I am looking to get a dedicated server with 2gb memory, intel atom 230/d425 (1Core/2Threads). Will this work with a server of an average of 7 players?
>mfwsome very decent laptops for hosting could be had for under $700.
mv Server \Start.sh start.sh
I am stuck on the very last step.
schreck@SandBox:~/mc$ ./Server \Start.sh
-bash: ./Server: No such file or directory
schreck@SandBox:~/mc$ ./Server \Start.sh
-bash: ./Server: No such file or directory
Any help?
./Server\ Start.sh
mv Server\ Start.sh start.sh
# Set time for backup process
TIME=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d.%H:%M")
# Set destination and source path for tar command
# Turning world-save off and broadcast msg ING
screen -S ftb -X stuff "say Starting backup. World not saving... $(printf '\r')"
screen -S ftb -X stuff "save-off $(printf '\r')"
screen -S ftb -X stuff "save-all $(printf '\r')"
# Backup with tar for compressed file
tar -czf $DEST $SRC
# Turning world-save on and broadcast msg
screen -S ftb -X stuff "save-on $(printf '\r')"
screen -S ftb -X stuff "say Backup complete. World saving... $(printf '\r')"
You can buy servers, they have a better price to performance ratio than even desktops.The laptop I use for a server is on 24/7, and nothing is required except the occasional reboot while I use compressed air on the fan, and I run any updates during that time. I know that desktops are much better price to performance ratio, but large desktop machines filled with high end gear is not something I would ship, even with insurance.
4Gb should work.
Curious, whats your upload speed? If its only around 5mb/s like mine, I could see some issues there. How many players do you plan on having on the server?