Whitelist Server Kosmos FTB | PvP - PvE | 1GB RAM | 10 Slots | Strict Rules | v5.0.1

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Name: Curtis
Age: 17
IGN: Curty712
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I would like to join this server mainly for my love of FTB. I have joined other FTB servers before, but they have all ended with my stuff being stolen or the map being reset to often. This server really caught my eye because of its small community with only 10 slots. I also really admired the professionalism in the server description and the rules. Lastly, i just want a good server to play on and a friendly community, and i think this server could be the one.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I plan to not be an annoyance to anyone. I just wish to live peacefully on the server and explore FTB. I will, of course, lend my services in any way possible if anyone asks me too. I would love to have fun with the community andhelp them also any way i can. I hope to make friendships with this server and hope to play on it for a long time.
Have you ever been banned before: Never
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes
Will you be active daily: Most every day
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I played with the FTB Beta for awhile, but haven't really had a chance to play with the 1.4.6 version
In consideration, and please tell me why you got banned?
Accepted, welcome to the server!
Clean slate.
Denied, not enough information.
Denied, not enough information.
You wrote a lot of words, but sadly I'm going to have to deny you, I really don't want people going "crazy" on my server if someone takes a piece of iron from em'. :/
Your grammar isn't the best, and you didn't provide a lot of information. Denied.
Your grammar skills are impeccable, denied.
Denied, not enough information.
Denied, not enough information.
Both of you are denied, sorry, but not enough information.
Denied, not enough information.
In consideration, and please tell me why you got banned?

Accepted, welcome to the server!
Clean slate.

Denied, not enough information.

Denied, not enough information.

You wrote a lot of words, but sadly I'm going to have to deny you, I really don't want people going "crazy" on my server if someone takes a piece of iron from em'. :/

Your grammar isn't the best, and you didn't provide a lot of information. Denied.

Your grammar skills are impeccable, denied.

Denied, not enough information.

Denied, not enough information.

Both of you are denied, sorry, but not enough information.

Denied, not enough information.

i know im probably not going to get it but to be fair he did destroy my house

AND : http://tinyurl.com/ayzywto
Name: Bas Mentjot
Age: 17
IGN: JuiceGrape
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I really like FTB and the DW20 pack and I'm searching for a small community to play with. I don't generally use mysticcraft so not being allowed to make dimensions is not a problem. I haven't found a server to play on yet so I can be active alot.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I can help promote the server through me and my friends's stream (have about 20 consistent followers). I can help people who don't know much about alot of these mods. I love helping anyone who is new in this server by giving them starting gear and letting them stay in my house for the first few days. I also just love talking with others.
Have you ever been banned before: Yes, once, that was for about a day, for using tnt, but that was an autoban from the system, it did not notice I was using it for killing creepers (I hate creepers)
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes
Will you be active daily: I will try to be, I may skip a day as I am in my last year of school, so I have exams coming.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): All except for thaumcraft, have got to read up on the wiki.
In consideration, and please tell me why you got banned?
I was previously banned for insulting the admin when he was telling people I'm stupid taking advantage of the fact that he muted me.

Edit: And one more because I forgot. Once on a creative server I built a giant ice cream cone and was banned and told I was trolling...
Name: Michael
Age: 14
IGN: CrazyCocoK
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I'd like to join the server because recently, after watching Direwolf's SMP server play while playing the DW20 pack, I've given some thought to playing on a server. Playing on one of those massive 60+ players servers doesn't seem as enjoyable as smaller servers, mainly because you actually get to know the 10 or so people on that server, instead of not knowing more than half the server. I'd also like to share some of my mod knowledge with others who don't know what they're doing as well, while also getting taught myself. A lot of the functions of some of the mods would work well on Multiplayer, like a lot of the recent Forestry additions with things like mailboxes and such.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences):I plan on doing a lot of Thaumcraft 3 this time, since I haven't played much of it at all. The more I learn about Thaumcraft 3 I would be willing to share with others, along with other mods that I know a lot about that others may not.I will probably try and make some awesome structures, and maybe start fun competitions on the server. I might also bring in some of my friendsin and teach them about the mods, and might even make little settlements and other cool things.
Have you ever been banned before: No.
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes.
Will you be active daily: Yes. If anything, I will be on the server for at least 1 hour a day, if not more. (Recently I've had entire days of playing Minecraft).
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I've played Tekkit since 2011, which has many of the mods in FTB right now. I've also watched and learned from Direwolf's season 4 Let's Play, and with his FTB challenge playthrough. I've also played on the FTB challenge map, and am now playing with the DW20 pack in SSP. I have a lot of experience with most of the mods, although things such as programming turtles and computers is beyond me.
Name: Ben
Age: 14
IGN: bigbuddy2923
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences):
Because I'm Bored. I want to have a white list server so that there is a much less chance of greifing.
I also, however at the same time, want the slight "risk" of playing in SMP. Besides that, i can work wit other players just to have fun.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences):
Play, mine, craft. Build public resorse rooms. I will vote for the server on any sites you want me to. It kinda
depends on what happens when i get on the server...
Have you ever been banned before:
Nope :D
Do you agree to follow the rules:
NO (Of course i do)
Will you be active daily:
Daily is a stretch, maby 5 days a week
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining):
Tons, I've been playing minecraft for ~4 years, and have had experience with FTB for ~1 year.
Name: Quinton
Age: 20
IGN: yooman117
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences):
I've been looking for a small server to set roots in for quite some time. I've been bouncing around servers for as long as I can remember and haven't really found a good place to stay for a long time and establish some real relationships and friends. Every time I end up with a decent enough server it ends up closing or getting griefed to all heck. But I don't see that with this server, just by seeing your application process and how strick you've been with the application process gives me hope. You're looking for friendly bunch of people to play with and I'm looking for the same thing. I would love to be apart of a small community of friends and help others build and get better.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences):
I will do my best to provide good look buildings that are functional. I can help out with mod help seeing I have a ton of experience with pretty much all the mods. Other than those two tangible things I can offer friendship and a good friend (super cheese ball). I would also help with any sort of group project that would be enacted on the server. I would really want to help the server thrive.
Have you ever been banned before:
Not that I know of.
Do you agree to follow the rules:
Of course
Will you be active daily:
For the most part yes, but with school starting it might fluctuate.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining):
I've been modding since the being of Buildcraft. I've doved deep enough into nearly all the mods in the pack so I can be helpful
Name: Bas Mentjot
Age: 17
IGN: JuiceGrape
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I really like FTB and the DW20 pack. I have played single player alot for my stream, and have played multiplayer with a friend of mine. But, after a while, that started to get boring. I realised I wanted to play on a server with more people, so you can help eachother, talk with eachother, log in whenever you want, not just when the other has time. Realizing that, I started searching for a small server with mature, friendly people so there would be no griefing of that sort. And, after looking at multiple servers, realized this server was perfect for that. (that's why I'm doing this again :P)
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I can help promote the server through me and my friends's stream (have about 20 consistent followers). I can help people who don't know much about alot of these mods. I love helping anyone who is new in this server by giving them starting gear and letting them stay in my house for the first few days. I also just love talking with others about all sorts of things, minecraft related or not. I will help mods and admins in finding griefers and/or people who disobey the rules, so that we can keep this server the way it was meant to be.
Have you ever been banned before: Yes, once, that was for about a day, for using tnt, but that was an autoban from the system, it did not notice I was using it for killing creepers (I hate creepers), and with this I accidently damaged a few blocks which I had protected myself. Nothing more than a mistake.
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes, of course. The maker of a server is able to make their own rules and I respect and follow them.
Will you be active daily: I will try to be, I may skip a day as I am in my last year of school, so I have exams coming.
Name:Dylan Peterson

Why do you want to join the server (5-6 sentences): Im new to feed the beast. I would love to join a server were im sure i wont get greifed or all my stuff stole i also wish to make new freinds to talk to in game and in skyp. I would like to learn the little things in feed the beast like mystcraft. I have never grefied or stole anything in my time on tekkit. Id love to help the server grow by reporting bugs/glitches to admins/forums. And ive found multyplayer is way funnier than singleplayer.
What will you do for the server(5-6 sentences): I will report bugs/glitches such as dup glitches and if a mod aint workin ill report it right away to a admin or forums juged by what the proublem is. I will never ever give any disresepect to admins or mods I will help anyone i can that needs it such as newbies or people who just need help. I will try and get on every day if i aint it'll be for a very good reason.Ill provide a service depending on what the server needs(such as food,wepons,machines,esc. I have a mike so i can talk in teamspeak or skyp. I have the most respect in my life for mods/admins/owners.Im not camra shy so if direwolf/other youtubers ever wants to film builds i wont care.
Have you ever been banned before: No ive never been banned in all my time on tekkit/minecraft
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes, i will follow the rules
Will you be active daily: yes
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining):Ive played lots of tekkit,twilight forest and foresty mod.
Name: Kyle
Age: Almost 15.
IGN: Kyle2803
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences):
Well, other servers which have a very large amount of slots do not interest me as I do not like the lag that is with it as well as idiots that play there, especially those servers with no sort of whitelist. I know the main mods well, I used to always be playing with mod packs over the last 13 months but I have not played minecraft at all for the past 3 months, this due to other games to be honest. :)D) I am bored of SSP and need to find a reliable, trustwrothy and small server to go on, hang out with people who also play there as well as testing my knowledge of the mods. I am good at meeting new people (online, at least) and I can get along with ANYONE, even if they royally annoy me, I can forgive them in the next coming days as long as they apologise, I will not be starting any aggro and I will try and keep the peace as much as I can within my power. I am mature and am willing to follow all the rules you have laid out.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences):
Well, I will certainly tell friends to apply here if I play it and find it to be a good server, but in general I will be trying my best to enforce the rules of new players and also helping them with mods I know, I have done this sort of thing on other servers in the past, and I helped so many people, I made moderator within a week of dedicated playing. Once I dedicate my time to something, I really do dedicate it, I can be an active player and more often than not, you can count on me to be online. I will happily oblige to all of your rules as I respect them as it is your server and like aforementioned, I will help any newcomers to mods if they happen to ask.
Have you ever been banned before: Nope
Do you agree to follow the rules: Of course
Will you be active daily: Of course
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): Industrialcraft 2 (Since it was IC1) Buildcraft, Redpower, Thaumcraft.
I have been playing with mods since late 2010 so I am farely experienced.
I understand I got declined at first, I hope you reconsider.

-Name: Keaton

-Age: 15

-IGN: Soar_1
-Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I would like to join the server to meet a bunch of new people and learn the ways around Feed The beast. I think This server is well-mannered and handled well enough to have a fun gaming experience so I would love to join! I feel like that I would learn a lot from this server in the FTB mod aspect of the idea because of the amount of knowledge that people have on this stuff. I also feel as if it will be an interesting social experience to see the fellows I come across on here and learn what they have to tell me. Lastly I would love to come on to the server to just be in a group of people and not by my self on a SSP world. Because I can't stand playing them, and think the multiplayer aspect will bring me a lot!
-What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I will do what I normally do, Get my starting resources, build a fancy house (well not really fancy but you know). I will bring my knowledge of all the mods on the Direwolf20 pack to anyone that needs them, I will be happy to share whatever I know! I will also bring my kind kindheartedness to the server and my normally happy and awkward self to the server to keep the social interactions way positive, I don't really like negative stuff. I will also bring to the server what knowledge I have on other things besides the FTB pack and Minecraft related aspects of the game. I think I can bring a mature attitude to the server and find the time I spend on here as fun as ever! I will bring my knowledge of being an admin to the server so if someone is doing bad I will tell and OP instantly so that the person doing and miss obeying the rules so that person can be banned or punished.
-Have you ever been banned before: Yes, for hitting an admin on a PVP server
-Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes
-Will you be active daily: Yes, depending on my amount of school work. But I should log on at least once a day
-Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I have experience with all mods on the DW20 pack besides Thaumcraft. But I think I know most of the mods on this mod pack to where I can help and bring it to the server!
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences):I play too much time single need to get multi exp ,and i play wow lol ko etc.. Mmoprg i realy like to play multi
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences):Gearing and npc killing
Have you ever been banned before:nope its first time
Do you agree to follow the rules:yes
Will you be active daily:everyday minimum 1 hour
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining):Nearly All Direwolf20 mods


  • A.M.K.jpg
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Name: Ashley
Age: 24
IGN: ayost013
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I am looking for a server that will provide a kind, safe environment using the Direwolf20 pack. I am the US head admin of the Mindcrack (formerly Tekkit) server I play on, and greatly appreciate your choice of server rules. I am looking for a server where the community is small, and I can enjoy time outside of "working" on my Mindcrack server. I enjoy the fact that you do not have anything completely disabled. I greatly enjoy working with other players on all types of builds. A small, friendly community is exactly what I'm looking for in a Direwolf20 pack.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I hope to be able to join your server and make myself a wonderful little town. I tend to make builds with the intent on helping the community, rather than making extravagant build solely for me. I hope to be able to achieve the same with your server. My builds are never over sized, but I try to make them always useful. I won't really know what I can bring to the table until I've seen what can be done within a community.
Have you ever been banned before: Not even once!
Do you agree to follow the rules: Of course!
Will you be active daily: Quite possibly, entirely dependent on my Mindcack server needs and if I am able to find a job soon.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I have played modded Minecraft for over a year, with approximately a year using modpacks/mulit-modded Minecraft.
Extra: If you would like to see some of my previous builds, I have many screenshots on this album: http://imgur.com/a/vQNPb#0
Name: Josh
Age: 19
IGN: Follay
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I wish to join the server because it is one of the only servers with really no mods disabled which limits my worries whenever I crafting a new machine that I have never used before. I like the "advanced server software"" The name intrigues me and I am most interested in what it does. On topic with no banned mods, I really like how turtles aren't disabled because I just got into computercraft and those are so much fun to tinker with. The servers ram is also quite good providing a lag free aura for us players to enjoy.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): On this server I would be creating a really maze-y house for my own enjoyment, I would be making bees and working with Ic2 and thermal expansion. Also unlike many servers I want to dive into computercraft and excel my knowledge on how it works. I would be creating unique programming tools for turtles to help me in any sort of situation I am rested upon.
Have you ever been banned before: Yes, It was quite awhile ago, the admin was abusing his power and thought it would be funny to permaban the donators.
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes
Will you be active daily: Most likely, I tend to play for maybe four hours a day
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I have a lot of experience with the mods Ic2, BuildCraft, ThermalExpansion. However I havent even attempted to do anything with forestry yet, but I know how that works. Mods I don't know much on are EE3, Thaumcraft, and some of the other really weird mods you see bits of here and there.
Accepted, thank you for applying.
I have looked over you application multiple times, but I'm sorry but I have to decline, I need the four spots to be the best applications they can be.
In consideration, I really cannot judge your application just yet.
Denied, not enough information.
Denied, I am looking for quality not quantity, sorry.
You greatly improved your application, accepted, welcome to the server!
In your application, I really do not want people that have been banned ever. Sorry, denied.
Denied, not enough information. *Quality*
I can tell you put a lot of effort into your application, accepted, welcome to the server!

One more white-list position open! Make it your best.
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences):Well I have no reason that I chose your server over mutiable others. I manly just want to be a part of a small community. I guess the thing that makes me a bit more inters ted in this is your spawn. What I mean by this is that is what is the worlds you show. Also I'm interested in what this "Plot Age" might be. In a sense, I guess the main fear that I might have in trying to join a server is that the server will be to laggy but you don't seem to be that kind of server.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): For me I feel like what I want to try and do eventually is set up some sort of trade station. Also, I really like to help around a shared resource room. I have spent so much time just waiting on steel to make a steam turbine for the community of a server I was once on. I would also be available to help other people when ever they need it but I feel as if that should be a given.(Sorry this isn't 5 sentences and just 4 but I can't think of anything else to put down.)
Have you ever been banned before: My account having bans before is equal to none.
Do you agree to follow the rules: I'm sorry but why do people put this question on every whitelist application? My answer is yes but would someone honestly say no to this question?
Will you be active daily:I can't garinte that every single day for the rest of the servers life that I will be on it but the days that I will not be on it are equal to none.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I feel as if I am well experienced in all the mods except for computers and Thuamcraft (Note that I do plan to start to work with Thaum first)