Johnleys fast and easy Server Setup Guide.

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You might have a problem. Even with a couple of people, with all the mods in FTB, you have a lot of data to send. I had a tekkit server a while ago, on my laptop to test some stuff. I had two players, and they both had issues when they got near my base, sometimes the world wouldn't load, and sometimes they would just straight up crash. I haven't measured the amount of data it sends to each player, but it is certainly more than vanilla minecraft. I cant really say what upload speed you would need, but don't be surprised if you get slow world loading near some complex machinery and whatnot. I would recommend setting a limit on timers, as those things cause so many block updates, its hard to keep up.
I do have the option of having a local friend host as his up speed is considerably faster. He is also thinking of upgrading to 25mb/s up. I'm sure that speed wouldn't have issues with the amount of people we'll have on the server.

Right now I'm just trying to find a non bloated linux distro to run the server and function as my Sickbeard machine. Once I get the linux distro ironed out the rest should be pretty simple to setup.
I understand the rules about outside advertising, though it makes life more difficult. Any recommendations on where to find (or at least start looking for, if rules are firm on this point) decent hosting? I look at places like dreamhost that want to charge an arm and a leg for 2GB of memory, and suspect that I'm doing something wrong.
FTB requires a bit more oomph than a regular minecraft server. Try looking at places that offer plain VPSes or even dedicated servers where you can do what you like with them (some are even cheaper than the so called "Minecraft host" providers)...

Just check the terms and conditions to make sure the cpu usage and network activity won't break their terms.
I wouldnt run apt-get remove samba* bind* sasl* --purge

If broke everything. It basically removed the entire system.
I wouldnt run apt-get remove samba* bind* sasl* --purge

If broke everything. It basically removed the entire system.

Yeah it did. Saw this comment after i'd done it. Having to e-mail my host to get things working again.
Now we need to make linux recognize that file as an executable. run:
$ chmod a+x Server\
and then run:
$ ./Server \
BOOM! you now are loading a server. go play.
Now go check out This post on how to improve what you just made. Dudes a genius, I had completely forgot about naming screen sessions >.<

These part's won't work for me, when I run "chmod a+x Server\" it does nothing. Then when I try "./Server \" Say's no file or directory.
The tutorial to setup the backup script was really helpful!

While setting up the a modified version of this i ran into a problem with the normal time stamp format (%H:%M), as the colon was interpreted to indicate a server address. To avoid this i added --force-local and to just backup the server directory i added -C /path/to/home to cd to the home dir before starting the backup. That way you won't get the whole path starting at root in the tar but instead just the relevant stuff.
Any tips for quickly checking ram/cpu usage? I have access to the VPS console so that is always an option but I sure feel all warm and cozy when I look at the MyMcAdmin graphs going by..
Any tips for quickly checking ram/cpu usage? I have access to the VPS console so that is always an option but I sure feel all warm and cozy when I look at the MyMcAdmin graphs going by..

I use HTop and Top in a separate console window to monitor it. There are some things you can install that can create graphs/charts similar to McMyAdmin as well, I don't use them so not sure which ones are best at the moment.
A couple of nits to pick:

In Unix (Linux) don't use spaces In the file names. Not good. Confusing when listing files.

Using tar --

Usually the idiom goes like this:

tar cf - <stuff to tar> > mynew.tar

To compress it:

tar cf - <stuff to tar> | gzip -c > mynew.tar.gz

That - is important. the f flag specifies the output file (or input file). - in this case is stdout
the stdout of the tar is the stdin to the gzip (which expects it on stdin via -c)...

Learning to use the | (pipe) is essential to administering Unix (Linux)

U can use the z flag in tar now days to make this simpler:

tar czf - <stuff to tar> > mynew.tar.gz

We like .tar.gz vs. .tgz

Ever try copying folders with tar?

tar cf - <stuff to tar> | (cd DSTFOLDER ; tar xf - )

You can even tar between machines (this is really esoteric, better alternatives like scp)

tar cf - <stuff to tar> | ssh dd of=mynew.tar

And my favorite: WARNING

Real warnings about tar:

tar cannot copy special files (like files in /dev)
tar doesn't always copy symbolic links as you expect unless you are explicit with the options.

for those cases, cpio is a better command[DOUBLEPOST=1383714311][/DOUBLEPOST]
Any tips for quickly checking ram/cpu usage? I have access to the VPS console so that is always an option but I sure feel all warm and cozy when I look at the MyMcAdmin graphs going by..

A simple non curses based machine status is via "vmstat"

$ vmstat 1 200

polls once per second 200 times.

$ vmstat 5 10

polls once per 5 seconds 10 times


$ man vmstat
how do i add a singleplayer world into the server

Go into your single player saves folder and open the world folder you want. For me it would be C:\Users\DZCreeper\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\Modded\minecraft\saves\WelcomeToTheJungle

Then on your server, make sure there is an empty world folder. On my Ubuntu machine this would be /home/MCuser/Modded/world

Now, place all the files within your single player world folder into the world folder on the server.
hi ive gotten the the bit where u chmod the file but im a bit confused about the ./server and the chmod a+x server\. the file is called in my directory /var/games/minecraft/servers/FTB. if someone could help me out that would be great
Not sure what you are asking help for...

If you want to make it really simple, then from the top directory of your server (where the server.jar is) do this:

chmod -R 755 .

That's a dot at the end, it means the current directory and -R means recursive. 755 gives all the contents rwxr-xr-x which is fine.

Non directories dont need the x bit set, but it won't matter.

chmod is a command in Unix systems to change the mode of the file. Typically to set permissions, but there are other bits set in the mode that don't deal with permissions (to make a file sticky, or set SUID or SGID bits, which isn't relevant here)


type man chmod

Nonetheless, "chmod u+x file" is short hand for "add the x (execute) bit to file for the owner of the file"

Directories need to have at least r-x (5) permission to be able to read their contents.

Where are these numbers coming from? The permissions are grouped into three sets.

Permissions for "u" (the owner of the file)
Permission for "g" (the group owner of the file)
Permission for "o" (other, aka everyone else)

Each permission u, g and o is made up of three bits.

The order of the permission bits is "r", "w" and "x" for read, write and execute bits respectively.

A permission of 7 is decimal for 111 binary which means r, w and x bits are all set.
Mode 5 is decimal for 101 binary which means "r" is set, and "x" is set, but "w" is not set.
Mode of 0 is decimal for 000 binary which means no bits are set.
Mode 4 is decimal for 100 binary which means just the "r" bit is set
Mode 6 is decimal for 110 binary which means just the "r" and "w" bits are set


So if a file is modified with:

chmod 755 file

then for the owner, the permission is 7 decimal, 111 binary thus "r", "w" and "x"
for the group owner, the permission is 5 decimal, 101 binary thus "r" and "x"
for other, the permission is 5 decimal, 101 binary, thus "r" and "x"
thus if you do:

ls -l file

you'll see the permissions printed as:


the use of a+x or u+x or g+x etc.. is just short hand for OR'ing the bit to the existing perms.

If the file was already mode 444 (pop quiz, what does that mean?... hint read only)

Doing chmod a+x file makes the new permissions 555 (we added the "x" bit which is a 1. 4+1 = 5)

The other files in your server can simply be 644 (rw-r--r--)

The shell script "" could be set to 744 (rwxr--r--) to make it executable by the owner, but not group or other users.

If the magic is in the file (the first line is #!/bin/bash) then making the file executable means you can just type the name on the command line and if it's in your path, it'll execute.

If the file didn't have the execute bit set, you can still run it by providing it as an argument to the shell:

$ bash

With the x bit set for u (owner):

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Hitted Enter and nothing happend, even as root xD No error messages, just a new line.
Doing an ls gave no files download also.

That link is dead thats why. I did the samething till I checked the link to figure out what was going on.

@Johnley, Mind making a setup guide for Bungeecord? I would like to create a hub/lobby for feature servers.
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Samba is a wonderful utility. In this case making a tutorial on use of Samba for file management from Linux to Windows to OSX would greatly benefit and stop the use of other utilities.