JVM Arguments for Modded Minecraft (Updated 12/30/13)

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The new vanilla minecraft launcher has a JVM arguments field, what arguments should I use to optimise performance? Can I just use the FTB launcher arguments or is it a different kettle of fish?

@fingersome: Use the ones listed under "server".

@Eyamaz: how's the revised set of arguments coming along?
Well, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. The next world I'm going to start is going to make even my CPU huff and puff, due to running Alternate Terrain Generation. At least twice as expensive to generate a chunk for the first time, and even when loaded in, the landscape routinely goes up into the y-hundreds instead of hugging the sea level like vanilla does. The whole 256 block height is utilized in some cases. Now add to that the fact that I'm a view range fetishist that ups the chunk load range value in server.properties to the maximum possible at all times... ;)

Probably not going to have more than 2-3 people in the world at the same time, but I still imagine that keeping that memory organized is going to be more important than in any of my other worlds.
I'm using atg in some of my packs. The biggest issue I'm having is rendering speed with the terrain with the arguments I'm working on. An f3-a fixes it but it's annoying to have to do. Other wise I'm getting decent fps and very few WSEs from the gc. I've managed to do some heavy tweaking of tiered compilation, removed the need for codecache flushing, dropped permgen to 256 and the codecache to 1024m. I have to do some more smp testing though.
I could be an independent tester... ;)

Still waiting for Thermal Expansion 3.0 though. It's close, I smell it...!
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I could be an independent tester... ;)

Still waiting for Thermal Expansion 3.0 though. It's close, I smell it...!

I'm fine with that. I'll pm you my current testing iteration when I get home from work tonight. Just about to start my shift.
ATG is a major memory hog in my testing; single player it wants to drive the demand up to 400 MB for tenured space for me.

But I'm no longer testing with ATG.
I'm testing with the new killer, the deep dark.

(hint: Y=255 generation in every chunk.)
Haha, and three quarters of it is solid blocks too, isn't it. I can imagine that that can get quite heavy.
Worse, I don't think very many of the minichunks are pure air. Even in the "middle" there are columns all over the place.

Did you know that in the deep dark "jungle", vines will grow?
I haven't played around in the deep dark yet. That is the new exra utilities dim isn't it?
And a major "WOW".

Yes, deep dark is the extra utilities dimension. (What does a dimension have to do with utilities? Feating Creepers...)

But ...

With both COG and UB loaded, defined, and told to do nothing in the deep dark, initial arrival is fast, and memory usage is "tame" -- higher than normal, but not a runaway.

All of the issues only come when one or both of these is used.

So ...

Either Underground Biomes (nice, decorative stones) or Custom Ore Generation (Mining veins) needs to be reconsidered ...

Sadface, I like both of these.

("Feating Creepers" = "Creeping Features".)
IIRC both UB and CoG use a "replace" code instead of the stdWorldgen. I'd have to go through the source to be sure.
Using a replace method actually takes place after the world gen is already finish, which is the reason they take longer.
I could be an independent tester... ;)

Still waiting for Thermal Expansion 3.0 though. It's close, I smell it...!

Smell it? I have been swimming in it the last few days, those tantalizing screenshots from IRC and the wiki are keeping me on 1.5.2 until its out.

Also put me down for testing if you need more testers.
Smell it? I have been swimming in it the last few days, those tantalizing screenshots from IRC and the wiki are keeping me on 1.5.2 until its out.

Also put me down for testing if you need more testers.

Do you know how to use Java Mission Control or VisualVM?
Yeah, I sort of know how to use VisualVM and it seems easy enough if you can read English and know how to Google what you don't know.
updated. massive wall of stuff due to needing to heavily configure TieredCompilation. not finished yet, but these have been fairly stable.