KnightsOfAnarchy|FTB-Beta-A|Whitelist|Mature25+ Only

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Story goes, I've been watching a LOT of youtube videos, especially the people who play on the minecrack server. I REALLY like the chemistry and way that everyone on that server works with each other, etc. The ultimate dream would be to develop a community of like minded individuals who want to enjoy the play style that the minecrackers have.

Within that, here are the rules:
- No griefing/@$$hattery - Now, as you've seen... The minecrackers have "shennanigans" that they play on each other occasionally... The "pranks" are not destructive, and usually clever/well constructed/thought out. I don't require this, but I am also not against funny pranks like what they have done. Do not do anything that would lead to someone's death, loss of items, or destruction of property. That means, no lava/tnt/drowning traps, etc
- Respect others! That doesnt mean you have to agree with them, but as you can see from the minecrackers, they all respect each other, their property, their opinions, designs, etc. This community is based on people who want to play together and just enjoy what minecraft is all about.
- Have your own base/area of operations. I'm not sure what the server can support yet, but everyone should be far enough away from other people that it won't interfere with their builds/mining operations/etc. We will have a central area for everyone, there will be an island/village where you can build a home to show off, and your own base/private area.
- Do not steal from others!!! Your mining stuff is your own, don't be taking other people's stuff. We work hard to find things we want/need, so don't take what's not yours. If you want to share, that's fantastic, label the box as "shared" or we'll have areas that we know we can share what's in the chests, but as it sits... Don't take things that dont belong to you.
- Be friendly! The best way to keep a server alive is for everyone to be friendly to each other. If they need help and you're able, it may be nice to assist them. It's not a requirement that you help, but in general, I think the type of people that we're looking for will understand what I mean by this.
- Don't ask for OP! Just don't do it.
- A private server forum will be created for the community, to leave messages, help, etc. Please register there if you're accepted to play on the server.
- English only for in game chat. All may apply, it doesn't matter where you're from, just that you're able to speak English in the main chat. We're an open minded community!
- Only 1 standard sized quarry per person until we can determine the server load abilities

---------- I will be not taking any more applications at this time, thank you for all who have applied, you will be contacted soon and we will use this to determine what the server load can be and if we will be accepting more -----------

Timezone/where do you live:
How many minecraft servers you've played on/where/why did you leave/etc:
Why are you a good candidate for this server:
Do you plan on uploading youtube videos or streaming on twitch:
Number of hours you plan to play and what time:

----If you have received an invite, please remove your application, this will help me keep track of who has yet to be invited. ----

All mods are active at the moment, but that is subject to change as things continue. Right now, the server is not white listed, but when I determine the final players, it will be white listed. I will PM you with the IP, DO NOT SHARE it with anyone. I don't want random people coming in yet.
I have set the limit to 12 people right now. The server is a dual core E8400 with 4GB ram and plenty of space, the limitation is really in the bandwidth right now, but it should still be sufficient to host 12 people lag free (I'm going by the test my server ratings, and lowered their "can host" number, so it should be safe). I'm thinking that we would be safe to have 15-20 applications/people accepted just because not everyone will always be on at the same time, but that is also subject to change based on people's play style/time.

I'm not sure what's going to happen after FTB finishes the Beta phase, we may keep the map, we may upgrade/change... I'm going to leave that to a vote with the community we build. Democracy wins and the number of votes is all that will count, no electoral college or anything to skew our numbers ;) hehe

Right now the server difficulty is set to Hard, PVP is disabled (but maybe it will be reenabled when we find the good community, just want it disabled for now while we are building a good community), survival mode

Thanks for looking, and I hope to see you on the server!


Timezone/where do you live: GMT/UK

How many minecraft servers you've played on/where/why did you leave/etc: Prettymuch first time playing on an SMP server. Always played alone before.

Why are you a good candidate for this server:I'm pretty mature and I'd like to play without children if possible. I do get on very well with like-minded people.

Do you plan on uploading youtube videos or streaming on twitch: Youtube is a no. Twitch could be a possiblity down the line. I'll see how everything goes first.

Number of hours you plan to play and what time:That depends on how often other people are on. If there are several active people on then I will probably play for around 7 hours a day. And as for time. That really varies since I'm out fot he house for various things. SO prettymuch any time I can start playing.
Username: Jwils
Age: 24
Timezone/where do you live: Eastern Time - Canada
How many minecraft servers you've played on/where/why did you leave/etc: 1 vanilla server since alpha and havent played on any FTB or tekkit extensively, although know the mods fairly well.
Why are you a good candidate for this server: I too watch the mindcrack guys and hoped to one day have something similar with a group of mature gamers. I am tired of the younger crowd destroying my things and what not, I want to be somewhere that I feel safe and I can trust the other players.
Do you plan on uploading youtube videos or streaming on twitch: I do, although have not done this before with mindcrack. I streamed a bit of BC2 and Firefall but stopped due to bitrate issues although that is now fixed.
Number of hours you plan to play and what time: I am available to play around 2-8 hours each day but more often than not around 4 a day standard. I usually play anywhere from 10AM until 2AM Eastern time. I am flexible and wish to be on when everyone else is on for the most part.

Username: fudogz
Age: 38
Timezone/where do you live: UK
How many minecraft servers you've played on/where/why did you leave/etc: one, my own local server
Why are you a good candidate for this server: because I too am looking for the same experience as shown on the mindcrack server - I love to watch coestar, advidya and also direwolf vids, its how i learnt about FTB in the first place. I'm looking for camaraderie and a chilled no nonesense time. Mature, no griefing, no trolling etc...
Do you plan on uploading youtube videos or streaming on twitch: I may do, I gave twitch a go and I've done a letsplay test out (i didnt upload) - but I didnt like the game lagging, so might try again after computer upgrade
Number of hours you plan to play and what time: I play far too much at the moment and at all hours.... like to 4 in the morning, silly times like that.

invite recieved - thanks :)
Username: clandino
Age: 38
Timezone/where do you live: US, EST
How many minecraft servers you've played on/where/why did you leave/etc: 3. Left due to server instability (i.e. server crashes, and no admins online to restart it for hours)
Why are you a good candidate for this server: I'm also looking for a fun, friendly and, most importantly, mature community.
Do you plan on uploading youtube videos or streaming on twitch: Probably not. I enjoy them, but I prefer to watch or participate in, rather than direct, such things.
Number of hours you plan to play and what time: Far, far too much right now. Probably 4-8 hours/day, mostly after midnight (Eastern).
I cant start a conversation with you Clandino, so you'll have to contact me so I can reply to you or somehow get you the IP address that route.

Username: crimsolongo
Age: 26
Timezone/where do you live: EU, Slovakia, +1GMT
How many minecraft servers you've played on/where/why did you leave/etc: 0 servers played just with my friends in a small home server
Why are you a good candidate for this server: I dont think I am good I just want to play with a good mature community
Do you plan on uploading youtube videos or streaming on twitch: maybe yes, I never tried such a thing
Number of hours you plan to play and what time: Its depends on how many people will be up I like to chat when Im playing and havvin fun with the others, Im studing on University so I can be online after 5-6 oclock in the afternoon (+1GMT)
Username: tuga999
Age: 21
Timezone/where do you live: London GMT
How many minecraft servers you've played on/where/why did you leave/etc: 2 or 3. I left them because they were tekkit servers.
Why are you a good candidate for this server: I saw the 25+ but I still give it a shot, I'm looking for a friendly and most importantly MATURE (key word: MATURE :p). I like to interact with other people and organise some projects etc... The rules that you wrote are exactly what I'm looking for, "serious" but at the same time we can have a good laugh. If you wanna talk with me more because I'm not 25 just PM me.
Do you plan on uploading youtube videos or streaming on twitch: Not really the computer for that :s
Number of hours you plan to play and what time: Everyday when I don't have University stuff to do.
Username: Greathos (Greh thos)
Age: 29
Timezone/where do you live: Canada PST

How many minecraft servers you've played on/where/why did you leave/etc: I have my own server that myself and a few friends play on(very small and just for fun). No mods of any kind. I have been checking into many different servers that are not whitelisted and have not been able to find the community feel I am looking for.

Why are you a good candidate for this server: My interests seem to coincide with the wants of the server. I am very much interested in finding some good people to do projects with. I admit that I am fairly new to minecraft but am picking the game up quickly. I like to build something functional and than find ways to be more efficient as well as aesthetically pleasing.

Do you plan on uploading youtube videos or streaming on twitch: This is something that I may do if the option is there.

Number of hours you plan to play and what time: Generally I work 9AM to 6PM PST and have most of the night to play.

Thank you for your consideration
Username: War_kittens
Age: 37
Timezone/where do you live: UTC -6, Minneapolis

How many minecraft servers you've played on/where/why did you leave/etc: I've played on a few vanilla servers, and one Better Than Wolves server. I was also a mod on one vanilla and the BTW server. I've left all the servers I started on because they all pretty much died out. It's no fun playing SMP when you're the only one who has logged in during the last week!

Why are you a good candidate for this server: I'm a big fan of servers that have a goal of being fun while staying drama free. I watch most of the Mindcrack guys and the mix on their server is really what I am looking for. Somewhere I can go to relax, have fun, and not have to listen to total drivel in chat. I am always willing to help out my fellow players, and I have an "open door policy" on my resources in most cases. If I've got it, have no plans for it, and you need it, it's yours. I'm just looking for somewhere to call home without having to worry about serious griefing, where I can count on having fun, and where I can contribute to a community.

Do you plan on uploading youtube videos or streaming on twitch: Possibly. It depends on if I can do it without overheating my poor lappy.

Number of hours you plan to play and what time: I am currently job searching and possibly going back to finish my bachelor's degree so I have a copious amount of free time. The hours I'd be on would vary depending on if my fiance has the day off or not. Generally though I would play most afternoons and later evenings as a rule, and normal "prime time" evenings maybe once or twice a week.
Username: dewboy3d
Age: 40
Timezone/where do you live: EST NY USA
How many minecraft servers you've played on/where/why did you leave/etc: several since MC Beta 1.7. got tired of vanilla. hard to find a decent modded server without a bunch of kids wandering around.
Why are you a good candidate for this server: I have a ton of experience with the FTB mods and simply love to automate things. I was very excited to see the Mindcrack gang start FTB. I can help with most mod build issues and configurations. I am friendly, a bit soft spoken and only want to have a decent time with other adult players.
Do you plan on uploading youtube videos or streaming on twitch: I have been checking out a lot of software for streaming lately and am nearly prepared to begin streaming Minecraft on twitch. I'm not so sure about youtube yet.
Number of hours you plan to play and what time: I am disabled so I have lots of time to play most days. Generally speaking I play from late morning to mid afternoon and then late evening until i get tired.
Username: Legion7766
Timezone/where do you live: Central, TX, USA
How many minecraft servers you've played on/where/why did you leave/etc: I've probably really played on about a dozen or so server and had to leave most due to server stability/availability and a few because of rampant greifing.
Why are you a good candidate for this server: I am really just looking for a fun place to hang out and build. I like exploring the mods and playing with the new things that they have to offer as i am new to some of the FTB mods but have been playing tekkit for a while. I would love to meet some cool people do some builds with or just help out where i can if people need it.
Do you plan on uploading youtube videos or streaming on twitch: No.
Number of hours you plan to play and what time: it can be more but usually around 4-5 starting shortly after 4pm cst.

Edit: grammar
Username: GieljanVDS
Age: 26
Timezone/where do you live: GMT+1, Belgium
How many minecraft servers you've played on/where/why did you leave/etc: 2 tekkit servers and one vanilla. FTB has more mods and some of my favor mods that tekkit don't have. And it is FTB! Still play vanilla.
Why are you a good candidate for this server: I dont say I'm a good candidate, but I like the +25 server, there a lot of mature servers that aren't "mature". In my single world I play now the feed the beast map. I'm still learning all of the mods. I will help build with big or minor project for the community.
Do you plan on uploading youtube videos or streaming on twitch: No, I love watching them, but not recording my gameplay, maybe in a far future :D
Number of hours you plan to play and what time: Proberly too much :). Mostly on weekdays in the evening, 3 a 4 hours.
Username: arallak
Age: 30
Timezone/where do you live: GMT -3, Brazil.
How many minecraft servers you've played on/where/why did you leave/etc: 3 Vanilla, 2 tekkit, 2 FTB. all the servers I've played are over.
Why are you a good candidate for this server: I think so, because I'm 30, I'm responsible, I like to build and destroy hate. also hate the creepers that try to destroy my things.
Do you plan on uploading youtube videos or streaming on twitch: I've thought about doing videos, but my computer does not support the program and minecraft at the same time.
Number of hours you plan to play and what time: every day, about 10 hours per day.
Username: yawinsum
Age: 29
Timezone/where do you live: EST
How many minecraft servers you've played on/where/why did you leave/etc: I have only played on a small handful, mostly Terrafrimacraft (minecraft total conversion mode) servers. I left them either because I got bored with the game or they shutdown for whatever reason.
Why are you a good candidate for this server: I think I am a good candidate because I like to help people and work together to complete something incredible. I constantly offer assistance to people however I can. I believe that I am a mature person and capable of gaming with others in a civil manner.
Do you plan on uploading youtube videos or streaming on twitch: No plans as of right now, no.
Number of hours you plan to play and what time: I could play anywhere from 2 to 8 hours a day. I work third shift so it would mostly be in the mornings when I get home from work, or if I have the night off then probably all night. Hope to see you in game!
Username: mazuffer
Age: 27
Timezone/where do you live: UTC+2, Finland
How many minecraft servers you've played on/where/why did you leave/etc: 2, both vanilla. Played on redstrype,com ~2 years ago, left it to play on Introversion's server with some friends I knew from another game.
Why are you a good candidate for this server: I like building stuff with other people, sharing ideas etc. I just started playing FTB a few days ago in single player and it feels so lonely.
Do you plan on uploading youtube videos or streaming on twitch: No, maybe streaming once I get a new computer, but that's not happening in the near future.
Number of hours you plan to play and what time: 2-6 hours in the evenings on weekdays, usually more on weekends.
Username: wafflewarden

Age: 24

Timezone/where do you live: Pacific Standard Time, I live in California

How many minecraft servers you've played on/where/why did you leave/etc: When I first started minecraft during beta I flirted with the idea of joining a community. Being inexperienced I joined some non whitelisted pvp servers, looking for a team battle system. I had a romanticized idea of factions competing with one another for honor, land, and resources. I was incredibly disappointed when I discovered these servers were merely filled with vast griefing and spawn camping. Dissuaded from servers, I kept to myself. I played on a home server with my two cousins and played SSP. About six months ago, I decided to join a vanilla minecraft community called the Aurora server. I am still a member of this server and have good standing with them.

Why are you a good candidate for this server: Though I enjoy vanilla minecraft I have become enamored by mod packs such as FTB and tekkit lately. The new mods make the game feel fresh and new, and brings me back to the good ol' days of discovering the wonders of minecraft for the first time. I want to experience this with a group of similarly minded people. I hope to join a server that hosts open minded, fun, and respectful individuals. I have been seeking a FTB server since the modpack came out but all I have found are servers full of griefing and begging for items, teleports, summons, etc...

I am a good candidate because I enjoy playing with other people, I like to collaborate, share ideas, and explore in groups. I never grief or complain, and will never asked for spawned items or special privileges, in my opinion these things ruin the point of the game. Minecraft is fun alone, but it is amazing with others. I know I am a year shy of your age limit, but I am a working adult that knows how to coexist with others, hopefully it doesn't discourage you from considering this application.

Do you plan on uploading youtube videos or streaming on twitch: Currently no. I have thought about it, but honestly I am terrified to start. Maybe in the future

Number of hours you plan to play and what time: I work nights so I would primarily play during the early afternoon and evening. I plan on playing at least a couple hours a day.
Username: ShutInSteve
Age: 33
Timezone/where do you live: CST - Texas

How many minecraft servers you've played on/where/why did you leave/etc: ~4; official McMMO server, Private whitelist vanilla server x2 hosted on a friends dedicated server (still currently play on one), ORB Guild server.

Why are you a good candidate for this server: Fan of the mindcrack folks, been subbed to them for a couple years now. Also looking for a server with a good community and friendly like minded players who enjoy toying with mods in minecraft. I have been a hard vanilla survival player for a couple years now and as fun as that is, It can get a bit old over time. Playing with mods assist in relieving the tedium that pure vanilla minecraft can bring. And would like to share the experience of derping around with mods trying to create aesthetically pleasing builds, can be difficult with some mods, but the challenge is enjoyable.

Do you plan on uploading youtube videos or streaming on twitch: Youtube, no; Streaming perhaps one day.

Number of hours you plan to play and what time: My playtime revolves around my sleep schedule which usually shifts pretty frequently. I typically play ~2-5hours a day with 1-2 days away from minecraft every so often.
Username: Lady_Ceres
Age: 30
Timezone/where do you live: EST, Pennsylvania
How many minecraft servers you've played on/where/why did you leave/etc: I have been on many different servers, I've tried to play vanilla but didn't enjoy that so I've bounced around tekkit servers. A good few of them were filled with severely antisocial people or unfriendly people or just had server lag and that sort. There was no real bad reason as to why I left.
Why are you a good candidate for this server: I do enjoy socializing quite a bit though I do admit to getting tunnel vision and becoming quiet when I am playing at times. This game is just so fun, I think all of us end up in focus mode every now and then. I enjoy building nice things and would just like to get on a good server that I can call home and be a part of a community. Would really love to end up on a stable server with people that are actually in my age range.
Do you plan on uploading youtube videos or streaming on twitch: No
Number of hours you plan to play and what time: I don't have a specific number of hours or timeframe that I play. Though I am most active in the daytime I do also at times play at night. Lately I have been a bit busy IRL but I still do enjoy stopping by for a bit of minecraft :D
Username: Pudge171
Age: 29
Timezone/where do you live: Central (Minnesota)
How many minecraft servers you've played on/where/why did you leave/etc: I have been on a couple but most of them had a community that wasn't very mature so I ended up not stay.
Why are you a good candidate for this server: I have been looking for a good SMP server to start doing some recordings on so I'm looking for a good/mature community to would be good for Let's Plays.
Do you plan on uploading youtube videos or streaming on twitch: I currently have a FTB LP that I am doing right now so yes!
Number of hours you plan to play and what time: 2 hours or so most nights between 9 and 11 Central time.