Story goes, I've been watching a LOT of youtube videos, especially the people who play on the minecrack server. I REALLY like the chemistry and way that everyone on that server works with each other, etc. The ultimate dream would be to develop a community of like minded individuals who want to enjoy the play style that the minecrackers have.
Within that, here are the rules:
- No griefing/@$$hattery - Now, as you've seen... The minecrackers have "shennanigans" that they play on each other occasionally... The "pranks" are not destructive, and usually clever/well constructed/thought out. I don't require this, but I am also not against funny pranks like what they have done. Do not do anything that would lead to someone's death, loss of items, or destruction of property. That means, no lava/tnt/drowning traps, etc
- Respect others! That doesnt mean you have to agree with them, but as you can see from the minecrackers, they all respect each other, their property, their opinions, designs, etc. This community is based on people who want to play together and just enjoy what minecraft is all about.
- Have your own base/area of operations. I'm not sure what the server can support yet, but everyone should be far enough away from other people that it won't interfere with their builds/mining operations/etc. We will have a central area for everyone, there will be an island/village where you can build a home to show off, and your own base/private area.
- Do not steal from others!!! Your mining stuff is your own, don't be taking other people's stuff. We work hard to find things we want/need, so don't take what's not yours. If you want to share, that's fantastic, label the box as "shared" or we'll have areas that we know we can share what's in the chests, but as it sits... Don't take things that dont belong to you.
- Be friendly! The best way to keep a server alive is for everyone to be friendly to each other. If they need help and you're able, it may be nice to assist them. It's not a requirement that you help, but in general, I think the type of people that we're looking for will understand what I mean by this.
- Don't ask for OP! Just don't do it.
- A private server forum will be created for the community, to leave messages, help, etc. Please register there if you're accepted to play on the server.
- English only for in game chat. All may apply, it doesn't matter where you're from, just that you're able to speak English in the main chat. We're an open minded community!
- Only 1 standard sized quarry per person until we can determine the server load abilities
---------- I will be not taking any more applications at this time, thank you for all who have applied, you will be contacted soon and we will use this to determine what the server load can be and if we will be accepting more -----------
Timezone/where do you live:
How many minecraft servers you've played on/where/why did you leave/etc:
Why are you a good candidate for this server:
Do you plan on uploading youtube videos or streaming on twitch:
Number of hours you plan to play and what time:
----If you have received an invite, please remove your application, this will help me keep track of who has yet to be invited. ----
All mods are active at the moment, but that is subject to change as things continue. Right now, the server is not white listed, but when I determine the final players, it will be white listed. I will PM you with the IP, DO NOT SHARE it with anyone. I don't want random people coming in yet.
I have set the limit to 12 people right now. The server is a dual core E8400 with 4GB ram and plenty of space, the limitation is really in the bandwidth right now, but it should still be sufficient to host 12 people lag free (I'm going by the test my server ratings, and lowered their "can host" number, so it should be safe). I'm thinking that we would be safe to have 15-20 applications/people accepted just because not everyone will always be on at the same time, but that is also subject to change based on people's play style/time.
I'm not sure what's going to happen after FTB finishes the Beta phase, we may keep the map, we may upgrade/change... I'm going to leave that to a vote with the community we build. Democracy wins and the number of votes is all that will count, no electoral college or anything to skew our numbers
Right now the server difficulty is set to Hard, PVP is disabled (but maybe it will be reenabled when we find the good community, just want it disabled for now while we are building a good community), survival mode
Thanks for looking, and I hope to see you on the server!
Within that, here are the rules:
- No griefing/@$$hattery - Now, as you've seen... The minecrackers have "shennanigans" that they play on each other occasionally... The "pranks" are not destructive, and usually clever/well constructed/thought out. I don't require this, but I am also not against funny pranks like what they have done. Do not do anything that would lead to someone's death, loss of items, or destruction of property. That means, no lava/tnt/drowning traps, etc
- Respect others! That doesnt mean you have to agree with them, but as you can see from the minecrackers, they all respect each other, their property, their opinions, designs, etc. This community is based on people who want to play together and just enjoy what minecraft is all about.
- Have your own base/area of operations. I'm not sure what the server can support yet, but everyone should be far enough away from other people that it won't interfere with their builds/mining operations/etc. We will have a central area for everyone, there will be an island/village where you can build a home to show off, and your own base/private area.
- Do not steal from others!!! Your mining stuff is your own, don't be taking other people's stuff. We work hard to find things we want/need, so don't take what's not yours. If you want to share, that's fantastic, label the box as "shared" or we'll have areas that we know we can share what's in the chests, but as it sits... Don't take things that dont belong to you.
- Be friendly! The best way to keep a server alive is for everyone to be friendly to each other. If they need help and you're able, it may be nice to assist them. It's not a requirement that you help, but in general, I think the type of people that we're looking for will understand what I mean by this.
- Don't ask for OP! Just don't do it.
- A private server forum will be created for the community, to leave messages, help, etc. Please register there if you're accepted to play on the server.
- English only for in game chat. All may apply, it doesn't matter where you're from, just that you're able to speak English in the main chat. We're an open minded community!
- Only 1 standard sized quarry per person until we can determine the server load abilities
---------- I will be not taking any more applications at this time, thank you for all who have applied, you will be contacted soon and we will use this to determine what the server load can be and if we will be accepting more -----------
Timezone/where do you live:
How many minecraft servers you've played on/where/why did you leave/etc:
Why are you a good candidate for this server:
Do you plan on uploading youtube videos or streaming on twitch:
Number of hours you plan to play and what time:
----If you have received an invite, please remove your application, this will help me keep track of who has yet to be invited. ----
All mods are active at the moment, but that is subject to change as things continue. Right now, the server is not white listed, but when I determine the final players, it will be white listed. I will PM you with the IP, DO NOT SHARE it with anyone. I don't want random people coming in yet.
I have set the limit to 12 people right now. The server is a dual core E8400 with 4GB ram and plenty of space, the limitation is really in the bandwidth right now, but it should still be sufficient to host 12 people lag free (I'm going by the test my server ratings, and lowered their "can host" number, so it should be safe). I'm thinking that we would be safe to have 15-20 applications/people accepted just because not everyone will always be on at the same time, but that is also subject to change based on people's play style/time.
I'm not sure what's going to happen after FTB finishes the Beta phase, we may keep the map, we may upgrade/change... I'm going to leave that to a vote with the community we build. Democracy wins and the number of votes is all that will count, no electoral college or anything to skew our numbers

Right now the server difficulty is set to Hard, PVP is disabled (but maybe it will be reenabled when we find the good community, just want it disabled for now while we are building a good community), survival mode
Thanks for looking, and I hope to see you on the server!