A couple of nits to pick:
In Unix (Linux) don't use spaces In the file names. Not good. Confusing when listing files.
Using tar --
Usually the idiom goes like this:
tar cf - <stuff to tar> > mynew.tar
To compress it:
tar cf - <stuff to tar> | gzip -c > mynew.tar.gz
That - is important. the f flag specifies the output file (or input file). - in this case is stdout
the stdout of the tar is the stdin to the gzip (which expects it on stdin via -c)...
Learning to use the | (pipe) is essential to administering Unix (Linux)
U can use the z flag in tar now days to make this simpler:
tar czf - <stuff to tar> > mynew.tar.gz
We like .tar.gz vs. .tgz
Ever try
copying folders with tar?
tar cf - <stuff to tar> | (cd DSTFOLDER ; tar xf - )
You can even tar
between machines (this is really esoteric, better alternatives like scp)
tar cf - <stuff to tar> | ssh some.remotehost.com dd of=mynew.tar
And my favorite:
Real warnings about tar:
tar cannot copy special files (like files in /dev)
tar doesn't always copy symbolic links as you expect unless you are explicit with the options.
for those cases, cpio is a better command[DOUBLEPOST=1383714311][/DOUBLEPOST]
Any tips for quickly checking ram/cpu usage? I have access to the VPS console so that is always an option but I sure feel all warm and cozy when I look at the MyMcAdmin graphs going by..
A simple non curses based machine status is via "vmstat"
$ vmstat 1 200
polls once per second 200 times.
$ vmstat 5 10
polls once per 5 seconds 10 times
$ man vmstat