Just a question

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, I ran OPIS in an attempt to figure out why my DW 1.7.10 world was lagging to the point of needing to restart, and it told me that there were currently 567 chunks that were loaded. Sure, out of those 567 chunks, I've probably only passed through 30 of them to get to where I "live" now. My main question - if it's these loaded chunks that are bogging down the game, how do I force-unload them? Is it even possible?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
On default the player loads 441 chunks. Additionally a quite large radius around the world spawn is always loaded. 567 chunks seems a reasonable number.
What do you mean by lagging? TPS or FPS?
It's not really the number of loaded chunks that matter but more what's going on in these chunks. A few chunks with many machines and stuff obviously has a greater impact than a chunk with no tile entities or mobs in it.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
After a bit of tooling around, I did find however that JourneyMap was a MAJOR contributor to the lagging issues that I was having. I took that out, and the game seems to be running smoother. I also found some Java arguments (I don't remember where I got them from) that seem to help out with chunk loading times, Client tick rates, etc. The only real issues that I am having now revolve around Thaumcraft/Vanilla issues (new world w/ starter chest enabled - original spawn was set in a Cultist ring causing the game to crash on load, 2nd run - no chest, spawn out in the middle of a desert nearly 500 blocks from original spawn).