Truly the possibilities of what i may do for a server are limitless and i hope i may prove this to you via my joining of your server.
Have you ever been banned before: On a minecraft server thankfully not. however i was whilst playing garrysmod as a 13 year old boy who knew nothing of getting along with admins. And please note that this means nothing because i am 6 years older and i am fully capable of playing fair and right and i know how to respect the OPs.
Do you agree to follow the rules: I do and then some, i will try to remind others about them, but not as an op or mod, just as another player giving friendly advice
Will you be active daily: most likely, however I am a student so my homework and classes come first. minecraft second.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I have been using tech mods since Beta 1.6, I understand all of them and am fully capable of any feat using the mods.
  • Direwolf 20 Pack v4!
Everyone who has applied, the title of my thread will not be changed to v4, so I am closing this thread and posting a new one.

#Request Thread Close.